It doesn’t take long to learn these basic actions.

And almost all sword techniques are extended from these basic movements.

But if you want to truly master these skills, it is not time to do it overnight.

There must be time to temper.

However, special circumstances, special treatment.

Qi Le is also impossible to ask those clansman to practice those basic fighting skills to the point of brought to the point of perfection in a short period of time, which is simply unrealistic.

It would be nice to be proficient.

"Ten days half a month...This, I don’t know if it can last until that time."

The surprise on Bu Yuyan’s face disappeared at a speed visible to naked eye, Then it turned into worry.

"I said, are you stupid."

"Ordinary person doesn't know these basic fighting skills, you can only give up the cultivator of the step family to control the battle-type mecha." Is it."

Qi Le reminded him that he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

It is true that the driver requirements of battle-type mecha are indeed high.

But the requirements for the city defense launch tube and the destruction launch tube are not high.

"That's right!"

After being reminded, Bu Yuyan's face immediately showed a look of enlightenment.

"All Young Master, you still want to be thoughtful."

"This is not a thoughtful question, but you are too nervous."

Qi Le shook the head and said slowly: "I said, don't put so much pressure, relax your thinking, or you won't be the opponent of the casting hall."

"Sorry , Qi Young Master, I understand."

Although Qi Le's tone is quite gentle, Bu Yuyan still heard a hint of teaching from it.

"It's fine if you know it. I have opened the purchase permission of battle-type mecha to you. Others can't buy it temporarily."

"The price is five thousand Gold Coin One, besides, before you can't control it, don't let this kind of power overflow."

Qi Le held his hands together, looking at Bu Yuyan, and said very seriously.

The stronger the power, the easier it is to become a double-edged sword before it is fully controlled.

While hurting the enemy, it is also easy to hurt yourself.

A smart person knows how to prevent this from happening.

I also know how to limit the spread of this force.

Therefore, Qi Le hopes that Bu Yuyan will also be such a smart person, not for Bu's victory, regardless of the consequences.

It wasn't until the number of battle-type mechas spread to the point that they could not be controlled at all.

At that time, it was too late to regret.

After all, when a person has a strong power, his ambition will grow along with it.

Qi Le is not worried about this happening, because Qi Le itself has the power to suppress everything, so it can do nothing.

But Bu Yuyan can't.

Because the Bu family is not yet strong enough, they cannot afford the consequences.

"I understand that this kind of power must be controlled in my own hands before I can feel at ease."

Bu Yuyan solemnly nodded.

Bu Yuyan can imagine the consequences of the flood of battle-type mecha.

This is probably the reason why Qi Le only gave Bu Yuyan the right to purchase. The purpose is to prevent this from happening.

In a force, the strongest force must be in the hands of the leader.

Otherwise, this force is bound to fall apart in a short period of time.

Feiyan Chamber of Commerce is the best example.

Bu Family, You Family, Yan Family, these three families are of equal strength, and their power ranges almost overlap.

So the growing ambitions turned each other into enemies.

So that the Feiyan Chamber of Commerce fell apart in the end.

These things are all things Bu Yuyan has experienced personally, so Qi Le believes that as long as she reminds her, with Bu Yuyan's cleverness, she won't make such mistakes again.

After all, an idiot who has been planted on the same mistake twice is not worthy of cooperating with Qi Le.

"I believe you, what I said just now is just a routine reminder of that's all."

Qi Le laughed, very easy-going.

Qi Le does not intend to participate in the formulation of the next plan.

As for how Bujia should go, it is only necessary to give appropriate help and guidance. Hand-in-hand teaching is really unnecessary.

The road to rise has never been achieved overnight.

Since the person walking on this road is not Qi Le, he can't interfere.

Because Qi Le has more important things to do now.

"Although you are dealing with the Temple of Castings now, and think that the Temple of Castings may be like this, but this kind of Great Influence is always unimaginable."

"So take your time, the little forces will waver in the wind and rain, huge monster, always stable as a rock."

Qi Le got up, with a gentle smile on his face, pushing Opened the door of the study.

Then the gentle smile slowly disappeared and turned into indifference.

"Come out, I've been paying attention to you for a long time, you guys should be looking for something to do when you come here."

The calm and composed voice echoed in the aisle.

Bu Yuyan, who was sitting behind the desk, was shocked, and quickly stood up and asked: "Qi Young Master, is there anyone outside the door?"

"Of course, only However, those who come are not good, and those who are good... don't come."

Qi Le said slowly, then his body shape retreated suddenly.

"shua shua ——!"

A few black light galloped from the door, and went straight to Bu Yuyan.

When I saw Qi Le’s probing hands, the afterimages suddenly appeared, and the arms flew like an unrolled bolt of white silk, intercepting all the black light in the air.

"This is..."

The astonishment on Bu Yuyan's face remained unresolved, and after seeing Qi Le's movements, she took a closer look.

It was discovered that Qi Le had eight more pitch-black as ink daggers in his hand. Although the cold light flashing on it was so permeating, it was hard to detect.

This is the weapon used in the assassination.

The pitch-black dagger melts into the shadows, and if you are not always vigilant, you simply cannot detect it.

Thinking of this, Bu Yuyan was shocked with a cold sweat behind her back.

In the eyes looking towards Qi Le, there was also a little worship.

"such insignificant ability."

Qi Le's fingers pressed slightly, crushing the dagger in his hand into powder, and scattered it under his feet.

Then he glanced back at Bu Yuyan, and found that she seemed quite calm, then turned around and said to the door: "I have already said, let you come out, do you still have to let me Go to invite you?"

Maybe it was Qi Le's method that surprised the people outside.

After a long silence, there was a slight applause outside the study.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Hengxiang walked in with a hypocritical smile.

"This Young Hero is a good way. Could it be that you are the Trump card of Bu's family and have been following Miss Bu's side to protect her that powerhouse?"

Xu Hengxiang was talking and watching I glanced at the black powder at Qi Le's feet, and I couldn't help but be speechless.

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