Because business is never a straightforward matter, there are many things to consider.

Just like before, if Bu Yuyan wants to destroy Jin Dacai and the others because of some unhappiness, then the anger in her heart will vent.

But what about Yuanshan City?

Jin Dacai and many other wealthy businessmen, but mastering the various industries of Yuanshan City are related to the operation of the entire Yuanshan City.

If it all collapses in one go, will Yuanshan City continue to develop?

Do the residents of Yuanshan City still want to live?

So if the Bu family wants to grow up in Yuanshan City, they don't necessarily have to destroy these wealthy businessmen and incorporate them into their own subordinates. It is also a very good choice.

This is the reason why they are united vertically and horizontally.

For this kind of wall-and-grass generation who tends to be inflamed, as long as they are strong, they will never betray.


"By the way, you live in the Human Race house, can you adapt?"

Qi Le walked on the road, suddenly asked .

"It's okay, what form to maintain is just a matter of habit. It has no effect on me, and it has no effect on the incubation of spirit transformation."

Zi Yun knows Qi Le What are you asking, so I answered quickly.

Dragon Race is unwilling to maintain the shape of Human Race, mainly because it doesn't like it, not because the body of Human Race is too weak.

In fact, no matter what form the Dragon Race shows, it will not affect its powerful physique.

"That's good, you can stay in Far Mountain City with peace of mind during this time."

Qi Le first nodded, then lowered his head and started to think. .

Because of the scene that I saw outside the Jindacai Manor before, Qi Le had a plan in his mind.

A plan that can fight against and destroy the Temple of Casting.

The reputation of the Casting Hall in this World has been inherited for too long. It is obviously impossible to rashly destroy the Casting Hall.

However, if another power emerges, it can fight against the Temple of Castings and gradually erode the power of the Temple of Castings.

Then replace it at the end.

Then there is no problem.

It can even swallow all the resources that originally belonged to the Temple of Casting and turn them into their own strength.

The plan that Qi Le thought of was to create such a force.

In order to completely destroy the casting hall.

And the embryonic form of this force is the current Bujia.

With the products in the vending point as the core, it helps the development of Bujia. Through continuous vertical and horizontal integration, it finally reaches the level of being able to resist the temple of casting.

speaking of which, if you can think of this plan, you have to thank those businessmen who are waiting outside the Jindacai Manor.

It is these guys who remind Qi Le, a partner, is also a huge force.

As long as there is a large enough profit, a businessman can do anything.

To become the most powerful force in this world, is this temptation not big enough?

"Qi Young Master, the expression on your face...a bit weird."

Zi Yun watched the weird expression gradually emerging on Qi Le's face, forbearance I kept reminding me.

"Really, sorry, I was thinking about something just now, so I couldn't help it."

Qi Le was reminded by Zi Yun, and suddenly showed a slight smile, and then recovered. Became an expressionless appearance.

Facial paralysis always appears majestic, only high coldness can highlight the temperament.

However, Qi Le's expressionless face is actually because it has always been the case and I don't want to change it.

"Then I disturbed Qi Young Master."

Zi Yun was not interested in asking what Qi Le was thinking about.

The key to friendship is to know what to ask and what not to ask. It is important to know what you should ask.

So when Qi Le fell into thinking again, Zi Yun said goodbye.

Anyway, both parties are in Far Mountain City. It is not so difficult to meet each other. If there is anything to say, just wait until when the time comes to meet again.

Now, it's better to check the location of those manor houses.

If there were no accidents, Zi Yun would probably have lived in Yuanshan City for a long time.

At least until the threat of the Forge Temple is not so great, will he leave Far Mountain City and return to the Zidian Forest.

There are only two ways to reduce the threat of the Temple of Casting.

One is that the strength of the Forge Palace is greatly reduced, and the influence is greatly reduced.

The other is that Zi Yun can have the power to make the Palace of Castings jealous.

For example, the original Winged Dragon of Zidian was so powerful that it made the Palace of Castings jealous, so that the Palace of Castings was not afraid to find the Winged Dragon of Zidian to snatch the jade plate.

I can only wait until now to bully the younger generation of Zidian Winged Dragon.

I'm really used to bullying and fearing hard work.

"That's all."

Qi Le can only comment like this when he thinks of the style of the casting hall.

Then he glanced at Zi Yun, who was about to leave, and said: "Although Gu Ke will stay in Far Mountain City, it is better for you to see the other side."

"If the place is not clear, just go to Bu Yuyan, but I think It shouldn't be this problem."

Even if the perception of Heroic Rank powerhouse is weak, it is the same. The powerhouse of Heroic Rank realm is also impossible to detect.

It's nothing more than a clear perception.

So Qi Le is not worried about Zi Yun, but still thinking about the divine light flashed and the plan he came up with.

To be honest, the plan that came out suddenly is just a rough framework.

If you want to improve this plan, you have to fill this frame with a lot of content.

"If it is used to fight against the forces of the Forge Palace, if the Bu family is the prototype, then the safety of Bu Yuyan and the others must be ensured."

Qi Le touched the chin, confirming these things in his heart.

A group of dragons cannot be without a leader, and a power cannot be without a leader either.

Especially in Qi Le's plan, the key to maintaining the bond of cooperation between this force formed through various alliances is Bujia.

In other words, Bu Yuyan.

As for people, none of them have this prestige, nor are they insufficient for this qualification.

But once the story goes, besides ensuring the safety of Bu Yuyan and the others, there is another problem that needs to be solved.

That is the shipping speed of products such as the improved version of laser light.

If you want to fight against the Palace of Castings, tyrannical military force is an indispensable thing.

Otherwise, no matter how many forces the Bu family unites, they are all clay chickens and pottery dogs. They look powerful, but they are defeated in one blow.

"Sure enough, it's easy to think of, but difficult to do."

The plan must be more cumbersome as you think about it, so Qi Le also has a sad look on his face after thinking about it.

It's not really sad, it's just that I have been thinking for a long time, so I feel a little bored that's all.

"Forget it, I don't want to, let's do the business first."


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