If Bu Yuyan really takes care of everything, then the days of overwork and illness will not be far away.

"Of course I know, but isn't it a special time now? There are too many things to deal with."

After seeing Qi Le appear, the tired look on Bu Yuyan's face also eased A little bit, but there is a feeling of helplessness in the tone.

If patriarch can't even find a few trusted people in a family, then the family will probably be over.

even more how even more how Bu Yuyan cleaned it up ruthlessly.

Almost all the rebels have been cleared out, even if there are a few fish that escaped the net, they dare not show up.

Isn't that courting death against Huang Huang?

Even if the Bu family is still not as good as the Temple of Casting, it is really easy to clean up their miscellaneous fish.

Just as Bu Yuyan said, special times need special treatment. In such a crisis, even if Bu Yuyan is only the head of the hand, there are many things that need to be handled.

If I really want to put everything on Bu Yuyan, I'm afraid I won't even have to sleep.

"What is the current form of that family?"

Qi Le was concerned.

This is not a casual question, but to judge the next situation based on the current situation.

After all, Qi Le helped the Bujia to such a degree, he gave up all of a sudden, and Qi Le couldn't bear it in his heart.

"I can hold it for the time being, but the offensive in the Temple of Casting is getting fiercer now. This is really not good news."

Bu Yuyan shook the head, A little worry appeared on his face.

Although relying on the new weapons provided by Qi Le, it temporarily blocked the attack of the Casting Palace, and even made the Bu family clansman exhale.

But Bu Yuyan knew very well that the casting hall that the Bu family was facing right now was not a complete casting hall.

And just one of those guys who coveted the throne of Duanwenxin.

Simply does not represent the true strength of the Casting Palace.

It can even be said that even a fraction of the full strength of the Continuous Casting Hall has not been displayed.

But it can also force Bujia to such a situation.

And now, the attacking power of the Forge Hall has been strengthened, which means that the Forge Hall is about to start to exert its strength.

Then, whether Bu Jia can withstand the next offensive is still unknown.

"My guess is the same. The Casting Palace does not seem to want to let Bu's go."

Qi Le narrowed his eyes and spoke slowly.

From the very beginning, Qi Le never despised the Temple of Casting.

Qi Le can only rely on guessing what the true strength of the casting hall is.

After all, there is no such power, which will expose all of his hole cards, which will only make oneself die faster.

Especially for the huge monster like the Palace of Casting, the hole cards are so many that it is hard to guess.

So when Qi Le faced this incident, it was quite a headache.

single force subduing The Ten Conference is certainly powerful.

But after all, Qi Le is just a person. When facing such a huge casting temple, it is also impossible to attend to other things.

Once it is not handled properly, it will face a frantic counterattack from the Temple of Casting.

When the time comes, the foundation that was finally established will probably be destroyed.

Unless Qi Le can stay in this World forever.

But that is impossible.

"But in my inference, the Palace Lord of the Palace of Casting should not have made a move. Duan Wenxin, I am afraid he is still watching this matter coldly."

Qi Le did not pause, but continued to speak.

The undercurrent surging in the casting hall, Duan Wenxin's best way to deal with it is to sit on the sidelines.

As long as he doesn't make any major mistakes, no one in the casting hall can shake Duan Wenxin's position.

So Duan Wenxin is impossible to help out at this time.

Unless one of the parties is at a significant disadvantage and is about to lose, Duan Wenxin will use the Palace Lord of the Palace of Casting to clean up the mess.

This is when the sandpiper and the clam fight each other, it's the fisherman who benefits.

The rebellious and Bujia who are now fighting in the Temple of Casting are the snipe and the mussel, and Duan Wenxin is the fisherman watching from behind.

Bu Yuyan hearing this, also heard the meaning of Qi Le's words.

"In other words, no matter who wins or loses in this battle, will it be cheaper? Duan Wenxin?"

The first time you command a family to fight, you have to face it. Against such a powerful opponent.

If you don't want to be nervous, that is impossible.

After all, this matter is too big for Bu Yuyan.

From the daughter of Eldest Miss to the commander of the Temple of Casting, these two unrelated identities appeared on the same body.

For the average person, it is good not to be overwhelmed by this huge pressure.

Who can be like Bu Yuyan now, who can fight back and forth with the Temple of Casting.

"That's not necessarily true ."

Qi Le laughed, with a strategizing confidence on his face.

"The so-called mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind, who can be sure that he must be the oriole behind."

Qi Le means something Speaking of.

"Could it be that you, Qi Young Master..."

Bu Yuyan's eyes looked at Qi Le, and they suddenly became extremely bright.

If there is something that has supported Bu Yuyan until now, it is undoubtedly Qi Le.

Because Bu Yuyan firmly believes that no matter what, Qi Le will stand behind her.

That's why we can be fearless and move forward courageously.

"Of course it's not me, but new products will arrive soon. In these days, you should buy Magic Core as much as possible."

Qi Le shook the head, and Slightly smiled and nodded again.

For ordinary people who want to fight against cultivator, even if they rely on products provided by Qi Le, Magic Core is one of the indispensable sources of power.

And the magic in those energy storage gems.

To be honest, in the battle, there is no time for those magicians to inject magic into the energy storage gems.

So basically they are treated as disposable items and thrown away when they are used up.

Because when the energy storage gem is out of the warehouse, the magic inside it is full.

Otherwise, Bu's family would not insist on it now.

"Okay, I understand."

Bu Yuyan nodded, and then immediately issued the order.

All the clansman that is idle in the family, immediately go to purchase Magic Core, there is no limit on the number, the more the better.

For Qi Le, Bu Yuyan can be said to be unconditional trust.

Therefore, Bu Yuyan will do her best to fulfill the requirements of Qi Le.

Even if you don’t know the role of these requirements.

"Let's do this first. If the Casting Palace only has this power, it won't take long."

Qi Le mysterious laughed, then turned and left the study.

Using the Bu family to attract little by little the power of the Casting Hall, can we better catch the Casting Hall.

Although a bit more ruthless, this is how war is.

Kindness is not in control.

even more how, the longer the Bu family and the casting hall are deadlocked, the greater the Bu family's reputation.

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