And on the backs of these cultivators, a layer of cold sweat broke out and the back bones were soaked.

Shock, consternation, fear... all kinds of emotions are intertwined and continue to spread.

How strong is the defensive power of the demon array, the shield of the imperial mountain, in the heart of the cultivator in the casting hall, it is clear.

The ordinary Heroic Rank powerhouse is very difficult to smash this magic shield with one blow.

But in front of this "metal doll", it will be so vulnerable, it is almost like a dream.

However, this dream is actually happening in front of you.

How could it not be shocking.

"Huh... the destructive power confirmation is complete, the battle-type mecha attack, Peak destructive power is probably between the first level of Heroic Rank to the middle level of Heroic Rank."

Because Miyama The defensive power of this magic shield is around the first level of Heroic Rank.

The battle-type mecha sword can split a crack on the shield of the imperial mountain, but it cannot completely destroy it.

It proves that the destructive power of this powerful sword only exceeds the first level of Heroic Rank, but the excess part is certainly not much.

So it can be roughly guessed.

After Qi Le confirmed the matter, he was also a little surprised.

To be honest, Qi Le has overestimated the battle strength of battle-type mecha as much as possible.

But didn't expect. After testing the results, Qi Le realized that he still underestimated the battle strength of battle-type mecha.

Because according to normal circumstances, battle-type mecha can obediently and honestly surpass the Grandmaster Rank.

Facing Heroic Rank powerhouse head-on, Qi Le still has no hope.

However, the facts will always inadvertently give people a big surprise.

"Since the attack power has been tested, the defensive power will not be tested."

Qi Le originally wanted to take out the shield behind the battle-type mecha, but carefully After thinking about it, I gave up this plan.

The so-called best defense is offense.

As long as the opponent has no way to attack himself, then there is no need to defend.

And according to Qi Le's estimation, the defensive power of this battle-type mecha is probably on the same level as its attack power.

Because the laser lightsaber is blessed with two buff type magics, the destructive power has reached such an astonishing level.

The shield that comes with battle-type mecha also blesses two magics, and it is also High Rank defensive magic.

Motionless As Mountains, Earth Element magic, can greatly strengthen the defensive power, and also make the target blessed with the magic not be knocked back.

Thorns and thorns, Gold Element magic, can also greatly enhance defensive power, and when attacked, it can also sputter metal thorns to counterattack.

The value of these two magics is higher than that of high-temperature fuse and armor piercing.

So Qi Le is too lazy to test.

After all, for so long, Qi Le has never cultivated a hobby for others to call.

Compared to being passively beaten, Qi Le prefers active offense.

"You guys standing on the city wall, I almost broke the magic shield, what are you still doing?"

" I'm waiting Did the enemy send you to your face?"

Qi Le yelled to the clansman who was still immersed in shock with some dissatisfaction, then raised the laser lightsaber in his hand and manipulated it. The battle-type mecha, killed the cultivators in the Forge Hall.

The Peak destructive power of battle-type mecha is indeed between the initial level of Heroic Rank to the intermediate level of Heroic Rank.

But the destructive power that can be displayed usually is only at the level of the first level of Heroic Rank.

Maybe it’s not as good.

But this is more than enough.

The Heroic Rank powerhouse is respected not only because of its strength, but also because of its scarcity.

Even though the Casting Palace is rich and imposing, when dealing with Bu’s family, it will not send out Heroic Rank powerhouses.

One is because it is wasteful.

The second reason is that the number of Heroic Rank powerhouses is simply not enough to take care of so many city-states.

At most, a Heroic Rank powerhouse sent from five or six city-states to take care of it.

Otherwise, Yuanshan City and Feiyan City would not be so safe.

This is also the reason why, in order to capture Zi Yun, five Heroic Rank powerhouses were killed at once, and Duan Wenxin's heart was thunderous and started to crumble.

Because the five Heroic Rank powerhouses are not a small number for the casting hall.

Blindly pushing out these Peak battle strengths to die, even if Duan Wenxin is the Palace Lord of the Casting Palace, he will be questioned.

Even... impeachment!

Therefore, with the advent of battle-type mecha, the threat of the Forge Palace will also be minimized.

These battle-type mechas are under the control of ordinary persons, and there may be no way to deal with the genuine Heroic Rank powerhouses.

After all, not everyone can have such superb operating skills as Qi Le.

But the cultivator used to deal with the Grandmaster Rank is more than enough.

In this way, there are battle-type mechas, and improved laser beams and other weapons. As long as they are properly matched, it is absolutely a seamless combination.

The only problem is that the driver of the battle-type mecha needs time to train.

Otherwise, you simply won't be able to produce much.

After all, in the science of fighting, the gap between the upper limit and the lower limit is really too big.

Just like the current Qi Le, it controls the battle-type mecha among the many cultivators in the casting hall, just like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, unstoppable.

As long as you shoot, you will definitely see blood.

The energy harvesting device of battle-type mecha has hardly stopped.

This is the result when the battle strength of battle-type mecha is maximized.

If you let an ordinary person control it, it may not take long before it will be held back by the cultivator of the Casting Hall.

Fighting life and death, they may not be the opponents of battle-type mecha.

But to contain this kind of thing, as long as the difference in strength is not a rolling sky, it can be done by relying on combat skills and combat experience.

The difference in combat experience between the cultivator and the ordinary person naturally does not need to be said.

This is also the reason why a battle-type mecha driver must be trained first.

Rather than letting an inexperienced pilot take the battle-type mecha into a battle and then get trapped in the enemy, Qi Le would rather not release the battle-type mecha.

Because every battle-type mecha that is left out will bring huge trouble to Bu's family.

The current Bujia can't stand so much trouble.

"That metal doll is here to help us, hurry, follow his offensive line, attack, attack with all his strength!"

Bu Jia who was soberly called by Qi Le clansman immediately launched a fierce attack on the casting hall.

Magic light bombs once again covered the battlefield.

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