In any case, Bu Yuyan is also generous, and there is no loss to Bu’s family.

As long as the purchase authority of battle-type mecha is still firmly in the hands of Bu Yuyan, that is the biggest hole card.

With those powerful simulation robots looking at the store, there is no need to worry that someone will be unruly and grab the battle-type mecha.

Because the powerhouse, which can defeat the simulation robot, is disdainful of surrendering its status for a battle-type mecha.

"Yes! Eldest Miss!"

Bujia clansman, who was guarding the door, immediately took the order, and then went down to announce this order.

Suddenly, everyone who knew this command became excited.

No one knows how many cultivation resources and forging resources there are in the Temple of Casting. They only know that there are too many to count.

Even if only a little bit comes out of the fingernails, it will be enough for them to worry for a lifetime.

So this order of Bu Yuyan is simply a shot in the arm, pulling the morale of all the people and forces who surrender to the Bu family.

Just waiting for victory, came to tear a piece of meat from the body of the casting hall.


"This Little Lass, this set is quite proficient."

After Qi Le, who was alone outside, learned of the news, Suddenly lost his voice said with a smile.

The set of rewards for meritorious deeds is like a promise made by the leading general to the soldiers before the decisive battle.

Go to battle and kill the enemy, and if you survive, you will be appointed as a nobleman.

If you don't survive, there will be no way.

But in any case, the effect of boosting morale is achieved. No one will feel that they will not survive, so everyone will think about how to make greater contributions.

This is enough.

After all, there is no way to guarantee loyalty to the forces that surrender to Bu's family.

This group of grassroots will eat this set.

The only way to want them to be loyal is to defeat the Temple of Casting.

But the words came again. If Bu's defeated the Temple of Casting, then their loyalty wouldn't really matter.

Because of loyalty to this thing, the effect of provide timely help is far better than the icing on the cake.

After all, when one's own power is strong, no one will die, so naturally everyone is loyal.

However, when it comes to crisis, whether it is true loyalty or false loyalty will begin to manifest.

So Bu Yuyan doesn't care about the thoughts of these people, and naturally she will not deliberately consider the safety of these guys.

Being a cannon fodder requires the consciousness of being a cannon fodder.

The real main force is the battle-type mecha controlled by Bujia.

"It's a good thing to see thoroughly. It seems that my previous worries are unnecessary."

Qi Le glanced back at the city-state behind him.

The area that originally belonged to the Temple of Casting is now tumbling among the raging flames.

"The final battle is not far away, then I should go back."

Constantly destroying the divisions of the Casting Hall, in fact, for the overall strength of the Casting Hall In terms of damage, the damage is not significant.

However, Qi Le's main purpose of revenge on the Forge Hall was to attack the morale of the Forge Hall.

Constantly destroying the branches of the Casting Temple in various city-states, making the people of the Casting Temple restless, people were alarmed, and everyone is in danger.

Then Qi Le's purpose has been achieved.

Morale is self-evident in this large-scale battle.

After all, Qi Le would not do it like that kind of pure anger-venting vengeance. On the one hand, he seemed to have a bad temper, and on the other hand, it was a waste of time.

Although Qi Le's character is indeed reciprocal.

However, purposeful revenge is what a smart person should do.

Blind destruction can only beat the grass to scare the snake.

"Come on, let me see how much power you still have."

Qi Le left such a sentence, and then his figure disappeared instantly In the shadow beside him.

As the wind blew, the traces of Qi Le had been erased thoroughly.


The Temple of Casting.

Duan Wenxin held a parchment scroll in his hand and swept it down at a glance.

Soon, Duan Wenxin put down the sheepskin scroll, and then looked at the hall masters standing next to Eldest Prince blankly.

Since the disposal of Great Elder, these hall masters have become more in awe of Duan Wenxin.

Every time I stand in this great hall and face the question from Duan Wenxin, everyone is trembling with fear, for fear that he has made any mistakes, and then he is caught by Duan Wenxin.

That's a terrible thing.

Duan Wenxin deliberately waited for this opportunity in order to be able to speak in the casting hall.

Now I run to touch the mold, it is really tired of living.

"The dignified casting hall was defeated by the Bu's family. You guys, don't you have anything to say?" Duan Wenxin was silent for a long time, and then suddenly said aloud.

The cold tone scared the hall masters in the great hall to keep quiet out of fear, not knowing how to answer the conversation.

This kind of question is a little bit wrong, and maybe I will be caught out to divert my anger.

To say more is more wrong than to say nothing.

Duan Wenxin looked at the silent hall masters in the great hall, and couldn't help but let out a sneer, saying: "It seems that my casting hall has been silent for too long, so the world has forgotten the casting. The power of the hall is over."

"Now that the inner worries of the casting hall have been removed, then the external troubles should also be cleaned up."

All the hall masters did not speak, naturally. Waiting for Duan Wenxin to speak.

No one would refute Duan Wenxin's face at this time, so basically he remained silent, waiting for Duan Wenxin to give orders.

Anyway, if you want to keep yourself from being caught, then just follow the command line obediently and honestly.

So as soon as Duan Wenxin said this, the hall masters immediately appeared.

"Subordinates are willing to share the worries for the military leader of the palace!"

These words are sonorous and powerful.

To express loyalty, you must be sincere.

As for whether it is sincere, it is not that important, because Duan Wen wants only this sentence.

"It's good if you have this heart. If so, then be prepared."

"Among the two most important city-states, Yuanshan City And Feiyan City, those of you who have investigated this information should be very clear."

Duan Wenxin asked in a deep voice.

While talking, Duan Wenxin's gaze swept across the faces of the hall masters, seeing that there were no expressions similar to doubts on their faces, and he continued to speak.

"Now, I need you to destroy these two city states."

"This time's mission, the Weapon Hall of the Forge Hall will provide you with everything you need. There is no upper limit for the weapon."

Compared with the Great Elder of the Foundry Hall, Duan Wenxin looks at the problem much more clearly.

Instead of distributing the power and wanting to capture all the city-states in the Bu family's scope, it is better to concentrate on destroying Bu family's most important stronghold.

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