After all, the status of the Great Elder and the Palace Lord are not half the difference.

It's not an exaggeration to say that it is evenly matched.

Just being equal in status does not mean that they are the same in prestige and power.

The name of the Palace Lord is always more legitimate than the Great Elder.

Unless it is... The Palace Lord is gone!

"I know, it's just a pity, that guy Duan Wenxin, we are impossible to move."

The Great Elder of the Foundry Hall half-turned his head and didn't look at Xu Hengxiang, but instead As if thinking about something.

After a long time, Great Elder opened his eyes and slowly looked towards Xu Hengxiang.

"Go, get the cast jade plate back."

"We need to take out the last chips to overwhelm Duan Wenxin."

Great Elder speaks very slowly, like every word is the result of a long time of thinking.

"Yes, I understand, Great Elder."

Xu Hengxiang bowed slightly, and after answering, he disappeared into the darkness.

Only Great Elder was left sitting in the hall, looking at the door of the mansion, and he was determined.

"Since your prestige is still there, then I will use this last bargaining chip to break your remaining prestige."


Three days have passed since Qi Le's reminder.

Although Bu Yuyan raised her vigilance because of Qi Le's reminder, she also made Bu's family ready.

But the expected attack did not appear.

The Bu family is still developing rapidly, and the scope of the influence is changing with each passing day, which amazes the surrounding forces.

This also made Bu's family relax their vigilance.

It was noon on this day.

Bu Yuyan is in the study looking through the various documents that the Bu’s family has continuously sent since the start of the expansion.

A Bujia clansman suddenly broke in, with a panic on his face, gasping for breath said: "Big, Eldest Miss, something has happened."

Because Bu Yuyan Now it has only taken over the responsibilities of patriarch, and has not officially succeeded the position of patriarch.

So Bu's clansman's name for Bu Yuyan has not changed.

"Don't panic, what does this look like?"

Bu Yuyan lifts the head, looking at the intruding Bu family clansman, frowned his eyebrows and asked: "What the hell is going on? Say it well."

"Yes, yes."

Bujia clansman swallowed hard and tried to calm his breathing.

Then quickly said: "Suddenly a large number of cultivators have appeared in the surrounding city-states, and they are starting to attack our home industry."

"And all of them cooperate with us and belong to us. All of the forces are within their attack range."


Bu Yuyan heart startled, and then immediately reacted.

These should be the actions of the Casting Palace. This is a full blow to Bu's family. The current situation is just a beginning that's all.

"I see, you should withdraw first, remember to appease those who have been attacked."

After understanding, Bu Yuyan waved his hand and screened the people back.

No matter how infighting in the Palace of Castings, it is still the most powerful force in the world. There is a way to deal with a Bu family that is about to rise soon.

And the Bu family started as a business, and was originally tied to the Feiyan Chamber of Commerce.

Even if relying on the cooperation with Qi Le and suddenly rising, there are still many things that are lacking.

Especially in terms of the cultivator, the foundation is fundamentally impossible to mention on equal terms.

So it is normal to be crushed and beaten.

It's just that the Temple of Casting suddenly came to such a hand, and it feels a little bit of a draw.

All the forces that cooperate with the Bu family and are attached to the Bu family are listed as targets of attack, so it will undoubtedly make other forces think a little bit more when they are attached to the Bu family.

And where is the name of the casting hall.

Those who are optimistic about the Bu family are undoubtedly fighting against the Temple of Casting. This kind of courage is not something who has.

"It's a headache."

Bu Yuyan couldn't help rubbing her eyebrows.

Although I had previously imagined how to deal with the casting hall, but now that things are coming, Bu Yuyan still a little not knowing what to do.

Because of the current overall strength comparison between the two, simply is not of the same order of magnitude.

If you really want to fight, Bu's family is undoubtedly at an absolute disadvantage.

And the only advantage of Bu's family is probably that the Palace of Castings is still fighting, but Bu Yuyan said nothing.

"Come here, go call Tiehu and the others!"

Bu Yuyan knocked on the table, and clansman, who was guarding outside the study, ran out immediately after answering.

Soon, Tiehu came to the study.

"Miss Bu, what do we need to tell us this time?"

As soon as Tiehu entered the door, he saw Bu Yuyan's solemn face, and suddenly realized that there might be a major event, so I asked quickly.

"Do you know that Bu's property was attacked?"

Bu Yuyan asked first.

"I have just heard about it."

Tiehu nodded and responded.

"That's good, I now need you to bring bombing airships to help the most severely attacked city-states, and then take the opportunity to declare power and recruit those who are willing to belong to the Bu family."

Bu Yuyan continued.

A tyrannical force is always one of the best recruiting conditions.

Only after the rise of Bu's family began, the bombardment airship did not show any more power except for a short battle in Feiyan City and Casting Palace.

Therefore, most of the forces that came to surrender to Bu's family do not actually know the battle strength of the bombing airship.

What Bu Yuyan has to do now is to promote the battle strength of the bomb bomber.

Let those guys know that Bu's family also has a strong power, so don't be afraid of the deterrence of the Casting Palace.

After all, the Temple of Casting is a rather loose organization.

The tendency of resource allocation is quite serious. After the weak cultivator enters, it is used as cannon fodder.

Not as free as Bu's family.

So after the propaganda, presumably, the fear of the Temple of Casting will weaken a lot.

"Okay, I will go right away."

Tiehu also knew the seriousness of the situation, so after taking the order, he immediately went out.

Only Bu Yuyan is left alone in the study to continue thinking.

"Since the Temple of Casting has decided to take action, it is absolutely impossible to just attack like this."

Just attacking a few city-states, simply does not conform to the character of the Temple of Casting .

Bu Yuyan guessed that the Palace of Castings will definitely attack other city-states in the future. All the city-states covered by Bu's family cannot escape the claws of the Palace of Castings.

And the purpose is to force Bu Yuyan to hand over the casting jade plate.

Although this meaning is not clearly stated, it is not difficult to guess it with Bu Yuyan's wit.

Because the information of the bomb-dropped airship is placed on the surface.

So in order to avoid this huge threat, acting separately is the best way to deal with it.

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