"Sir, all the warriors have been assembled long ago, and they are all waiting for your order."

Cang Ming hearing this immediately said aloud.

The second team Captain and the third team Captain who were following Cang Ming also stepped forward, clasped their fists and saluted, and asked for orders.

"My lord, please give the order, I will wait for go through water and tread on fire, and I will die!"

The believer of the god of war will never fear to fight.

If the compatriots died in battle, they naturally wanted to take revenge.

"Okay, then use this battle to tell the creatures of this world that the god of battle is powerful!"

"We want them to understand that they believe in the battle The most correct choice is under the crown of the gods. The brilliance under the crown of the gods of war will shine in every corner of this land!"

Cang Zhan shouted loudly.

"The brilliance under the crown of the god of war will shine on this world!"

Everyone inside and outside the camp, after hearing this sentence, all fell on one knee. Drink it piously.

Suddenly, the imposing manner is like a rainbow.


City of Life, inside the Qi Le shop.

After the victory of Dwarf Race, Yafir immediately came over to report victory.

"Dwarf Race won? Then the morale of Human Race should be broken."

Qi Le was not surprised by this situation.

After all, Dwarf Race is one of the North Mountain Range Three Great Races, even if it is now declining, and was completely unprepared by Human Race.

But once the reaction is over, there is no problem blocking Human Race's attack.

even more how Elf Race and the beast ears are watching.

"Well, I heard that it was Sister Shana who led the person."

Yafeier explained.


To be honest, Qi Le has always been confused about these titles.

I always feel that Yafeier and the others are shouting each other. Although they have been shouting like this all the time, the sense of violation has never disappeared.

"By the way, Sister Shanna also said that the effect of the Undead Recovery Magic is quite shocking, and thanks to the Undead Recovery Magic, that battle was particularly easy to win."

Phil didn't care about Qi Le's expression, and went on to say.

"Things that are expected, things that are unknown, are always scary."

"However, if Elf Race also participated in the battle..."

Qi Le squinted his eyes and paused for a while before he smiled and said, "It seems that those guys should start a general attack. Crafty plots and machinations are not their style."

It disdains the use of crafty plots and machinations for the weak.

They prefer to use unmatched power to crush the weak and show their strength.

Even the forging god who had sullied Qi Le back then has never used any conspiracy, but used a conspiracy.

"Hey, Qi Store Manager, why did you say the same, Ranchi uncle, they also said the same."

Yafeil looked at Qi Le in surprise.

The thinking of powerhouse always coincides in some places.

"Really, they should be prepared, and then they are waiting for the believers under the god of war to take the initiative to attack."

"After waiting so long, they finally Ca n't help it anymore."

Qi Le laughed.

In this battle, Qi Le is still an outsider so far.

As the so-called bystanders are clear.

So Qi Le sees these things very clearly, now is the time to compete with Peak battle strength.

Sairatl needs to take care of their race, but the messenger of the god of war, there is no that many scruples.

This thing for believers, under compelled by circumstances, if you give it up, you give it up.

There will not be much loss.

at worst, find a piece of Heaven and Earth again, and then develop new believers.

But a race is destroyed, but there is nothing left.

Even if the fire is left behind, it is extremely difficult to develop and grow again.

Therefore, Serater and the others must come out with a 12-point battle strength to prevent outsiders from attacking.

Otherwise, you will make a mistake and lose all the games.


After Cang Zhan made his decision, his next move was quite fast.

The three Captains led the team separately and led the warriors of the Human Race to attack the three races.

And Cang Zhan observes the battle from the rear, ready to support at any time.

Although Cang Zhan has confidence in his own people, this kind of battle is always just in case and prepared.

Being blindly arrogant will only fall in the sewer.

As for the Human Race clansman who went to the battlefield with the people of Cang Zhan, it was said that he was going to Zhuangsheng, or that he was waiting to take over the city-state.

In short, in this battle, the imposing manner of the god of war must be played out.

After all, Cang Zhan and the others will not stay in the northern mountain range all the time, they are only responsible for developing believers.

Then wait for the god of war to collect the strength of faith.

As for the future, it can only be handled by Human Race.

So bringing the clansman of Human Race can be regarded as a kind of alternative stand-up. It is intended to tell them that they must never betray the god of war.

Otherwise, you cannot afford the consequences.

"The wizard Holy City is ahead, everyone, get ready for battle!"

A team of Captain Cangming, standing still in the void, use Battle Qi to transmit the voice Got out.

In this battle to determine the ultimate success or failure, the task of the first team is to defeat the elf Holy City and get rid of the elf queen under the leadership of Cang Ming.

Since the war is about to start, it is natural to take the hinterland directly and directly attack the root of the problem.

So other city-states do not need to bother, as long as the Elf Queen is solved, the Elf Race will naturally have no leader.

When the time comes, it is very simple to deal with.

Hearing Cangming's voice, the soldiers who were still on the attack immediately took out their weapons and entered a state of preparation for battle.

This time, there is no roar, no shouting.

Since it was a sudden attack, of course, the smaller the movement, the better.

So apart from the clang of taking out the weapon, there is only the sound of running footsteps, heavy breathing, and the sound of horseshoes, all mixed together.

In the course of the attack, everyone looked serious and no one spoke.

There is only one idea in everyone's heart, that is to break the elves Holy City, and then destroy Elf Race.

Although this goal is indeed a little harder, it sounds a bit impossible to accomplish.

But under the belief of the god of war, there is only the human race clansman fighting in his eyes, which is not what I think.

The evil spirits in the army can be contagious.

This is why, on the battlefield, there are often red eyes.

Because of the tyrannical evil spirit, if there is no way to control it, it will affect people's emotions and even make people's temperament change drastically.

"Magician prepares, start siege!"

With the help of Battle Qi, Cangming's indifferent voice reached everyone's ears.

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