One is Wanshi Yongchang, and the other is consigned to eternal damnation.

On both ends of the balance, there are two diametrically opposed results, and there is no third!

"Qi Young Master, in fact...I believe you, but my father may not have such courage to fight against the Temple of Casting."

Bu Yuyan struggled in thought It took a long time, until the beads of sweat on her face dripped down to the ground along her smooth chin, before she said this sentence.

It is true that Bu Yuyan trusts Qi Le's strength.

It’s just the current patriarch of Bu’s family, but it’s still Bu Hangkong.

To rashly fight against things like the Temple of Forge, for ordinary people, as long as they don’t get sick on the spot, they are all impossible promises.

That's why Bu Yuyan said this remark.

Bu Yuyan's decision is not the final decision by Bu Yuyan alone.

However, for Qi Le...

"You are right."

Qi Le clicked nodded, affirming Bu Yuyan's However, after a short pause, the conversation turned around and said: "But, I don't care about those guys."

"I only need you to agree, because all I need is an ability The person who controls the upcoming Great Influence, not Bujia, is not important at all whether they are willing."

For Qi Le, Bujia is actually not important.

Because all Qi Le needs is a spokesperson that's all.

And this spokesperson, whether it is a force or a person, the effect is the same.

A force that appeared to fight against the Temple of Casting must be controlled by Qi Le himself.

It’s just that Qi Le is not in the mood to manage these things, so he finds a spokesperson to manage them.

As for who this spokesperson is, it can actually be.

Just let someone you trust take care of it, and I will feel more at ease that's all.

Just as when we are uniting vertically and horizontally, we really need a bond.

But this link, whether it is Bu Jia, Bu Yuyan, or the person, there is actually not much difference.

The only difference is whether there will be alienation.

That's all.

However, Qi Le will definitely let them know what it means to regret being born in this world.

"Really, really?"

Bu Yuyan couldn't believe Qi Le's words.

"Of course, I never lie."

Qi Le laughed very seriously.

"Okay, then I am willing to believe in Qi Young Master, I am willing to join this plan, in my own name!"

Bu Yuyan gritted his teeth, made up his mind, solemnly Speaking of the matter.

"And me!"

Standing aside, Xiaowen, who had been anxious for a long time, immediately followed and shouted.

The personal maid will definitely follow in the footsteps of Eldest Miss.

Sharing honor and disgrace, this is the situation.

"I know, otherwise I won't let you stay here. I'm not a good person."

Qi Le glanced at Xiaowen, his face appeared There was a smile.

Eliminating all uncertain factors is what a detailed plan should do.

"Very well, since you agree, then I must ensure your safety. Gu Ke needs to guard the shop, then I will give you another good thing."

Qi Le got up from the chair and adjusted the hem of his clothes.

Since it is in the plan that Yuyan needs to make concessions to unite the various forces, it is impossible to stay in Far Mountain City.

And Guke will not leave Yuanshan City.

Therefore, Qi Le can only find another way.

And the last thought is very simple, and that is the reward that system gave to Qi Le not long ago.

Bombing airship!

A huge airship with a total length of 545 meters, a manned room capable of accommodating hundreds of people, blessed with various ancient runes on the surface, is sufficient to defend against the attacks of the Heroic Rank primary powerhouse.

Ten bullet bomb ports, amazing destructive power.

Two railguns, with its own aiming system, and possess a huge might that can penetrate all the defenses of the Heroic Rank primary powerhouse.

It is more than enough to protect Bu Yuyan from being assassinated by the casting hall with some dirty means.

Even if it is lost, self-protection is fine.

"Is this the storage ring with the bombardment airship?"

Bu Yuyan looked closely at the storage ring Qi Le gave her, and it looked extremely like a storage ring. Ring, asked a little surprised.

"Yes, it contains what I call the bomb bomber airship."

"However, this storage ring can only be used to install bomb bomber airships. If there is something else If you want to put it in, you can put it in the bombing airship first."

Qi Le taught Bu Yuyan some tips.

This cannot be called a loophole, it can only be said to be a reasonable use of loopholes in the rules.

"By the way, if you want to see what the bombing airship looks like, I can take you outside Far Mountain City to see."

At the end, Qi Le again Added a sentence.

If you want to make good use of the bombing airship, it is impossible not to be familiar with it in advance.

Because the battle strength of the bomb bomber is indeed tyrannical, it is a good thing.

However, in the driving style, it seems not so smart, at least not matching its battle strength.

Although the magic power in the energy storage gems installed on the bombardment airship can also be used as a power source, it still requires a dedicated pilot to stare at the control.

"Really, then many thanks to Qi Young Master."

Bu Yuyan was quite curious about the bomb-dropped airship described by Qi Le.

Only in terms of the size of the bomb-dropped airship, Bu Yuyan also knew that it was impossible to release it in Yuanshan City.

"Grasp it."

Qi Le took a step forward, putting his hands on the shoulders of Bu Yuyan and Xiaowen.

Then the power of the empty boots was activated instantly.

In the next second, the three of them appeared in the sky above Yuanshan City.

" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) Scream.

Immediately after the two people screamed, they seemed to have lost all their strength.

The whole body is soft and leaning against Qi Le.

After a long while, I glanced at my feet cautiously.

Looking at the residents in the Far Mountain City below, it was like looking at ants, almost blind.

"Qi, Qi, Qi Young Master, you, you actually..."

Bu Yuyan stammered for a long time, but did not say a whole sentence.

The expression in Qi Le's eyes was filled with admiration and astonishment.

walking in the sky, this can only be done by Heroic Rank powerhouse at least.

In other words, this young master who is usually not well-known and looks like an ordinary pampered young master is also a Heroic Rank powerhouse.

This is incredible.

The development of this plot is completely beyond Bu Yuyan's imagination, all in the blind zone of knowledge.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1727: Knowledge Blind Zone)...

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