"Our race matters, don’t bother you. Elf Race is not as weak as this."

After Tiana heard Cangming’s words, Can't help but sneer.

Then he stretched out his hand, and the magical elements all over the sky suddenly condensed into rain-like rays of light and scattered.

"Bright magic, holy light breaks evil!"

Buff type magic, which can attach a powerful magic attack to the target's attack.

Tiana is really not good at fighting.

But in the use of various auxiliary magic, in the entire northern mountain range, Tiana is absolutely qualified to aspire to Peak.

As the holy light magic is scattered, the city wall of Holy City is full of archers.

Bathed in the rays of light rain.

Elf Race is not a race that is good at confrontation, so when defending the city, no clansman was sent out of the city.

Instead, I am waiting on the city wall, ready for the arrow rain, to entertain these "guests" from afar.

"Everyone listens to the order, get ready!"

"Open the bow!"


With the city On the wall, the commander's flag waved.

The archers opened their bows and arrows one after another, and threw the feather arrows blessed with holy light magic.

The feather arrows all over the sky, like a black cloud covering the sky and the sun, covering the sky and covering the earth moved towards Human Race.

Countless arrows continue to fall.

It's like a rainstorm with no end, which makes people trembling in fear just by looking at it.

"sou sou ——!"

The sharp splitting the air sound, as if the soul-collecting sickle is waving.

This scene is absolutely shocking.

"Magician! Open the shield!"

Human Race's response is naturally not slow, even if it is shocked by the rain of arrows.

But the magicians in the team still released their magic, condense a thick magic shield in mid-air.

Countless feather arrows fiercely hit the magic shield, making the sound of crackle.

The cracks quickly surfaced on these magic shields.

Then it spread quickly.


A slight crisp sound came out soon.

Then under the continuous rain of arrows, the overwhelmed magic shield shattered.

"shua shua ——!"


The dull sound of feather arrows piercing into the body suddenly rang .

The arrow rain hiding the sky and covering the earth caused a lot of casualties to the army of Human Race in an instant.

The holy light magic on the feather arrows gives these arrows extremely tyrannical destructive power, as long as they hit the enemy, even if it is not a vital part.

But under the continuous damage of the holy light evil magic, the enemy can also lose battle strength with no difficulty.

The more serious one is death on the spot.

"Hold a shield to protect the people behind you."

A Heroic Rank powerhouse rushing to the front suddenly spoke.

The Holy City occupies a huge area. With their Heroic Rank powerhouse alone, even if the Holy City is breached, it may not be captured.

So we still have to let the clansman of Human Race handle the post-war affairs.


Following this order, the Heroic Rank powerhouse rushing forward, immediately dispersed and retreated, and came to the army of Human Race.

Then began to gather Battle Qi or magic power, condensed into a shield, and topped the Human Race army.

"ding ding dong dong ......"

Countless crisp sounds like the symphony of gold and iron are uploaded from the top of the head.

In the condensed level of Battle Qi and magic, the cultivator of Heroic Rank realm is undoubtedly much stronger than those of Grandmaster Rank.

Therefore, the rain of arrows that could break the magic shield of Human Race magician before, suddenly lost its effect in front of these shields of Heroic Rank powerhouse.

Even with the blessing of holy light magic.

After all, the biggest advantage of this range-type gain magic is its wide range and a large number of friendly forces that can be covered.

But the power allocated to everyone is actually not much.

Being able to kill the enemy of Grandmaster Rank realm with no difficulty is already the limit.

In the face of Heroic Rank powerhouse, naturally it will not have much effect.

The army of Human Race got a chance to breathe, and the momentum of the offensive suddenly became more fierce.

Because at the time of siege, before the city wall of the target city-state is approached, the archer who defends the city has an advantage.

Anyway, the archer is also a long-range rank. If you can't find an advantage even after the distance is widened, it's obediently surrender.

However, it is the same as most remote ranks.

The archer rank is also afraid of being close.

In the same realm, the archer's melee ability may be a bit stronger than that of the magician.

As far as it is compared with the Warrior-type rank or the Knight-type rank, it is really far behind.

After all, the rank characteristics are different, archer simply is not a rank for close combat.

So the Human Race clansman who knew this point naturally had to use the fastest speed to get close to the city wall, and then start fighting at close quarters with the archers of Elf Race.

Otherwise, it has been consumed by arrows rain, and sooner or later the whole army will be wiped out here.

"The unorthodox way is the unorthodox way. With only some weak archers, you want to compete with the warriors who belong to the great god of war?"

"It's a dream! " being held in prison in the rays of light Cang Ming, although not get out, but still be able to see what is underneath the battlefield situation.

At the beginning of the siege, a large number of archer ranks gathered, and the resulting arrow rain was indeed a major obstacle.

However, this kind of obstacle, after the attacking team gets close to the city wall, will naturally collapse.

Now in the army of Human Race, the shield of Heroic Rank powerhouse is protecting.

It's just a matter of time to rush to the city wall of Holy City, the elf.

When it comes to fight at close quarters, when the warrior rank meets the archer, it is a one-sided slaughter.

That's why Cang Ming ridiculed Tiana unceremoniously.

As a powerhouse-level powerhouse, he chose a purely auxiliary rank. From Cang Ming's point of view, that is the unorthodox way.

It's a damn heresy!

"I've said it a long time ago, my race doesn't need you to talk too much!"

Tiana glanced at Cang Ming coldly, and then opened her eyes. The arm, sprinkled the magic power that had been condensed long ago.

"The net of light, forbidden air domain!"

It is another limited magic that can only be released by the magician of light.

Forbidden air domain, as the name suggests, is to prohibit all magic that uses magic power or flying means formed by Battle Qi.

Mainly to prevent Heroic Rank powerhouse walking in the sky.

Because Heroic Rank powerhouse can walk in the sky, its essence is to rely on its own powerful Battle Qi and magic power to control the surrounding space.

.. You can click on "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1906: Rain of Arrows in the Sky)...

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