The greater the reputation of the Bu family, the greater the attraction to other large and small forces.

In the short term, it may be a bad thing, but it’s a good thing to keep your eyes on the long-term.

A family that is about to rise, impossible to experience hardships.

The flowers in the greenhouse will only collapse on the first encounter.


"System, my strength of Faith should be a lot."

After Qi Le left the study, it was immediately in his mind Asked.

In the current situation of Bujia, the solution lies in the hands of system, not in the hands of Qi Le.

system: "It's okay."

Listening to the ambiguous answer, Qi Le immediately knew it.

Ten% of the strength of Faith, the system took 30%, the casting treasure took 30%, and what remained in Qi Le’s hands was 40%.

So this answer from system is just this guy’s perfunctory word that's all.

"Then I want to unlock a new product now, do you have anything to recommend?"

So Qi Le ignored System's answer and asked.

system: "What do you recommend? New products are randomly selected."

Seeing Qi Le ignore him, system immediately replied.

He declined Qi Le's request.

"Don't, your answer should be used to lie to yourself, but you can't lie to me."

Qi Le waved his hand quickly, expressing his disbelief.

The black box operation is not less in the hands of the system, but it is not always on the surface.

This is the tacit understanding between the two.

So Qi Le simply didn't believe the words of system, but continued: "Now you can see the situation of Bujia. If Bujia is gone, there will be no customers in the vending point."

This is a statement of fact.

Once Bu's house falls, the vending point will naturally be taken over by the Temple of Casting.

And with the greedy character of the casting hall, the merchandise in the vending point may no longer be able to flow out of the casting hall.

At that time, there will be no other customers, and there will be no point in setting up an automatic vending point.

How many weapons can be digested by the casting hall itself?

system: "What?! Host, you didn't lie to the system, there are such things!"


Qi Le silently Speechless.

There is no way to disguise this surprised emotion.

At least there is no way to pretend to be so vivid.

In other words, this Erbi system is really unaware of such serious consequences.

system: "Then it won't work, it must be prevented from happening!"

Before Qi Le could persuade him, the system's righteous words sounded.

As Qi Le expected, this stingy system will never be ambiguous when faced with damage to his own interests, and will definitely defend his own interests firmly.

Otherwise, Qi Le would not mention this.

"Yes, it is necessary to prevent this from happening, but the problem now is that the Bu family's strength is not enough to fight the casting hall, so I came to you."

Qi Le moved with affection, understood with reason, and soon came to terms with the system.

system: "Then the host, please tell me, what are the conditions for the new products you need?"

"Of course there are requirements. First of all, for the user's strength requirements, It must be very low."

Qi Le said immediately.

In the family, the number of cultivators is in short supply, so this requirement must be met.

Otherwise, even if the new product is taken out, I am afraid there is not much to say that people can use it.

system: "Okay, do you have any more?"

I agreed quickly.

"The other, of course, is that the stronger the battle strength, the better. Does this still use me."

Qi Le said unceremoniously.

system: "This... as long as the host can pay the corresponding strength of Faith, it's okay."

Although this time system agreed, but the process hesitated a little.

It seems that the conditions are met, and there are not many types of goods to choose from.

After all, this is a world of Battle Qi and magic. It is still relatively difficult to meet the requirements of Qi Le.

"The last one is the energy issue. If you can, you need to avoid the types of energy that require a cultivator to provide."

Qi Le continued.

Since it is for ordinary person use, naturally the more thorough it is, the better.

Energy is a big problem in most cases.

It is also a problem that must be solved.

So Qi Le just threw it to the system.

system: "This requirement... Let the system think about it."

"Yes, you can think about it, but please as soon as possible."

Qi Le did not urge, but rather slowly reminded him.

Then he continued to wander the streets of the city-state, quietly waiting for system's reply.

After arriving, Qi Le also found a teahouse, went in and drank tea while continuing to wait.

I have to say, even if there is a big war outside the city-state.

But in the city-states, those who should open a store still have to open a store. For the sake of life, it has to be so.

After a while, Qi Le got a response.

system: "This request is also acceptable. Are there any other requirements?"

" Nothing ."

Qi Le shook the head.

Most of the requirements for new products can be attributed to these three items, so there is no need to limit them with other details.

system: "Okay, the system will recommend this new product to you. It only needs 1,000 units of the strength of Faith to unlock it."

" How much strength of Faith do I need?"

Qi Le hearing this, almost did not hold it, and spit out the tea in his mouth.

I didn't even say what the new product is, but the opening is the strength of Faith of 1,000 units. Is it true that the strength of Faith of this host was picked up?

Even if it is picked up.

But with a strength of faith of a thousand units, don’t you need to pick it up?

system: "Host, a thousand units of strength of Faith, the products of this system have always been value for money, so please rest assured."

"Your products I know it's worth it, but I really can't rest assured."

Qi Le waved his hand again and again, saying that he couldn't bear it.

Value for money means that the value of the product itself is worth the price.

But there is no regulation on the function of the product. Who knows what the system is.

system: "Host, please trust this system's judgment. If this new product is not what you need, this system will return the strength of Faith to you."

"hehe !"

Facing system's promise, Qi Le can only respond with these two words.

What fell into the hands of system, can it be vomited out? That is really rare in the world.

However, Qi Le has no other choice, so he can only choose to trust the system.

"Since you have said so, you can take the strength of faith of these thousand units."

Qi Le resisted the pain and said aloud Speaking of.

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