Feiyan City is the Place of Origin of Bu’s family, and Yuanshan City is the place where Bu’s rises.

As long as these two city-states are destroyed, then the entire Bu's house is half destroyed.

And the other half is on Bu Yuyan alone.

For a family, clansman is certainly important, but what is really important is the backbone and hope of the family.

As long as the backbone is still there, as long as the hope exists.

Then even if this family is close to the edge of destruction, there are ways to bring it back to life.

But as long as these two distinct things are removed, even if there are more clansman in this family, it will inevitably fall apart.

A family without cohesion is just a mess.

"Yes! Palace Military leader, promise to complete the mission!"

The hall master named immediately came forward to take the order, then bowed back and left the great hall.

The Weapon Hall is the place in the casting hall where the weapons created by the forgers and Forging Masters are stored.

Although it is similar to a warehouse, the contents in it are much more expensive than the items in an ordinary warehouse.

The cultivators of the Forge Hall can usually rely on the number of contribution points they get after completing the task to exchange for the weapons they need in the weapon hall.

In some emergency situations, the Palace Lord can also come forward to open positions and issue weapons directly.

"The people in the information hall are closely monitoring the situation of Bu's family. In addition, they have found the position of Bu's current patriarch."

Duan Wenxin then ordered again.


The remaining hall masters also gave their orders, and then turned and left the great hall.

When he was alone in the great hall, Duan Wenxin lowered his head and picked up the parchment roll and looked at it again.

"The Shadow Guard team suffered a heavy loss. They destroyed the powerhouse of the Forge Temple branch everywhere. It has been initially confirmed that they belong to the Bu family..."

"It seems that I too This activity is active."


Qi Le found Bu Yuyan in Yuanshan City.

To be honest, Bu Yuyan has been in a state of uncertainty for a while. Qi Le was really surprised to see Bu Yuyan in Yuanshan City.

"When did you come back?"

Qi Le asked quite curiously.

During this period of time, Bu Yuyan has been patrolling the development of Bu's industry and power in various city-states.

Of course, this is also to boost the morale of the battle and encourage clansman.

one move, two gains, by the way.

After all, Bu Hangkong has already abdicated, and the position of Bu's patriarch has been given to Bu Yuyan.

If you want to lead the Bujia to develop better and grow faster, it is impossible to understand the situation at the grassroots level.

It's just that this point in time is a bit subtle that's all.

"I came back a few days ago. The attack on the Forge Palace suddenly began to slow down, but our people discovered that the Forge Palace did not retreat, but was hoarding troops."

"I was a little worried, so I came back to Yuanshan City."

When Bu Yuyan saw Qi Le, she was not surprised.

Because of Qi Le's whereabouts, Bu Yuyan doesn't know everything, so no matter where you see Qi Le, you won't be surprised.

"The Temple of Casting has begun to accumulate troops. It seems that they want to fight the Bujia decisively."

Qi Le hearing this suddenly raised his brows and said with a chuckle .

The rise of Bu's family was actually so smoothly because it happened to be a contradiction in the Palace of Casting.

And Qi Le is attacking the morale of the Forge Temple everywhere.

So that when Duan Wenxin had dealt with all the problems, Bu Jia had already gained an unstoppable momentum.

After uniting most of the powerful forces in the world, Bu's strength at this moment, even if it is the Palace of Casting, dare not underestimate it.

That's why I chose to use a decisive battle to determine the outcome.

Because if you wait any longer, when the Bu Family's strength gets stronger and stronger, the Casting Palace will only become more and more uncertain.

It's better to end this battle all at once.

If the Temple of Casting wins, no one in this world can shake the position of the Temple of Casting.

Bu Jiasheng, that is the official rise of a new huge monster, and will step on the Temple of Casting to ascend the throne and sit on a bigger throne.

They are all betting on themselves.

"Yes, I also know that the Casting Palace wants to fight the Bu family decisively."

"It really didn't expect. One day, the Bu family can reach such a high position. Go on, fight with the object you can only look up to."

Bu Yuyan said with emotion.

If you haven't encountered Qi Le, Bu Yuyan is still struggling in Feiyan Chamber of Commerce.

As for the Casting Palace, it really can only be an object to look up to.

Rather than being as strong as it is now, it is so powerful that it can make the Temple of Casting feel jealous, and has to use a decisive battle to suppress the Bujia.

Thinking of this, Bu Yuyan was very grateful that she had agreed to Qi Le's invitation.

If this is not the case, it is impossible for Bu Yuyan to go to this step in her life and see such a magnificent scenery.

Strength, and power.

"So I guess that the Casting Palace will focus on attacking Yuanshan City and Feiyan City."

After Bu Yuyan sighed with emotion, he immediately stated his analysis conclusion .

These two city-states are the foundation of Bu's family.

As long as Yuanshan City and Feiyan City are still there, under the leadership of Bu Yuyan, Bu's family will not be truly destroyed.

And the Palace of Castings wants to fight the Bu family decisively, then it is impossible to know these circumstances.

That's why Bu Yuyan rushed back to Yuanshan City to take a seat.

As for Feiyan City, there is indeed the origin of Bu's family.

But unfortunately, it is not the place where Bu Yuyan rises.

Yuanshan City is where Bu Yuyan knew Qi Le and started to rise with Qi Le's help.

The meaning of these two city-states is different to Bu Yuyan.

"There is nothing wrong with your analysis, but there is one more thing you haven't analyzed."

Qi Le finished listening to this, nodded with a smile, and then spoke.

"Which point?"

Bu Yuyan looked towards Qi Le with some confusion.

"You didn't count yourself in, because only you are there, Bu's family will not fall, at least, until the casting temple is solved, it is like this."

Qi Le said slowly.

This is the power of prestige.

In the current Bu's family, apart from Bu Yuyan, no one can dominate Bu's family with this prestige.

Not even Bu Hangkong.

So for the Temple of Casting, destroying Yuanshan City and Feiyan City is of course very important, but compared to getting rid of Bu Yuyan, it will be on a lower level.

If you choose one of the two, the answer is self-evident.

"So, the real main battlefield should be in Yuanshan City."

Qi Le looked at Bu Yuyan, paused for a while, and then spoke with certainty.

The people of Bu's family can detect the situation of the Casting Hall, and the Casting Hall can naturally detect the situation of the Bu's house.

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