"Conspiracy? Or...infighting?"

Qi Le tapped the table lightly with his fingers, and slowly said this sentence.


Bu Yuyan's feelings for this word are obviously more profound.

The Feiyan Chamber of Commerce was disintegrated because of internal fighting. Although the result was concession, Yuyan had no regrets, but it was always unforgettable.

"The power dispute is far more complex and cruel than imagined. Compared to the Temple of Casting, Bu's family is just an insignificant little role that's all."

"Compared to If you win the Bu family, you must control the temptation of the Temple of Casting, which is obviously greater."

Qi Le said quite confidently.

This is not an analysis, but an explanation.

Qi Le doesn't know exactly what is going on inside the casting hall, but from their movements, one can see one or two things.

Seeing the rise of Bu's family without any action, he was either waiting for the opportunity or unable to draw his hand.

From the perspective of the Temple of Casting, the casting jade plate is still in the hands of Bu's family.

So there is absolutely no "ignore" situation.

As long as the Temple of Casting wants to take away the jade plate of Casting, it must come to find Bu's family instead of being silent as it is now.

Then think further.

For the Casting Palace, Bu's family really can't be called a challenging opponent, so the saying of waiting for the time is naturally self-defeating.

It's like a hunter going hunting.

If it is a wild boar, then it is natural to be fully prepared, but if it is a rabbit?

In the eyes of the Temple of Casting, Bu's family is not much different from a rabbit now, the biggest one is a stronger rabbit that's all.

So, the final conclusion comes out.

It must be that the Temple of Castings is now unable to deal with Bu's family.

The most likely reason for not being able to make a move is infighting.

After all, a huge monster with such a strong strength can make them overwhelmed, and it is only possible that they are infighting.

As for other forces, even if they can shake the Temple of Casting, I am afraid they will not do this kind of thing to cause trouble for themselves.

Because accidentally, it may be a disaster.

"But even if it's an internal battle, the Casting Palace is impossible to be as silent as it is now."

Listening to Qi Le's explanation, Bu Yuyan was still a little puzzled.

"Normally, it is true."

Qi Le slightly nodded, affirmed Bu Yuyan's doubts.

Even if two hunters are fighting, it is impossible to make a rabbit escape.

But if these two hunters are not sure what they are hunting, is it a rabbit or a tiger?

Then the situation is different.

Fear and vigilance can make people tend to use safer means to solve problems, but they can also miss opportunities.

Speaking of this, Qi Le showed a smile on his face and slowly said: "So, if my guess is correct, the Heroic Rank cultivator you let go last time should be paid back. I was intercepted without returning to the casting hall."

"What?! Who would be so bold to intercept a Heroic Rank realm cultivator?"

Yu Yan was startled by Qi Le's words, and then suddenly reacted in the next second.

"Could it be..."

"It seems that you are not too stupid. Infighting is always cruel. For your own benefit, it is as it should be by rights."

Qi Le shrugged, and then put his elbows on his knees again.

"Then, what are we going to do next?"

Bu Yuyan's eyes became a little confused, and she asked subconsciously.

"Next, the Bu family should be prepared, because the Casting Palace will not be silent forever."

Qi Le said with a smile at the corner of his mouth, peacefully.

The attack of the Forge Palace is a challenge for Bu's family, but for Qi Le, it is not.

Because Qi Le will not stay in this World forever, it is also impossible to help Bujia deal with all kinds of troubles.

So from the very beginning, Qi Le never thought of using his own power to fight against the Temple of Casting.

What Qi Le plays is just a role that provides goods that's all.

The Bu family wants to truly become a huge monster and become No. 1 in the world. These trainings are the only way to go.

After all, in the future, it is very likely that more hostile forces will appear to challenge Bujia.

At that time, Qi Le could not help.

Simulation robots are rigid and rigid, allowing them to keep the shop, but it is still too difficult for them to open a shop.

So Qi Le needs Bu Yuyan to help open the store.

Bu Jia also needs to grow up.

Rather than hiding behind those simulation robots of Guke, tyrannically abuse power, taking advantage of one's position to bully people.

So next is the challenge that Bu Jia is about to accept.

"If what I expected is good, the one who will shoot you this time should not be someone from Duan Wenxin."

At the end, Qi Le added another sentence.

Shi was intercepted halfway when returning to the Temple of Casting, so Duan Wenxin would definitely have suspicions about the strength of the Bu family.

But the person who intercepted Shigui will know the true strength of Bu's family.

So they will not be afraid of Bu's family, but just don't put Bu's family in their eyes that's all.

Then, in the internal disputes of the casting hall, if the casting jade plate is needed, the first one to attack the Bu family must be the one who knows the strength of the Bu family.


The Temple of Casting, a mansion built in the shadows.

Unlike the Palace Lord mansion where Duan Wenxin is located, this mansion is much more low-key.

And the people staying in this mansion are naturally not the Palace Lord Duan Wenxin of the Casting Hall, but the Great Elder of the Casting Hall.

"Great Elder, Duan Wenxin has accumulated prestige in the casting hall for a long time, and not many people are willing to choose us."

Xu Hengxiang stood in the hall, bowed his head slightly, and made a report. To.

The dark tide is surging inside the casting hall, and anyone with a little experience can naturally see that something is wrong.

So choosing to stand in line has become a very normal thing.

Unless you want to try nothing and accomplish nothing for a lifetime, you can choose to be neutral, and the two do not help each other. When the time comes, no matter who wins and who loses, will not care about this crowd.

It's just that the resources in the casting hall are also impossible to lean toward these guys again.

So if you want to stay in the Temple of Casting, you must make a choice.

Success means a meritorious minister, and defeat means being cleared out.

And Duan Wenxin, who is the Palace Lord, is of course the best choice.

Even because of the failure to retrieve the casting jade plate many times, Duan Wenxin's prestige in the casting hall has declined.

But the Palace Lord is the Palace Lord after all, even if the prestige drops, no one else can mention on equal terms.

Therefore, the Great Elder of the Forge Palace must take the initiative to draw in all the forces that may be inclined to one's side.

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