The black hand is too common for the habitual taking advantage of one's position to bully people like the Palace of Casting.

If you don't take precautions, you will be too underestimated.

In other words, I trust the character of the other person too much.

"The casting jade plate will not be handed to you, and the Bu family is also impossible to admit defeat. The evil of the casting hall should have disappeared long ago!"

Bu Yu Yan ignored Xu Hengxiang's ugly face and continued talking.

The negotiation broke down.

Complete opposition.

But Bu Yuyan didn't care. She restrained the Bu family clansman and screened the big and small forces of surrender, just not wanting her subordinates to become the same as the Palace of Casting.

taking advantage of one's position to bully people, taking advantage of one's position to bully people, taking advantage of one's position to bully people, taking advantage of one's position to bully people.

As long as there are things that don't suit one's liking, we will eliminate them first.

Spokesperson who claims to be the god of forging.

But it really made the god of forging ashamed!

People in this world believe in the god of forging.

So I would never believe that the god of forging would be of such a character as the Temple of Casting.

Bu Yuyan is naturally like this.

The gods should be tolerant, love the world, willing to give, or have any qualifications to accept the faith.

Although Bu Yuyan has never seen a god, in her imagination, this is the quality that a god should have-.

But if Qi Le hears this, he will probably laugh.

If the god of forging is tolerant, then he will not go to the will of Heaven and Earth.

There will be no present cast treasures.

However, Qi Le didn't know Bu Yuyan's thoughts. At that time, Bu Yuyan probably wouldn't know about casting treasures.

It was just Bu Yuyan's words that made Xu Hengxiang feel extremely angry.

Ever since the Palace of Castings made this prestigious name, no one has ever dared to despise the Palace of Castings so much.

Because those who despise have gone to the ground!

The once famous and prestigious name has now become a brilliant and fierce name, making the big and small forces under the world dare to be angry but dare not speak.

But this is the world's number one deterrent!

"Okay! Very good!"

Xu Hengxiang stood up from the ground and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Looking at Bu Yuyan's gaze, it also became extremely cold.

"A trifling family, dare to go against the Temple of Casting, I hope you will not regret today's wrong decision in the future."

"Because of this huge step Home is ruined by the difference of your thoughts ."

Xu Hengxiang smiled and said this sentence, and immediately turned and left here.

Because after a brief encounter with Gu Mingyuan, Xu Hengxiang discovered that he was absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the unknown powerhouse.

The pressure and threat that the unknown powerhouse brought to him is too great.

If you stay here for one minute, there will be one minute more danger.

"Then let's wait and see."

Bu Yuyan looked at Xu Hengxiang's disappearing silhouette, said giving tit for tat.

If Bu Yuyan could not direct Gu Mingyuan, she would even want to leave Xu Hengxiang in this place forever.

The disclosure of your hole cards is really a big taboo during the war.

Fortunately, after Gu Mingyuan shook Xu Hengxiang back with a single blow, he disappeared into the darkness again, and did not let Xu Hengxiang remember his appearance.

In this case, it should also make the Temple of Casting a little jealous.

After getting Gu Mingyuan's confirmation and knowing that Xu Hengxiang had left, Bu Yuyan turned her head and looked around the wall of the study.

It's all shattered, there should be no way to repair it.

"Oh, the decoration of your study room is very unique."

When Bu Yuyan was considering whether to change the study room, Qi Le suddenly appeared in Bu Yuyan. In front of.

Looking at the environment in the study, clicking one's tongue in wonder in the mouth.

The decoration tastes of this person and the person are really different.

At least this kind of broken style decoration, Qi Le can't appreciate it.

"Qi Young Master, don't come to make fun of me, the people from the Temple of Casting have just been here."

Bu Yuyan saw Qi Le coming, obviously sighed In relief, with a soft foot, I sat on the chair behind the desk.

"Is that so, sure enough, the remaining breath is still obvious."

Qi Le laughed.

Xu Hengxiang only left not long ago, and he had made moves before that. With Qi Le's perception, how could it be impossible to perceive it.

What I said before was just to let Bu Yuyan relax that's all through teasing.

When people are nervous, they always make their thinking become rigid.

"Ai, Qi Young Master, you should be clear about the current situation of Bu's family. What should we do now?"

Bu Yuyan faces Shangzhu The attack of Wudian is already a bit helpless.

Now Qi Le appears here, just to give Bu Yuyan a goal to complain.

The gap between the two is really too big.

Single force subduing is also the case in the Shihui.

In the face of absolute power, all crafty plots and machinations are empty words, simply useless.

"I listened to your previous rhetoric, and I thought you had already figured out a way."

Qi Le has a faint smile on his face. Don't forget to make a joke.

It is always necessary to relax before the war, because the tension of the mentality will only lead to the deformation of the action and the wrong command.

Although pressure can give people motivation, but more often, they are mistakes under pressure.

And this kind of mistake, even if it is small, is fatal at some point.

"I just thought that the Bu family could not give in to this kind of person that's all."

Bu Yuyan smiled reluctantly, but judging from his expression , It should be relaxed a lot.

It's just the Casting Palace on the top of Bu's house, just like the sword of Damocles hanging over Bu Yuyan's head, making it difficult to really relax.

"Okay, then I won't be kidding."

Qi Le feels almost relaxed, his face suddenly straightened.

"It's not a problem that the Bu family has been so passively beaten. It's time to fight back. Let the Casting Palace take a look at the Bu family's confidence."

" However, people’s hearts will only really show up when they are in danger."

"The attack this time is just a pass."

Qi Le never They all look down on those walls and grass.

People must be in order to be responsible for their own actions. Now that they have made a choice, there is no reason to go back.

Reining from a cliff and vacillating, that is simply two different things.

Qi Le will not despise those warriors who are willing to abandon the dark and cast the light, but he definitely despises those villains who tend to be inflamed.

Disasters can always screen out those who are not determined, and those who remain are the mainstays.

"Qi Young Master, if I can, I don't want to use this method to filter people's hearts, because it is too cruel."

Bu Yuyan knows what Qi Le is saying Yes, but still can't bear it.

After all, during the attack on the Casting Palace, the casualties of Bu's clansman were also extremely heavy.

"When you encounter something unfortunate, you have to think about it on the bright side."

Qi Le shrugged, said of the different expression.

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