Far Mountain City, in an ordinary mansion.

This is Bu Yuyan's temporary residence.

After the demonic beast tide attacked Far Mountain City, the position of Bu's family in Far Mountain City suddenly rose.

But Bu Yuyan's temperament has not been greatly affected.

The manor area gave Bu Yuyan some not-so-good memories, although Bu Yuyan would not be careful to care about these things.

After all, for the sake of a few ridicules, things that put people to death can only be done by a person with a sick mind.

But just smile like this, it seems unlikely in a short time.

Well, women always love to hold grudges.

This feature has nothing to do with status, and Bu Yuyan can't avoid it either.

It's just to see if we can take care of the overall situation that's all.

That's why Bu Yuyan never went to live in the manor area, but always lived in a mansion of the Bu family.

With Bu's previous situation in Yuanshan City, the luxury of the mansion can be imagined.

Compared to those manors, it's far worse.

But Bu Yuyan doesn't mind, anyway, where he lives is not important, what is important is that it is who lives in it.

"Miss, Young Master Qi is here to look for you."

Xiaowen knocked on Bu Yuyan's door and said to report for her arrival.

Sitting in the study, Bu Yuyan, who was looking at the letter in her hand, slightly startled, and then said: "Then invite Qi Young Master in."

As Qi Le, you still need someone to report when you come to Bujia, which is completely out of etiquette.

Because even if Qi Le does not report to the others and go in, no one dares to stop, and even will not anyone dare to have an opinion.

"The place where you live is still the same."

After Xiaowen came to Bu Yuyan's study, Qi Le couldn't help but say something.

When I went to find Bu Yuyan last time, it seemed more remote than here.

"Bu's family is already in decline. Even if there is some improvement now, I don't dare to enjoy it, but I'm sorry for Qi Young Master."

"Xiaowen, go for it."

Young Master makes tea."

Bu Yuyan was not good at answering Qi Le's words, but said something meaningful.

But Qi Le still heard unspoken implication.

That's just saying that those guys like Jin Dacai are greedy for enjoyment and domineering.

Sure enough, she is a woman who bears grudges. She always can't forget to belittle those wealthy businessmen who have offended her, even if she is already cooperating now.

"Just make tea, I don't like tea too much, so don't be so troublesome."

Qi Le waved his hand to stop Xiaowen from trying to run out action.

It's not that Qi Le doesn't appreciate it, but speak frankly.

After all, at Qi Le's age, it is difficult to taste the sweetness and bitterness of tea before he likes to drink tea.

"Then I don't know if Young Master Qi is here this time, but what do you want to find me?"

Bu Yuyan didn't say much, but asked directly.

The etiquette thing, just do it in place, there is no need to deliberately force it.

In that case, it is not courtesy, but rigid.

"Of course there is something, and it is still a big plan, but before the plan starts, I need to ensure your safety."

Qi Le slightly nodded, one Said his face solemnly.

"A big... plan?"

Bu Yuyan looked at Qi Le with a puzzled face. She couldn't think of any big plans that would make this person terrifying. Qi Young Master can use them step by step.

"Yes, as long as it succeeds, your family will be able to flourish for thousands of years."

Qi Le nodded very seriously, sure, there is also a rare touch on his face. The seriousness.

In the plan to fight against the Temple of Casting, although the core is the merchandise sold in the vending point, Bujia is also the key to maintaining this Great Influence.

Because Qi Le is too lazy to find someone.

Therefore, Qi Le will not conceal Bu Yuyan about this plan.

Because, as Qi Le said, as long as this plan is successful, the one who benefits the most is Bujia.

Once successful, it is through the ages.

So in the plan, the party who will most make an all-out effort will also be Bujia.

"Fight against the Temple of Casting!"

After Bu Yuyan listened, she was shocked by Qi Le's plan and she didn't know what to say.

In other words, simply was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

What a powerful force the Casting Palace is, it goes without saying.

The spokesperson of the god of forging, in this world, one of the very best huge monster.

Hold countless resources and contacts, possess nearly half of the forgers and Forging Masters in this world, and a large number of Heroic Rank powerhouses.

As far as strength is concerned, there is almost no force that can match it.

However, Qi Le solemnly vowed to replace it.

And still give in to the family to replace it.

How could Yuyan calm down after a while.

And Xiaowen, who was standing on the side, was also dumbfounded at the moment, without making a sound for a while.

Qi Le glanced at Xiaowen and didn't say much.

For Bu Yuyan, Xiaowen, a personal servant, belongs to her own person, and Bu Yuyan is if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers.

So even if Xiaowen knows about this plan, it doesn't really matter.

Because Xiaowen is absolutely impossible to say.

"How about it, have you decided?"

Qi Le found a chair in the study and sat down, waited for a while, to give way to Yuyan and Xiaowen People spirit slowly recovers, then asked.

"Qi Young Master, I..."

Bu Yuyan's face was struggling.

Xiaowen stood beside her, her face pale and she didn't say a word.

The Palace of Castings has accumulated prestige for a long time, and suddenly to challenge this one huge monster, not everyone will have this courage.

It's normal to be tangled and worried.

On the contrary, it was those who agreed without saying a word. Qi Le had to worry about it, preventing these guys from turning around and telling them his plan to the Temple of Casting.

"Don't be too nervous, whether you agree or not, I will not care."

Qi Le crossed his fingers and spoke slowly.

Because for Qi Le, the plot against failed, it won’t be much.

At most, this World’s vending point will not be opened, but with the strength of the Temple of Casting, it is still somewhat difficult to keep Qi Le.

But for Bu Yuyan, once he agreed to Qi Le.

That is tantamount to throwing the entire Bu family in. If it succeeds, of course it will be forever.

Qi Le will not cheat others, it must do what it says.

But if the plan fails, then Bu's family will be destroyed in an instant.

So Bu Yuyan is not allowed to be cautious.

This approach of putting the safety of the entire family into the plan is really exciting.

The unequal price makes Qi Le very clear about the entanglement in Bu Yuyan's mind at this moment, and also understands how struggling Bu Yuyan is at this moment in her mind.

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