Under the control of Qi Le’s magical skills , the battle-type mecha is like dancing a waltz. Between gestures, all enemies around you appear, All fell to the ground.

The movements are elegant, but the shots are extremely precise.

Every action has a very clear goal, and all actions are not wasted at all.

Seeing blood at the shots, and fighting back.

At this moment, Qi Le is explaining one thing to these cultivators, that is, how terrifying the fighting skills are when they are at their peak.

And the most terrifying thing is that even the battle-type mecha is so huge.

But the people in the Temple of Casting, but simply can't touch the side of the battle-type mecha, every time it is a small difference, and the price is his own life.

The laser lightsaber waved like a sickle of Soul Evocation.

Defeated the cultivators of the Forge Temple steadily, without fighting back.

Until the last person retreated, Qi Le took back the laser lightsaber and put the hilt back into the slot again.

"Why is it over so soon? It's rare for me to have such a good opportunity to control mecha to fight."

"It's a pity."

Qi Le slapped his mouth with some regret, then looked back at the city wall, and left without saying hello.

Come here this time, just test the formidable power of battle-type mecha.

Therefore, I still don't do the extra things.


"Metal doll......"

The battle report from the front line came to Bu Yuyan's hands faster than expected.

In the study room, Bu Yuyan's face was obviously joyful, looking at the battle report in her hand, slowly flipping.

"Qi Young Master, this metal doll, is that the battle-type mecha you mentioned?"

After reading the battle report in her hand, Bu Yuyan lifts the head, looked towards Qi Le, who was sitting aside drinking tea.

"Your tea is not very tasty."

Qi Le put down the tea cup in his hand, and after a pretentious aftertaste, he said aloud.


Bu Yuyan was completely unprepared by Qi Le's answer, and was immediately stunned.

This tea is the best tea in Bu's family. Isn't it delicious?

"No, I actually don't know how to drink tea. All the tea is not so good for me. Don't care too much."

Qi Le sees Bu Yuyan With a stunned expression on his face, he added something calmly.

There are a few youngsters who like to drink tea.

The bitterness and bitterness in it are hard to taste after drinking, so I might as well save it for later.

"So, don't make tea for me in the future."

Qi Le finally added another sentence.

Because Qi Le doesn't understand, what kind of hospitality is spreading about making tea, you can have tea whenever you want, whether you want to drink it or not.

You served a glass of Fat House Happy Water, isn’t it fragrant?

"Okay... Then Qi Young Master, this battle-type mecha..."

Bu Yuyan was a little dazed by this kind of leap of thinking, it can only be awkward. Answered.

"You said battle-type mecha, yes, I drove to the front line and tested mecha's battle strength."

Qi Le finally returned to the topic , Nodded said.

"In other words, is this battle-type mecha a new product that can be supplied immediately?"

After Bu Yuyan heard that his guess was affirmed, he immediately Excited.

According to the battle report from the front line, the battle-type mecha can be said to be worth a thousand. The strength of battle is absolutely shocking.

With this weapon, the Bu family doesn’t have to fear the Temple of Casting.

"The new product is indeed a new product. However, the battle-type mecha is different from the previous product. It places high demands on the driver."

Qi Le said, It was like a basin of cold water, which instantly extinguished Bu Yuyan's excitement.

"It's very high...how high is it?"

Bu Yuyan asked somewhat restlessly.

If even Qi Le said that the requirements are very high, then this requirement is definitely not low.

So it’s better to prepare as soon as possible.

"Don't say that you can control mecha to the point where you can use your arms, at least you must be able to use the basic combat skills fully proficient."

Qi Le simply does not need to think, Speaking directly.

Basic fighting skills, this is something that every cultivator must learn.

These are the things that must be learned even if the waste is piled up with medicine and the medicine jars with zero combat experience.

If not, then it is really just a waste of brute force.

When you encounter other cultivators, you can only be slaughtered.

Let alone learn other martial skills or magic.

I am afraid that if I learned a new martial skill and forced it to display, it would only flash my waist first.

"Does it take a long time to learn these things?"

Bu Yuyan asked nervously.

As a standard ordinary person, I don’t know what the cultivator’s basic fighting skills are, and it’s normal.

So Qi Le didn't mean to belittle, but touched his chin and pondered for a while before replied: "This thing depends on the innate talent, the length of time can be short."

"Which is the shortest?"

Bu Yuyan hurriedly said.

Because the Bu family lacks time most now, simply can't afford to wait.

After all, if the Casting Palace is willing to give the Bu family time, then even if there is no battle-type mecha, the Bu family may not be afraid of the Casting Palace.

But the problem is that the Temple of Casting has now begun to attack.

Bu's family doesn't have much time to use.

"The shortest, one day will do."

This time Qi Le didn't think about it, and the answer was blurted out.

The basic fighting skills are not complicated, but if you learn it, it simply won't take long.

However, the difficulty is how to be proficient and brought to the point of perfection.

Because basic fighting skills are the foundation.

Basic things are always easy to learn but difficult to master.

Like a language, learning how to speak and how to make sentences is not so difficult.

But how many people can really study a language in depth?

After in-depth research, how many people can understand?

"Just one day?! Very good!"

Unfortunately, Bu Yuyan didn't understand these things, but when Qi Le said "one day", she suddenly showed a surprised expression .

"Don't be too happy too early. There are no innate talents. People who need to learn a half a month for ten days are not among the few."

Qi Le didn't hesitate, and did it right away. It broke Bu Yuyan's "illusion".

However, half a month in ten days is considered the limit.

Even if you do radio gymnastics, you should have learned it for so long.

even more how these basic things are not as complicated as broadcast gymnastics.

This is the same as the technique of learning weapons, the basic movements are always only so few.

For example, knife method.

The basic movements are roughly: slash, slash, stab, collapse, point, chop, lick, cut, and pierce.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1788: Basics)...

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