If there is another demonic beast attack, then the distant mountain city may not be able to hold it.

A city-state with so many disasters cannot retain many residents.

Not long ago, the demonic beast tide attacked Far Mountain City, which has already made the residents a little bit distracted. Now is the time for comfort.

If there is another demonic beast at this time, then there will be a major event.

"en? What's that?"

At this time, I was still looking at the purple rhyme of the manor in Far Mountain City, and raised my head in amazement.

Then, a look of curiosity quickly emerged in his eyes.


The businessmen who had gathered outside Jin Dachai's manor and were vying for a place to cooperate at this moment also stopped arguing.

With shock, consternation, and panic mixed in his eyes, he looked towards the sky.

Before, after Qi Le left the manor area with Zi Yun, Jin Dachai thought for a long time before deciding to continue cooperation.

Only the candidates for cooperation will be carefully screened, and once they are unqualified, they will be eliminated directly.

So these merchants are fighting more fiercely.

With fewer places, everyone can get more profits.

This is something that every businessman can't ask for.

Since there is no monopoly, it is better to reduce the number of people who come to share the cake as much as possible.

At this moment, however, all the businessmen had no idea of ​​vying for a spot, all of them were looking at the bombing airship in the sky.

"Is this coming for Far Mountain City again?"

A question came to the minds of these businessmen.

The incident of the demonic beast tide, but it hasn’t been long since these businessmen have naturally heard of it.

Having never experienced the dangers, I can only sigh as if taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, Yuanshan City is really ill-fated.

Then, for my own benefit, I came to Yuanshan City to seek cooperation opportunities.

However, when these businessmen encountered these things themselves, I am afraid they would not be able to take pleasure in other people's misfortune.

So when seeing the bombing airship and feeling the thin coercion, the first single thought of these businessmen was: "Is Far Mountain City already so insecure?"

Unsafe city-states will lose their appeal.

This is true whether it is the attraction to the ordinary person or the attraction to the businessman.

Even an ordinary cultivator is unwilling to come to a city-state that may encounter danger at any time.

That's why it is said that a city-state wants to prosper, and a strong military force is the first element.

"What's wrong? Why did you all stop?"

When Jin Dachai saw the bombing airship appeared, he was also shocked and panicked.

But another thought.

Now in Far Mountain City, there are two Heroic Rank powerhouses guarding it.

If even Guke and the Purple Lightning Spirit cannot stand it, then it's useless to panic.

So Jin Dachai quickly forced himself to calm down and pretended to look like a profound mystery.

This is a good opportunity for temptation.

"Jin, Jin Boss, you, don’t worry, the huge monster that suddenly appeared in the sky might threaten the safety of Far Mountain City?"

One of the guts The older businessman asked aloud after hearing what Jin Dacai said.

"Is there anything to worry about? Since I chose to live in Yuanshan City, I will naturally have confidence in Yuanshan City."

Jin Dacai said righteously.

Then I silently added a sentence in my heart, especially when there are two Heroic Rank powerhouses in Yuanshan City.

With Jin Dacai's character, how could he spare his life.

So how can you have confidence in Yuanshan City? To have confidence, that is also to have confidence in Gu Ke and Zi Yun.

However, in the eyes of these businessmen, Jin Dacai's image immediately changed.

"Golden Boss is really loyal to the liver and righteous, I admire it."

"The feelings of the Golden Boss are so noble, I can't compare it."

"Being able to believe in my own birthplace so much, Kim Boss deserves to be a role model for my generation."

Compliments flooded in.

But this does not reduce the panic in the hearts of these businessmen.

Although the interests are good, for an insecure city-state, his own life is more important.

This is the case with businessmen. They are bold in the face of potential dangers.

But if you let them face the danger, they will be as timid as a mouse.

"You don't have to say anything to compliment me. There are many dangers that Far Mountain City has to face. If you want to withdraw, you can withdraw now."

"Don't worry, Even if I quit, I don’t make a difference, because I don’t want to force others to face danger."

Jin Dachai sighed, shook the head, and said unceremoniously.

In the past, Jin Dachai didn't know how many words of compliment he had listened to, so he knew that these words simply didn't make much sense.

If you really listen to it, it can only show that you are stupid.

And think about the words Qi Le left before, Jin Dachai understands that the implication is to let himself find some reliable people.

The grass on the wall swaying in the wind cannot be left.

So Jin Dacai didn't dare to neglect, so he simply took this opportunity to screen.

Although Jin Dacai did bully the soft and feared harder, it is still clear who he should be loyal to and who he should stand in.

Being self-aware is a very important thing.

Otherwise, on the city wall, it would not be the first Jin Dachai to kneel down and beg for mercy.

And after Jin Dacai sighed, the merchants looked at each other in blank dismay.

Then a skinny businessman walked out and said, "Golden Boss, you know, I'm just a small business and I'm a small householder. I really can't stand the toss. ."

"Well, I know, don’t worry, I don’t care about it."

Jin Dachai glanced up at this guy, and after thinking about it for a while, he remembered his surroundings Among the city-states, there seems to be no small industry.

It's just because of the lack of strength of the guard, so it can't expand out.

And this is also a common problem for most businessmen.

The weak cultivator, because of its lack of strength, merchants also look down upon it.

And the powerful cultivator, because they don't worry about the acquisition of resources at all, they look down on these merchants.

So a vicious circle was formed.

The result of looking down on each other is that merchants do business, while cultivators become mercenaries.

Give Gold Coin and do business.

But it will not be attached to a merchant, or a Chamber of Commerce and Trading Company.

This has also caused most businessmen to have power and prestige in their own city-state, but once they leave their own city-state, they will start to catch the blind.

Insufficient guards.

The local forces of other city-states are also not waiting to be seen.

Expanding the industry has also become a problem, and simply cannot go out.

So in the pursuit of power, these merchants are actually no less than those cultivators.

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