After all, no matter how strong the battle strength of the bombing airship is, there is only one.

In the face of dozens of city-states being attacked at the same time, it was impossible.

And the meaning of the casting hall is this: if you don’t want Bu’s disappearance, hand over the casting jade plate obediently and honestly.

But Yuyan has nothing to do.

Because there are too few cultivators that Bujia can mobilize now.

"You can only take one step and see one step."

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't expect any good idea Bu Yuyan, but I can only wait for the situation to change.

The bomb bomber has been sent out, and now we can only wait for the result.


After starting the hands from the casting hall.

the past few days, among all the city-states that have been attacked, Bu's industry has suffered heavy losses.

And those big and small forces close to Bu's family are also not much better, all of them are on the list of attacks on the Casting Palace.

Many industries have also been destroyed.

There are countless people killed and injured.

Although Bu Yuyan really wants to wait to see if there will be a turn for the better.

But the situation is no longer allowed.

If you wait any longer, I am afraid that the little forces that the Bu family has finally developed will be destroyed.

The rescue of the bombing airship is only an utterly inadequate measure after all.

And those big and small forces who are still waiting and watching, are even more afraid of Bujia's solicitation.

I am afraid that if one accidentally gets in touch with the Bu family, he will be attacked by the Temple of Casting.

After all, the cultivation of the Casting Palace is no longer one or two times. Everyone knows that this huge monster has never been difficult to talk about.

So no one wants to challenge the majesty of the Forge Temple to cause trouble for themselves.

After all, the skills are not as good as humans, so I can only submit to humiliation.

Therefore, all the big and small forces who intended to get closer to Bu's family, or have already started to get close to Bu's family, have begun to move away from Bu's family.

It adds fuel to the current form of Bu Jia.

"How does Miss Bu feel? Do you still like the gift from the Temple of Casting?"

While Bu Yuyan was sitting in the study and thinking hard, she felt a gloomy The voice rang abruptly.

The sudden sound made Bu Yuyan brows, but she soon forced herself to calm down.

Then he replied expressionlessly, "Is your style in the Casting Palace so sneaky?"

"Of course not, Miss Bu, I'm just worried It will scare you."

Before the voice fell, one silhouette suddenly appeared in the middle of the study.

This person's face is a bit feminine, dressed in black robe, and his eyes are slightly narrowed when looking at Bu Yuyan, as if he was smiling and looking at him.

"Hello, introduce myself, my name is Xu Hengxiang, from the foundry hall."

"Then my name, you should be very clear, then I will not introduce , I don’t know what your purpose is for you to appear here today?"

Bu Yuyan asked in a bad tone.

Anyone whose industry is attacked in this way will not be in a good mood.

even more how the number of casualties is even more shocking.

That's why Bu Yuyan clearly expressed his dissatisfaction, because the contradiction between Bu's family and the Zhuwu Temple has long been irreconcilable.

I don’t even have to worry about my face.

"It's very simple. As long as Miss Bu is willing to hand over the casting jade plate, our people can be withdrawn immediately."

Xu Hengxiang said with a smile.

Obviously, the previous attack on Bu's family was just a disarm that's all.

The meaning of the expression is: If the Bu family is unwilling to compromise, then the Casting Palace can let Bu family disappear at any time. This is definitely not a joke.

And the Palace of Castings also used this to dismount the horse to prove it.

"You guys, just to make jade plates?"

Bu Yuyan was a little angry and couldn't help but ask angrily.

"Of course."

Xu Hengxiang clicked nodded, as it should be by rights answered.

"Do you know how many people have been killed by your unprovoked attack?"

Bu Yuyan said of gnashing teeth.

"Then has anything to do with me? In order to make a jade plate, no matter how much it is paid, it is worth it. This is just a warning."

Speaking of, there is no guilt in his tone.

What does it mean to regard human life as a stubble?

This is called treating human life like weeds!

In the eyes of the Temple of Casting, as long as you can get what you want, the lives of other people simply don't matter.

"so that's how it is, I understand."

Bu Yuyan's tone gradually became cold.

"It's good if you understand. In that case, hand over the casting jade plate. It is not something that your Bu family is qualified to have."

Xu Hengxiang disdains Speaking of it, the tone was full of contempt for Bu's family.

"No, what I want to say is that the Temple of Casting has tyrannically abused power for so many years, and has to clean up all the forces that dare to rebel against themselves, and also claim to be the spokesperson of the god of forging."

"But I understand now, you are not worthy!"

Bu Yuyan said coldly.

If you can't tolerate the existence of anyone who disobeys you, then the spirit of the gods is too small.

For what you want, by fair means or foul to get it.

For this reason, no matter how many creatures are annihilated in the process, they will not hesitate.

This kind of power is simply a scourge.

"Bold! Can you also talk about the Casting Palace?"

Hearing this, Xu Hengxiang complexion changed, and with a loud shout, he moved towards Bu Yuyan.

The right hand punched, punched out, and the violent imposing manner instantly shattered the walls of the entire study.

If this fist hits Bu Yuyan, then there is no surprise, Bu Yuyan without the slightest cultivation base is absolutely impossible to withstand this blow.

However, this kind of thing is unlikely to happen.

"Gu Mingyuan!"

Bu Yuyan loudly shouted.

In the study room, one silhouette flashed by, and suddenly a black light flashed past Xu Hengxiang.

"pu ——!"

Then in the next second, Xu Hengxiang flew upside down and hit the ground heavily.

Mouth spurt blood spit out, staining the aisle outside the study.

"There is such a powerhouse by your side to protect, how is this possible?!"

Xu Hengxiang looked at Bu Yuyan in horror, completely unable to figure out why This kind of realm powerhouse will protect an ordinary person without a cultivation base.

And with the power of Bujia, it is also impossible to get such a powerful powerhouse.

The powerhouse that was able to repel Xu Hengxiang with a single blow, even in the casting hall, is the few people in the forefront.

There is absolutely no reason.

"There is nothing impossible, just because there are too many examples of your black hands for casting things."

Bu Yuyan stood up and said with a cold face .

Qi Le kept Gu Mingyuan next to Bu Yuyan in order to prevent such things from happening.

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