Bu Yuyan’s stay in Yuanshan City, although not publicized.

But in the eyes of the Temple of Casting, Bu Yuyan's whereabouts is not a secret, as long as you want to find it, you can find it easily.

"Well, this is indeed my negligence."

After Qi Le's reminder, Bu Yuyan also realized this.

The black hand of His Highness Casting is not uncommon.

Like Xu Hengxiang before and the You Shadow Guard team, if it weren't for Qi Le's foresight, Bu Yuyan would have died several times.

Where will there be the current decisive battle.

"I think Gu Ming is willing to be by your side to make you lose the sense of crisis."

Qi Le shook the head, his tone was rather helpless.

With the strength of Gu Mingyuan Heroic Rank Peak, he can indeed walk unhindered in this World.

But this thing is a sense of crisis, no matter when, there must be talent.

The so-called born in sorrow, died in happiness.

If you want to dominate a family without a sense of crisis, that's really not good.

"I... I know, many thanks for your teachings, Qi Young Master."

Bu Yuyan was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly reacted with a look in her eyes. Nuan, looked towards Qi Le and thanked him.

"Just understand, after all, I'm impossible to protect you for the rest of your life."

Qi Le clicked nodded, said with a smile.

But Qi Le didn't notice. When she said this, Bu Yuyan's eyes were slightly darkened, and then she returned to normal.

"Yes, Young Master Qi is impossible to protect me for the rest of my life, Bu Yuyan, you have to be serious."

"It has been like this, how can you catch up with Qi? The footsteps of Young Master."

Bu Yuyan cheered herself up in her heart.

Qi Le didn't pay attention to Bu Yuyan's expression, but continued to exhort some precautions.

However, Qi Le did not intervene in the arrangement of Bujia clansman and the command in battle.

This kind of large-scale battle is rare, and it can quickly accumulate command experience.

This is also what Bu Yuyan is in urgent need of now.

So of course Qi Le will not try to steal Bu Yuyan's limelight, nor will he intervene in directing.

Just silently preparing, when necessary, to fill in the loopholes in the command plan.

Novice commander, you have to help a little bit.


Probably both sides have counts in their hearts, so the past few days, the Palace of Casting also stopped attacking the Bajia.

The tranquility before the decisive battle.

Even the air is filled with the smell of wind and rain.

By this time, no one dared to despise Bu's family anymore.

After a battle with the Temple of Casting, the Bu family has fully proved his strength and attracted a large number of forces to surrender.

Rise or fall, in one fell swoop.

This is a battle that can change the power pattern of this World. It involves a lot of things that have never been seen before.

Compared with the battle that rose up in the Temple of Forge, it is even more ambitious and spread to a wider range.

Everyone is nervously preparing.

This is a battle related to all of my own net worth. If there are any reservations at this time, it is a joke about my own life.

So all the cards that should be taken have to be taken out.

Feiyan City.

As one of the main battlefields, although the expected battle scale is not as large as that of Yuanshan City, it still cannot be taken lightly.

On the city wall, the number of patrols is more than three times more than usual.

The purpose is to ensure that people in the city-state can be notified in time without being successfully raided by the Palace of Casting.

After all, at this moment, all the forces that are optimistic about the Bu family have already placed their bets.

All the city-states that are affected are impossible to take care of themselves. Even the City Lord and City Guard of those city-states must make a choice.

Otherwise, in this battle, you may be flanked by both sides.

Because of this kind of battle that is full of wealth, it is absolutely impossible to tolerate a wall of grass in the middle.

"What's the situation?"

A clansman from the Bu family yelled to the City Guard on the city wall.

The City Lord of Feiyan City had a good relationship with Bu's family before Feiyan Chamber of Commerce was disbanded.

After this incident, it was the first force to join the Bu family.

So the City Guard of Feiyan City actually has a pretty good relationship with clansman.

"I haven't found it yet."

The City Guard who was questioned responded loudly, and then continued to patrol the city wall.

After Bu's clansman got the answer, he clicked nodded, and then looked up at the bombing airship floating in the sky.

This bomb-dropped airship, but Bu's confidence in Feiyan City.

The strength of battle strength is simply rare in the world.

With the protection of bombing airships, Feiyan City has also become a home, the only city that has not been suppressed by the cultivator of the Casting Palace.

Even in every battle, the Casting Palace can be suppressed back.

Because in reality, bomb bomber airships are designed for large-scale battles. On the contrary, they fight alone, and there is no way to bring out the battle strength of bomb bomber airships.

And another city-state that can suppress the attack of the Temple of Casting back every time is naturally a distant mountain city.

At this time, the bombing airship has also entered a state of preparation.

It's just a bomb airship suspended in the air. In fact, it simply doesn't consume much energy.

The only thing that needs attention is the supply problem in the pod.

"Captain, there are new energy fluctuations on the detector. According to the degree of fluctuation, it should be a cultivator."

The gray leopard stood in front of the magic radar and suddenly made a sound Speaking of.

Although Qi Le told Grey Leopard that this gadget is called a magic radar, in the eyes of Grey Leopard, this gadget is an amplified and enhanced energy fluctuation detector.

So I haven't changed my mind.

"Is it a fluctuating energy that you haven't seen? How many people are there?"

Tiehu who was standing by asked immediately.

The bombing airship can be described as Feiyan City's eyes floating in the sky.

Being recruited by Bu Yuyan himself, and then joined the Hammer mercenary squad of the Bu family, naturally knows this, so Tiehu dare not careless at all.

"There are about a few hundred people, and it seems to be a tentative attack."

The gray leopard enlarged the pattern on the magic radar, and then asked: "Captain , Do you need to sound the alarm?"

"Can the target be locked? First conduct a warning attack."

Tiehu didn’t think for long, and quickly issued the order.

If it is really just a tentative attack by a few hundred people, then there is no need to mobilize the crowd, but to maintain physical strength to meet the main force of the Casting Palace.

In the face of this tentative attack, just retreat and go back.

"Okay, Captain."

The gray leopard clicked nodded and responded.

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