The Temple of Casting is overbearing, extremely arrogant, and doesn’t care about other people’s opinions.

So the same is true for Bu's attack, which is to come every day during the day, destroy everywhere, and then leave at night.

Because the Temple of Casting wants to make its opponents feel fear and taste irresistible despair.

So far I am conceited and disdain for sneak attack at all.

That's why the Bujia clansman was given the opportunity to prepare, and of course, it also gave other forces the opportunity to laugh at Bujia.

Just like this fatty.

"Shut up!"

Bu's clansman held back his anger, turned his head and drank.

"Why? People who are not as skilled as people are not allowed to say a few words? You don't see who your opponent is, just put up a desperate struggle here."

"You rubbish group, do you really think you are the opponents of the Casting Palace?"

Fatty dared to reply when he saw this Bujia clansman, it was a sneer at once.

Suddenly, many people around me followed.

The ridicule is still to be ridiculed. Looking at others' bad luck, you can reflect your own luck. This is human nature.

The Palace of Castings has accumulated prestige for a long time, and there are only very few people who are optimistic about the Bu family.

The Bujia Clansman who answered the question was angry, but when he just wanted to go on the theory, he was held back by the people around him.

"line, Eldest Miss the new weapon gets here, not to let us talk big of."

"also, and these guys, nothing to say."

While speaking, all the clansman who came here walked up to the city wall, quietly waiting for the attack of the casting hall.

The City Lords of these city-states will not care about this matter, and the City Guards will naturally not care about it.

Because the goal of the Temple of Casting is very clear, that is, the property of the Bu family, and the forces that dare to get close to the Bu family, rather than destroying the entire city-state.

So these City Lords are also willing to do this convenience, and they are happy to not get involved.

After all, there are many examples of mortals suffer when great gods fight.

"Stay back, everyone stays back, stand a little bit farther to watch the excitement, lest you get caught up in the pond."

"If they say they dare to reply, I want Let’s take a look here, how they were defeated in the hands of the Casting Palace."

"Hey, brothers, let’s make a bet, and guess what the Bu family’s people can be in the city. How long does it last on the wall and how?"

"Okay, I guess two hours."

"It's been a long time, I guess at most one hour."

"Then I will guess for forty minutes..."

All the forces that are not optimistic about Bu's family are hiding in the city state and talking coldly.

The eyes looking at the back of Bu's clansman are also full of disdain.

Fighting against the Temple of Casting, isn't that courting death?

With these thoughts in mind, these people who are waiting for a good show will stay in the city state, together with the clansman on the city wall, waiting for the people from the Casting Palace to arrive.

To be honest, if there are any advantages to the Temple of Casting.

That was the exact timing of the attack.

After a short while, the sky was full of smoke and dust.

The cultivators belonging to the Temple of Casting, each of them roared with excitement, rushing towards the city gate moved towards the city.

In order to show that the City Lord does not interfere with this matter, even the city gate is not closed.

Facing this massive cultivator team, all the clansman who stood on the city wall took a deep breath.

The time for the two sides to fight is not short.

But when the Bu family had the upper hand, it was too few.

And most of the time, they are crushed one-sidedly.

After all, the gap between the two sides in the quantity and quality of cultivator is too big.

But this time, the situation is different.

"Everyone listens! Get ready!"

With a loud shout from a clansman who looks like a leader, he took the city defense launch tube and destroyed it. The version launch tube was taken out immediately.

And beside every clansman of Bujia, there are boxes of energy storage gems.

"Everyone has it! You're welcome, give me a fiercely call!"


I have been suffocated for so long, looking at my side The compatriots sacrificed in front of their own eyes, saying that it is impossible to be angry.

So now there is an opportunity, of course, we must vent it out.

The people from Bu's family, what they shot out was the "Gold Coin" one after another, and those who returned from the Temple of Casting were lives!

"peng peng ——!"

"hong long long ——!"

The first to attack was the destruction version of the launch tube.

After all, the installation of the city defense launch tube is more troublesome, so we can only let the destruction version launch tube forward.

However, although Bu Yuyan has already reminded these clansman.

But the formidable power of the destruction version of the launch tube still made these clansman stared wide-eyed, so shocked that they could not close their mouths for a long time.

"No way..."

The energy storage gems are used as ammunition and directly launched, the resulting terrifying destructive power, instantly annihilates the target and turns it into powder.

And within 500 meters of the surrounding area, it is like a dead zone, no one can survive.

The ground is cut off directly, as if that ground did not exist before.

The destruction version of the launch tube, just like its name.

As long as the attack comes out, it means destruction.

The appalling formidable power immediately caused the cultivators of the Forge Hall to stagnate.

The guys who stayed in the city-state, waiting to watch Bu's jokes almost fell to their knees in shock.

"What's that thing?"

"What just happened, such terrifying destructive power, what kind of attack caused it?"

"Is it true? It’s because I’ve missed it. When did Bu’s family have such terrifying weapons."

"The time we guessed just now, it doesn’t count..."

" At what time, did something happen just now?"

"No, nothing happened!"

A group of clowns quickly changed their tone and walked back quietly, for fear of Bu's family People will find them after autumn.

Although they are still convinced that Bu's family is not an opponent of the Forge Palace.

But in this city-state, they are not Bu's opponents.

If it hadn’t been for the Temple of Casting to attack the Bu’s family, then people like them could not be so arrogant when they met the Bu’s family.


"The weapon Eldest Miss gave us is really amazing."

Bujia clansman standing on the city wall, this time can be regarded as exasperating.

The flame cross is a melee weapon, and the thunder cross is a defensive weapon. It is not very useful against a large number of cultivators such as the Temple of Forge.

And the pillar of the spirit lock, it is a meridian of self-determination.

So to sum up, the improved version of laser light is easy to use.

It’s just that the formidable power of the improved laser light is still a bit smaller. It’s really good to hit those dumb demonic beasts.

After all, the spiritual wisdom of demonic beast is not very high.

But when used to attack the cultivator, it still lacks the taste.

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