"Okay , I know what you want to say, you should ease your breath now before talking. Be bolder. With me, you will be fine."

Qi Le raised his hand to stop Bu Yuyan's stuttering voice.

It’s the tendency of someone to protect me, and my whole body becomes soft. After that, I will face the Casting Hall directly, and that’s fine.

You still have to practice courage.

After a long time like this, Bu Yuyan and Xiaowen barely recovered a bit of strength and were able to stand up on their own.

Just standing in the void, my feet are still a little soft.

It's like stepping on a pile of cotton, you can only stand, and can't walk at all.

"The surprise that Qi Young Master gives to people is really bigger than once."

Bu Yuyan's voice is still a little faint.

But compared to just now, it is much better.

"That's right, if this goes on, Young Master Qi will not bully Miss in the future."

Xiaowen whispering on the side.

"en? "

Qi Le glanced at Xiaowen.

Bu Yuyan flushed with shame and couldn't help but whispered: "Don't talk nonsense, Xiaowen."

"But, the master is not writing a letter It says..."

Xiaowen retorted with some grievances.

" Stop talking, I won't tell you these things next time."

Bu Yuyan interrupted Xiaowen in a panic, and then stared at the warning. To.

And Qi Le just looked around, pretending to look around at the scenery, trying to prove that he did not hear their conversation.

No way, it's too embarrassing.

It always feels like it caused some misunderstanding.

"Ahem, less gossip, let's take out the bombing airship first."

At the end, Qi Le opened the topic, cleared his throat, and stepped right. Yu Yan said.

This time, the height of the place Qi Le took Bu Yuyan and Xiaowen to is not as high as the place Qi Le went to alone last time.

Because of this time, Qi Le wants the entire remote mountain city to see the appearance of the bomb-dropped airship.

It is not only to build Bu Yuyan's reputation, but also to deter those who may appear harboring malicious intentions.

Tell them that my Qi Le partner is not something you can covet.

"Yeah, good."

Bu Yuyan nodded, and then took out the storage ring tightly held in the palm of his hand.

Qi Le glanced at it and found that Bu Yuyan's hands holding the storage ring turned blue. It should be caused by excessive force.

In the situation that the whole body was soft just now, even people were almost frightened, but they never forgot that they were still holding the storage ring in their hands and never relaxed.

It is completely subconsciously behavior.

"The storage ring is not for you to hold. Wear it on your fingers, or you can find a chain to hang on your neck."

Qi Le shook the head somewhat amused , Speaking aloud.

Put it on your finger...

Bu Yuyan slightly startled, and then as if she didn’t hear her, she bit her finger casually and dripped blood onto the storage ring. .

And decided to find a sturdy necklace and put the storage ring on the neck.

In order to ensure that the storage ring cannot be used after it is obtained by others, the Recognizing Master is a necessary process.

Of course, if Qi Le were to use it, there would be no such saying.

After all, the storage ring comes from the hands of the system, no matter how others shed blood to recognize the Master, anyway, as long as it returns to Qi Le's hands, Qi Le can be used.

Where are the Store Manager permissions.

But Bu Yuyan can't do it, so I can only bite my finger obediently and honestly.

A small drop of blood was absorbed by the storage ring, and after confirming Bu Yuyan's Soul Aura, a faintly discernable connection immediately appeared in Bu Yuyan's mind.

This is a very magical feeling.

At least for Bu Yuyan, who is still an ordinary person, it is very strange.

"concentrates one's mind, use your consciousness to control the storage ring, just take out the contents inside."

Qi Le taught Bu Yuyan to use the storage ring next to him. Methods.

For the cultivator, the use of spirit strength is not a rare thing.

But for an ordinary person, it was the first time.

After several attempts, Bu Yuyan finally managed to communicate with the storage ring, and then took out the bombing airship inside.

"hong long long ——!"

A huge bomb bomber suddenly appeared in the sky and washed away the surrounding clouds.

"This, is this the bomb bomber airship... It is so big..."

Bu Yuyan and Xiaowen were also taken aback by the bomb bomber airship that suddenly appeared, their faces all over the place. Looking at the huge monster in front of him in shock.

The size of Human Race looks quite small in front of the bombardment airship.

Even the purple electric spirit scorpion back then, compared with the bomb-dropped airship in front of me, there is nothing like it.

And the ancient rune blessed on the surface of the bomb-dropped airship, the majestic coercion exuded by it is not weak at all.

After all, the bomb-dropped airship is a tool of war, not a means of transportation.

The majestic coercion can also deter the enemy.

Of course, for Qi Le, this kind of coercion is naturally nothing, and has no effect at all.

She can even protect Bu Yuyan and Xiaowen beside her, and she will not be affected by the pressure from the bombing airship.

However, for the people in Yuanshan City, this is not the case.

Last time, it was the place where Qi Le summon left the bombing airship. The distance from Yuanshan City was too far, so it didn't reach Yuanshan City.

However, this time is different.

The rays of light were obscured by the bombardment airship, and huge shadows were projected from the sky into the distant mountain city, which also alarmed the residents of the distant mountain city.

Everyone who noticed this shadow looked up at the sky.

Then his eyes widened.

"What is in the sky?"

"Is it a demonic beast? How can it be so huge!"

"Here, when is this? It has appeared, is it to attack the demonic beast in Far Mountain City again..."

"No way, why is this happening again!"

From Far Mountain City Residents looked at the bomb bombed airships in the sky, and the sound of discussion spread throughout the city.

The majestic coercion from the ancient rune, along with the shadow, shrouded the sky above the distant mountain city.

Although the pressure that permeates the ground is already quite thin.

But it still makes people feel depressed.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and pointed fingers at the bombardment airship that suddenly appeared.

Shock, surprise, fear, panic, suspicion...

All kinds of emotions are mixed together, and they spread throughout the distant mountain city.

"What is that thing, why did it appear in the sky above Yuanshan City?"

Li Calong, who is dealing with affairs in the study of City Lord Mansion, is also standing by the window at the moment. Looking at the sky uncertainly, full of anxiety.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1728: Ring and Airship)...

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