However, this time, the city-defense launch tube that Bu Yuyan deliberately dialed down, as well as the destruction version of the launch tube, are many times stronger than the improved laser.

Needless to say, the destructive version of the launch tube is named after destructive power, which naturally highlights a formidable power.

Then the city defense type launch tube, the prominent function is the suppression of terror.

The city defense launch tube, which requires the installation of ten energy storage gems to be activated, has a suppressing power that the improved laser light can never match.

The terrifying launch speed and violent formidable power can block all enemies out.

Go to the city wall and take care of those cultivator unable to move a single step.

In this battle, Bu Jia fought very proudly.

On the side of the Temple of Casting, it is beginning to be overwhelmed.

What is the biggest difference in Bujiachai Casting Hall?

Number of people?

Not really!

The number of cultivators, not the number of cultivators, is the largest number of Bujiacha casting halls.

For ordinary persons who cannot be cultivated, there are as many steps as they need.

So in the final analysis, what the Bu family lacks most is hard power, which can protect the hard power of their own industry!

Previously, relying on the improved version of laser light could not make up this gap.

But now, there are more city defense launch tubes and destruction launch tubes. As long as Bu Jia is willing to throw in the Gold Coin, the battle strength can completely make up for it.

In war, resources and logistics have always been fought.

The Bu family started as a business, and Gold Coin is absolutely impossible.

even more how the products that Qi Le got from Qi Le are still selling so prosperously, maybe they haven't made a lot of money.

So this time, Bu Yuyan's confidence came back.

Because of the characteristics of the casting hall, there is no ordinary person within the scope of this huge monster's solicitation.

But Bu's family doesn't care.

Even an ordinary person, with a little training, holding a city defense launch tube, and bringing a box of energy storage gems, it can still make those cultivators unable to look up.

This is where Bujia's advantage lies.

None of the artifacts forging by the Forging Masters in the Forging Temple can be used by an ordinary person.


"Damn! Where did those guys get their weapons!"

In the Great Elder's house in the Foundry Hall In the residence, a roar of suppressed anger came out.

Xu Hengxiang stood in the hall with his head down, quietly listening to Great Elder's roar.

The internal injury that was shaken by Gu Mingyuan's palm has not been recovered yet, Xu Hengxiang naturally does not speak nonsense.

Because Xu Hengxiang can't guess how many cards Bu Yuyan still has.

"Damn it, if this continues, we don't even want to get a cast jade plate from Bu's house. Duan Wenxin, that guy, must be aware of it now."

After the anger passed, Great Elder quickly calmed down.

The dark tide is surging in the casting hall, Great Elder is clear in his mind, and Duan Wenxin is naturally clear in his mind.

Sitting on the throne of Palace Lord, if you still don't see these things clearly, I'm afraid you don't even know how you died.

Only in the past, Great Elder has been hiding in the dark.

But now a pair of Bujia shots, then equivalent to expose yourself to Duan Wenxin.

So Great Elder impossible is not anxious.

Because if this matter is delayed, the casting jade plate may have to make wedding dresses for others.

Duan Wenxin is not soft on this kind of thing.

Moreover, as the Palace Lord of the Palace of Castings, it can be regarded as justified.

Otherwise, Great Elder would not ask Xu Hengxiang to go directly to Bu Yuyan for negotiation while putting pressure on Bu's family.

Unfortunately, the outcome of the negotiation is not what Great Elder wants to see.

Bu's counterattack was too fierce, and Bu Yuyan's trump card was hidden...too deep.

Until the moment Xu Hengxiang shot, Gu Mingyuan didn't fight back.

Before that, Xu Hengxiang hadn't even noticed that Bu Yuyan was also following a powerhouse whose strength was far better than him.

Just such an oversight is to play Xu Hengxiang completely unprepared.

Even with the Great Elder of the Casting Palace, the current situation has become a bit difficult.

"Great Elder..."

What Xu Hengxiang wants to say.

But Great Elder waved his hand and interrupted what he wanted to say: "Needless to say, I know what is going on now, Duan Wenxin might be waiting to see my joke."

"Wait for me to be defeated by Bu's family, and then he can come to clean up the mess."

This is very appropriate.

The people in the hands of the Great Elder of the Foundry Hall are far less than those that Duan Wenxin can dispatch.

That's why the cast jade plate is the key to small and broad.

But if Xu Hengxiang and the others were defeated by the Bu family, not only would the cast jade plate not be retrieved, but Great Elder would have become a lonely family from then on.

At that time, Duan Wenxin had abolished an Elder who had no power in his hands, which could be described as with no difficulty.

And also with the help of Great Elder's men and horses, to explore the strength of Bujia.

Leveraging strength, one move, two gains, how easy it is.

But even so, the Great Elder of the Foundry Hall had to let go. To get the throne of the Palace Lord, it will never be a smooth way.

Danger and opportunity coexist.

"Let me go, Great Elder, knowing Bu's trump card, I won't miss any more this time."

Xu Hengxiang heard the sound of the string, and immediately moved forward. Please.

"You have never let me down, presumably not this time."

"Since Bu's family is unwilling to compromise, the previous deterrence is useless. Just destroy the Bu’s family and look for the casting jade plate."

The indifference of the casting hall to other forces is a matter of everyone knows.

As the Great Elder of the Temple of Casting, it is naturally no exception.

Now that I have guessed my situation, I know that I might be forced by Duan Wenxin to get back.

Then why not let it go.


"In the past few days, the offensive of the Temple of Casting has become more and more fierce."

Bu Yuyan rubbed his eyebrows and held hands The report inside was placed on the desk, and then he got up and stretched his body vigorously.

Sitting for a long period of time can easily lead to poor blood circulation, which is not good for the body.

These days, in order to coordinate the affairs of Bu’s family, Bu Yuyan has only rested for three or four hours almost every day, and the length of this rest is calculated based on the time to do necessary things such as meals. Within.

For those cultivators with strong spirit strength, it might be slightly better.

But Bu Yuyan is not a cultivator, she is just an ordinary person.

"You should learn the power in your hands, and let some people trust, instead of carrying them all by yourself."

Qi Le walked into the study slowly Inside, I can see the tired look on Bu Yuyan's face at a glance.

Carrying like this all the time, the burden on the body is too great.

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