But there are too many things to eat rebates. No matter where they are, they all rely on their ability that's all.

It's just that Qi Le still has a weird feeling watching him.

So there was another debate. These businessmen were fighting for the number of cooperation, and no one was willing to give in.

Jin Dacai narrowed his eyes when he saw from the side, there was quite a sense of contentment in it.

This feeling of controlling dominance is really good.

No wonder that many people like to control absolute dominance in cooperation. The feeling that this one sentence can make others scramble with red eyes is simply awesome.

While enjoying this feeling, Jin Dachai's squinted eyes scanned the merchants.

After all, if you want to expand the industry, cooperation is definitely needed.

It’s just this partner who needs to focus on selecting that's all......

"Qi Young Master?!"

"Purple, purple, purple... " then glanced at the time, the gold fortune suddenly stared wide-eyed, pupil suddenly shrink, some could not believe my eyes.


Qi Le put his index finger up to his mouth and made a silent gesture.

It's better not to tell the identity of the Purple Lightning Lingjiao, so as not to cause panic again.

"Yes, yes, yes."

Jin Dacai hurriedly responded, and then rushed over to Qi Le, rubbing his hands in front of Qi Le, nodded said with a bow, "Qi Young Master Why are you here today?"

"And this one..."

"Zi Yun."

"Yes, Zi Miss, you can come to the small one. The small one is full of brilliance."

Jin Dacai did not forget to greet Zi Yun. After all, the power of Zidian Lingjiao is still fresh in my memory. .

It must not be offended, or even the object of her upset.

However, after Jin Dazai's almost flattering greeting to Zi Yun, the surrounding scenes that should have been extremely noisy have become deadly silent.

Everyone looked at this scene with shocked, stunned, and unbelievable eyes.

Looking at Qi Le and Zi Yun.

Those merchants who had previously condemned Qi Le were shocked and horrified at this moment, and their backs were instantly wet with cold sweat.

Even the big wealth of gold must be nodded and bowed down, who is good to live and serve.

What are they? Also dare to yell.

I'm afraid it's not because I'm tired of doing business in the first half of my life, and I want to change my life in the second half of my life.

It is no exaggeration to say that with the current power of Jin Dacai, wanting to destroy their industry is definitely with no difficulty.

Where is the influence of the improved laser light.

An industry that does not have enough power to protect is a lamb to be slaughtered, a piece of raw meat thrown into the wolves.

It won’t take long before the merchants will be eaten up.

Merchants, that's it.

Don't talk about self-seeking, but there is fat in front of you, it is absolutely impossible not to eat.

Thinking of this, the merchants who were in the front line can't wait to tear their mouths.

If someone jumps in the queue, then they jump in the queue, so what do you say?

It's alright now. The opportunity that I waited so long may be vanished because of a few words of my own.

"Okay, don't waste too much time, I don't have much to come here today, Zi Yun will live in Yuanshan City for the time being, so I'll ask you if you have any extra manor."

Qi Le didn't care about people's gaze, so he asked directly.

As for the previous accusations of the businessmen, Qi Le never thought about it.

It makes no sense.

If you really care about such small things every day, then Qi Le would be exhausted a long time ago.

As a powerhouse, you should be generous and have a bottom line.

When the canthus must be reported, he will never be weak.

But to care about with a group of guys who simply didn't actually hurt themselves, that would be too stingy.

"Miss Zi will live in Yuanshan City..."

Jin Dachai swallowed secretly, and then glanced at Zi Yun.

I thought to myself, a purple electric spirit bird lives in Far Mountain City, what should happen to it?

If there is anyone who doesn't open his eyes, accidentally offends this beautiful, sexy, and noble woman, I am afraid that the distant mountain city will disappear on the 2nd day.

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't, I'll just go to Bu Yuyan and ask."

Qi Le saw that Jin Dacai hadn't responded for a long time, and thought he was embarrassed.

"Yes! Of course there is!"

Jin Dacai heard this and said it quickly, almost as if he was shouting out.

This kind of opportunity to be close to Qi Le, if Jin Dacai is not able to grasp it, it is better to buy a piece of tofu and kill him.

Not to mention that Jin Dachai does have another manor in his hands.

Even if it doesn't, Jin Dachai will say yes.

Then immediately let someone arrange it.

"Besides Miss Zi, I don't know if Young Master Qi needs a manor? There are several manors in his hands."

Jin Dacai asked again.

The set is close, I finally found an opportunity, so I had to give it more.

"Forget it, you just arrange Zi Yun."

Qi Le waved his hand and rejected Jin Dachai's kindness.

I didn't plan to live in this World for a long time. It's useless to ask for a manor.

After all, Qi Le is not inferior to this manor, so why bother to owe such a thing.

You know, Qi Le's favor is very valuable.

"Yes, the little one will be asked to do it now."

Jin Dachai responded in a hurry, and then immediately turned around to let a servant around him do it.

It is said that no matter which manor is chosen by Zi Yun, no matter what price it pays, it will be taken down.

"Since the matter has been settled, then I won't bother much."

Qi Le glanced back at the businessmen who were still keeping quiet out of fear, with their faces also A faint smile appeared, saying: "It is a good thing to spread the customer channel, but it is still very important to choose a partner."

"Just move forward steadily. Don't be too hasty. The most important thing in business is Honesty and reciprocity, absolutely not domineering."

Leaving this sentence, Qi Le left with Zi Yun.

But Jin Dachai was still pondering this sentence, and the look towards the merchants present became intriguing.

Qi Le's domineering refers to both Jin Dacai and the merchants present.

It’s getting hotter.

Facing the arrogance of the weak, flattery in the face of powerhouse.

Merchants' pursuit of profit is inevitable, and it has become commonplace for businessmen to follow suit. It is also inevitable.

But Qi Le doesn't want to see his partner become such a person.

Because it is not necessary at all.

Just like Jin Dacai, if Qi Le didn't want to stay in this World for a long time, there would be no cooperation probability.

It's just that these things are left to Bu Yuyan to deal with.

So Qi Le doesn't have multiple pipes either.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1724: absolutely not domineering)...

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