It’s just that businessmen are the power that seeks to protect their own industries.

And cultivators are pursuing their own power.

Otherwise, the improved version of Laser will not be so popular among these merchants.

It is precisely because they cannot recruit a powerful cultivator that these merchants will start thinking about other types of power.

The improved version of laser light that can be used even by ordinary persons is the first choice.

It’s just that, in order to pursue an improved version of the laser light, and take your own life into it, for these businessmen, that is an impossible thing.

even more how they don't live in Yuanshan City.

So Jin Dacai understood and agreed to their request to withdraw.

And when they saw what Jin Dacai said seemed to be true, the businessmen immediately began to say it.

"Golden Boss, it’s not that I don’t have confidence in Yuanshan City. It’s really my business. The amount is small and the profit is small. I can’t afford such a big risk."

"There is also I, Golden Boss, I'm really sorry for wasting so much of your time."

"Golden Boss..."

There are many businessmen who want to withdraw from this cooperation.

The coercion radiated by the bomb bomber airship, although it oppresses these merchants, will only make them feel a little depressed.

But with such a huge body, it feels different.

At such a high altitude, they can feel depressed through an imposing manner, coupled with such a huge body.

This repression can easily turn into hard to breathe.

Being targeted by such a powerful "demonic beast", Yuanshan City is no longer suitable for cooperation. It is definitely a wise move to withdraw now.

These businessmen comfort themselves in their hearts.

And is ready to leave, and then leave this dangerous city-state.

"Okay, I see. Cooperation is more important to you and I wish. I never care about this kind of thing."

Regarding the withdrawal of these businessmen, Jin Dacai one after another should.

Be worldly-wise and play safe, there is nothing wrong with it.

But after it’s safe, it’s difficult to come back to work together.

Jin Dacai always remembers what Qi Le said, and we must move forward steadily without rushing.

I'm talking about the candidates for cooperation. You must be trustworthy and reliable. Don't choose people who are both good and bad for rapid growth.

Then, those who voluntarily quit are already untrustworthy.

We can only share happiness, not suffering.

This kind of partner, don’t give up.

Although Jin Dacai does not know why Qi Le has these requirements, Jin Dacai knows one thing, that is, to resolutely implement Qi Le's instructions, which is always correct.

So after a lot of noises, there are very few businessmen who still insist on cooperating.


Qi Le, who is still in the sky, didn’t know that when I brought Bu Yuyan and Xiaowen to see the bombing airship, I could also clean up those walls by the way grass.

But even if he knew it, I'm afraid Qi Le would only laugh.

One move, two gains is a good thing.

After shocking the size of the bomb-dropped airship, Bu Yuyan immediately showed interest in the manned room.

"Then go in and take a look and familiarize yourself with the control of the bomb bomber airship."

Qi Le opened the door of the bomb bomber airship pod and sent Bu Yuyan and Xiaowen in. .

Then when I turned around, I saw Zi Yun with a curious face.

"Why are you here?"

"Suddenly a huge monster with such a strong pressure appeared above the far mountain city. I don't want to come up and take a look, how can I be at ease."

Zi Yun spread out her hands and said with great interest.

The look in the eyes of the bombing airship was full of novelty and hope.

Dragon Race has always been interested in treasure, and this is true.

I didn't feel Life Aura from the bombing airship, and there was such a majestic pressure that could erupt. It's not treasure, what else can it be.

And it is such a powerful treasure.

"Qi Young Master, what the hell is this?"

After watching for a while, Zi Yun asked aloud.

speaking of which, Dragon Race’s view of treasure has always been collection, not use.

Probably vanity is at work.

But does giant dragon have vanity? This should be a problem.

"There is only one bombing airship. It is not for you. Don't even think about it."

Qi Le glanced at Zi Yun's eyes and knew her What was thinking in her mind, so she immediately dismissed her thoughts out loud.

"But if you are really interested, you can go in and have a look."


Zi Yun clicked nodded and agreed with Qi Le Invited, and then followed into the manned room of the bomb-dropped airship.

Bu Yuyan and Xiaowen, who came first, are like two rare treasures, spinning around in the manned room.

Fifty meters long and 42 meters wide, with a total of three floors.

After reading it all, it is not very long when needed.

even more how The bedrooms where people live are all the same, and the equipment inside is similar. Just take a look at one to find out.

The storage room is still empty now.

So after reading it, we still have to gather in the airship control room of Second Layer.

"Purple, purple..."

Then, Bu Yuyan and Xiaowen met with Zi Yun.

The two little girls suddenly became so nervous that they almost became speechless.

"My name is Zi Yun, you two can just call me sister Zi Yun."

Zi Yun glanced at Qi Le, and then said to the two little girls kindly.

This sentence caused Qi Le to take a deep look at Zi Yun.

What age is this purple electric spirit water bird, even a child, dare to claim to be an elder sister?

It seems that the age issue is an unspeakable secret for women, no matter what race they are.

"It's okay, you can think of Zi Yun as a big elder sister, as long as you don't cause trouble, in fact, they all get along the same."

Qi Le obviously doesn't want to mention this issue .

lest Zi Yun turn around and turn his face with him.

"Sister Zi Yun."

Bu Yuyan cried cautiously.

"en. "

Zi Yun responded with a smile.

The scene was very harmonious at one time.

"Don't worry about getting in touch with each other first, let's get familiar with the control of the bombing airship."

Qi Le raised his eyebrows, seriously breaking the scene of harmony .

The control of the bomb bomber is actually not difficult, because the intelligence is not high, so the control method has to go in a simple direction.

There are only five types of movement control: forward, turn, rise, fall, and push.

There is no back option.

Because the power source of the bomb-dropped airship is in the tail section of the airship airbag, it does not support retreat.

If you want to retreat, you can only use the steering to turn a big turn.

However, when it comes to attack control, it appears to be much smarter.

The system draws on the experience of creating energy fluctuation detectors, and produces a magic version of the radar, which can effectively assist the bullet port and railgun to aim at the target.

.. You can click on "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1730: Just call elder sister)...

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