So generally speaking, there will be no misses in the bombardment airship attack.

If there is, it must be that the people on the bomber airship are not well controlled.

"It's amazing."

Zi Yun followed, listening to Qi Le's explanation, she couldn't help but praise her.

The orbital gun that can penetrate the Heroic Rank primary powerhouse, this item alone, the bomb-dropped airship is already a sky-high price.

And in terms of Qi Le's character, it is absolutely impossible to set a target.

So, in front of the orbital gun of this bomb-dropped airship, Zi Yun may have to hide away.

"Of course, this one is the only one, no other stores."

Qi Le said modestly, and naturally attributed the bombing airship to his own credit.

system: "Ahem, host..."

"Quiet! I still have business."

Qi Le smiled on his face, and then I stopped the sound of system in my mind.

"Since you are almost familiar with the control methods of this airship, you should choose who to enter this airship. You should know it in your heart."

"Then next , Just do the last thing in the airship this time."

Qi Le clapped his hands and attracted the attention of the two.

Then quickly walked to the center console of the airship control room, turned on a button, and then pulled out a microphone from the center console.

"This is?"

Bu Yuyan looked at Qi Le's movements with some bewilderment.

"This is called courtesy before soldiers. It is a traditional virtue. This microphone is used to speak for you."

Qi Le explained, then handed the microphone to Bu Yu Yan.

The propaganda device, that is an indispensable thing on the bombing airship.

It integrates the functions of communication, negotiation, deterrence, etiquette, etc. It is an important item used to decorate the face.

But this time, Qi Le gave in to Yuyan to shout, just to let those who are staying in Yuanshan City know who the owner of this bombing airship is.

Then the news will begin to spread out with the wind.

It is continuously passed to other city-states, making the people of those city-states start to be curious, then shocked, and then terrified.

That's how fame started.

If you want to fight the Palace of Castings, you can't coowering, but amaze the world with a single brilliant feat.

"Which... do you want me to speak?"

Bu Yuyan understands the meaning of what is being said, so she looks at Qi Le in disbelief.

Whoever shouts now, who has the reputation for hitting it out, in the future, when others mention the bombing airship, they will talk about this person.

This is the so-called justification.

"Of course, I don't need a bombing airship, but you do."

Qi Le laughed, then pointed to the center console.

In front of the center console of the airship control room, there is a large piece of almost completely transparent glass, which continues to the back of the pod, which can take things outside the bombed airship in the entire scene.

On the front colored glaze, there is also a special screen, which shows the target detected by the magic version of the radar.

It can be used to assist the attack, and can also be used to amplify the detected target and project it onto the colored glaze.

Bu Yuyan can clearly see the situation in Yuanshan City through this screen.

You can also see the panic and uneasy expressions of the residents of Yuanshan City.

"Hey, hello..."

Bu Yuyan nodded, took the microphone, and started the self-taught test with sound effects.

The loudspeaker spread Bu Yuyan's voice smoothly, covering the sky above Yuanshan City.

Suddenly attracted the attention of all those who heard these voices.

" Say , did you make a sound?"

"You talked?! That thing in the sky actually talks!"

"It's the language of Human Race , who is on top? Human Race should be our compatriots it. " " What is a passing powerhouse? huge monster in the sky and in the end is what ah? "

Just a few words to test the sound effects immediately caused countless speculations.

Everyone is paying attention to the movement of the bomb-dropped airship, and no one dares to look away.

Because they couldn't determine what the bombing airship suspended in the sky was, and they couldn't determine whether this huge monster would pose a threat to Yuanshan City.

The business people who gathered outside the Jin Dachai Manor were breathing even more.

Then he looked up with a little panic and looked towards the sky.

The richer you are, the more you cherish your life.

When encountering danger, these businessmen are definitely one of the most unbearable people.

"Life and death are destiny, wealth is in heaven..."

Jin Dachai also looked at the sky with a pale face, muttering to himself.

"Dear residents of Yuanshan City, tourists, cultivators, hello, my name is Bu Yuyan, and I come from Bu's family in Yuanshan City."

Everyone is panicking At the time, the sound from the bomb-dropped airship came down.

This is like a self-introduction tone, making everyone stared wide-eyed.

Bu's family is in the distant mountain city, after the demonic beast tide attacked in the distant mountain city, it can be regarded as fame.

There are naturally many people who know Bu Yuyan.

However, after hearing this shout and introducing themselves, they were shocked to find that the Bu Yuyan of the Bu family they used to know seemed a bit simpler.

No one has ever thought that the people sitting in such a huge monster would turn out to be from their distant mountain city.

Surprise, shock!

Then there is joy.

Because the people in the sky are from Far Mountain City, then at least it will not pose a threat to Far Mountain City.

"The place where I am now is this bombing airship sailing over the far mountain city."

"This bombing airship will be used for shelter in the future Home, and the forces cooperating with Bu’s family."

Bu Yuyan stood in front of the center console, watching the movement about Yuanshan City on the big screen, while continuing to shout.

In the propaganda this time, Bu Yuyan introduced herself to Bu's family in Yuanshan City.

It's not Feiyan City Bujia.

This shows that what Bu Yuyan represents is just herself, not the entire Bu's family.

And this is also the promise that Bu Yuyan made when discussing with Qi Le before, only representing herself and participating in Qi Le's plan.

As the call progressed, the residents of Yuanshan City slowly relaxed.

The panic before, just because I didn't understand the details of the bombing airship, such a powerful enemy suddenly appeared in the sky above the distant mountain city, and anyone would have to lose one's head out of fear.

However, now that the panic has disappeared naturally after learning about the ownership of the bomb-dropped airship.

Instead, there are surprises, and the joy after the surprise.

In the world of Battle Qi and magic, people are in awe of the powerhouse that can go up to the sky, regardless of race.

Just like in the world of technology, it is not uncommon to rely on various tools to fly into the sky.

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