After that, the Grey Leopard immediately locked on the magic radar, and then notified the team members near the railgun.

"Prepare, the position has been locked, and two railguns, as a warning."

"If the target does not retreat, prepare for battle."

"Received. " fighting since such a long time, so long ago hammer mercenary squad and the bombing of airship finished running.

Now we can cooperate very well to control the bombardment airship for battle.


The Grey Leopard swiped his finger on the screen of the magic radar.



I saw the white light flashing across the launch ports of the two railguns.

Immediately afterwards, two strong energy fluctuations appeared on the screen of the magic version of the radar, moving towards the target galloping away.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the railgun’s attack touched the target.

"hong long long ——!"

Looking out from the transparent glass window of the bomb-dropped airship, you can see the location of the orbital gun burst, and the fire is splashing.

But who can't be seen at all.

"Are you hiding?"

Tiehu is frowned, surprised that things will not be so simple.

"Grey Leopard, sound the alarm, this may be a sneak attack! The Temple of Casting wants to do it!"


Grey Leopard was startled by Tiehu's words, his heart jumped, but his hand was dissatisfied, and he immediately pressed the alarm button.


On the city wall of Feiyan City.

The City Guard is still patrolling, and Bu’s clansman also comes to patrol from time to time.

"Are there any new situations?"

Bu's clansman always likes to shout when he makes inspections.

On the one hand, it is to refresh these City Guards and make them patrol seriously, and on the other hand, it is also to alert the people in the city-state.

"I haven't found it yet..."

However, this time, City Guard hasn't finished speaking yet.

A feather arrow pierced the throat of the City Guard, blocking his words in his stomach.

"It 's awful , it's an enemy attack!"

Bujia clansman was shocked when he saw this scene, and just wanted to talk.

An extremely sharp and long alarm sounded from the sky, resounding throughout Feiyan City.

It's the sirens made by the bombing airship!

At this moment, in Feiyan City, all the clansman who was waiting to sleep, and all the big and small forces surrendering to the Bujia were all awakened.

The siren of the bomb bomber is like a horn announcing the beginning of this battle.

The people from the Temple of Casting are here, and the battle should begin.

"Get up all for me, the people in the Casting Hall are going to hit their faces and are still sleeping!"

"Get up, go! All go to the city wall!"

"Weapons and armors are all ready. When you arrive on the battlefield, no one will remind you of these."

Those who are still resting are all being surrounded by People wake up, or kick and fight.

No one will be taken lightly in this battle.


In the bombed airship, the Grey Leopard stared at the screen of the magic version of the radar in amazement. The energy fluctuations displayed on it did not know when it started and became densely packed. stand up.

At a glance, there are tens of thousands of them.

Besides, they are still coming one after another, and they are constantly gathering to Feiyan City.

"It's an array of hidden demons!"

The iron tiger is also experienced and knowledgeable when it comes to traveling north and south. Faced with this situation, he immediately reacted.

The hidden magic array, that is a rare thing.

It can hide all the movement and breath in the magic array, which is definitely a good thing for sneak attacks.

It’s just that Tiehu has heard others mention it by chance before, but if you want to talk about it, it’s the first time I saw it today.

"Hey, the casting hall is really enough for the blood."

The gray leopard was reminded by Tiehu's words, and he also reacted to it, and he said suddenly.

As a rare thing, it must be rare for a reason.

In this world where the perception of the cultivator is really not good, it is quite difficult to create it.

On the one hand, it is because of material problems.

On the other hand, it is also because of the limitations of forging skills.

If perception is not strong, naturally you won't have too deep exposure to concealment skills, because it is unnecessary.

So this hidden demon array is definitely a good thing for trump cards in the Palace of Casting.

"Then, of course, it will cost you money. If the Palace of Castings loses in this battle, in this world, there is no such force as the Palace of Castings."

Tiehu Glancing at the gray leopard, the face instantly changes became serious.

"Everyone, enter a state of combat."

"Indiscriminately attack the area where energy fluctuations occur, and blow me away the concealed demon array!"

This battle is related to the life and death of the Bu family, and the Iron Tiger and the others will naturally not neglect.

The other members of the Hammer Mercenary Squad have also mobilized twelve points of energy, and have entered a state of combat in an all-round way.

The bombing airship that has been floating over Feiyan City, in this brief moment, is fully activated.

Of course, there was no rumbling sound that resounded through Heaven and Earth, but the bombing airship vibrated for a while, and then released a majestic coercion.

This is the situation that only appears after the ancient rune engraved on the bombardment airship is fully activated.

The pressure of Heroic Rank beginner realm can help a lot in this battle.

"The brother who controls the bombing port, is it ready? The target's position has been locked, and it has been sent to you."

The gray leopard swiped the screen of the magic version of the radar. , Shouted.

In front of the center console, the mercenaries controlling the bombing airship also started moving towards the position marked by the gray leopard and started the bombing airship.

"hong long long ——!"

The huge bombardment airship made a huge whine, and then slowly began to move outward from the sky above Feiyan City.

Although speed is not the strength of the bomb-dropped airship, it is only relative to the Heroic Rank powerhouse.

However, in the cultivator of the Casting Palace, how many Heroic Rank powerhouses can there be.

"It's activated, the bomb bomber is activated!"

"Damn the Temple of Casting, I will let you taste the power of bomb bomber immediately."

"Don't look at it, prepare to meet the enemy, do you have to wait until the enemy hits you before you know how to move?"

The start-up sound of the bomb bomber made everyone in Feiyan City follow Excited.

During this period of time, Feiyan City has been invincible when fighting against the Temple of Casting. The bomb-dropped airship has been indispensable, and its battle strength is also obvious to all.

So as long as the bombing airship enters the war, it will have a huge effect on morale improvement.

With such a tyrannical battle strength to hold the line, there is nothing to worry about.

"The bomb bomber has reached the sky above the target, and is locked, ready to attack at any time."

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (the seventeenth Chapter Hundred 97: The beginning of the decisive battle)...

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