Qi Le followed Gu Ke and walked slowly into the Green Water Manor.

Then, following the crack that was shattered under Gu Ke's foot, he walked slowly into the courtyard of the Green Water Manor.

"It's here."

Qi Le seemed to mutter to himself, then stretched out his hand and took out a shimmering spar from the crack.

That is a Magic Core.

Seeing this, Zi Yun's eyes flashed with a look of sudden realization.

However, the others are full of doubts.

Including Yan Lin, they are also puzzled.

But Qi Le did not explain, but continued to walk along the crack. Every time he walked a certain distance, he squatted down and took out a piece of Magic Core from the crack.

Until the end, the entire Green Water Manor was turned around.

When he returned to the gate, Qi Le had more than a dozen Magic Cores in his hands.

"It's all here, the Magic Core used to arrange the magic array."

Qi Le said confidently, while dropping the Magic Core in his hand on the ground.

These Magic Cores, which have almost exhausted their energy, are just a pile of waste products that's all left in their hands.

"Gu Ke, break the formation."

"As you bid."

Gu Ke had already waited aside when he heard Qi Le's words , Immediately raised his fist and hit the ground heavily.


In an instant, the entire Green Water Manor was affected by the power of this fist.

Then there was a whine.

Immediately afterwards, the entire ground bearing the Green Water Manor began to collapse downward.

It's like this was originally a depression.

At this moment, Zi Yun's eyes were also slightly brighter, and her face showed uncontrollable excitement.

"This is..."

"Yes, it's the breath of Lingjiao eggs."

Qi Le clicked nodded, affirming Zi Yun's Perceived, and then slowly said: "This kind of superficial array of trapping demon is a waste of Magic Core."

"However, people who can arrange this array of trapping demon here can be considered I'm a capable person."

The development of the Sampling Demon array is inseparable from the diligence of perception.

Therefore, the array of trapping demon arranged outside the Green Water Manor can conceal the perception of the Purple Lightning Lingjiao, but cannot conceal the perception of Qi Le and Gu Ke.

"Found it!"

Although Qi Le can still speak slowly, Zi Yun can't wait.

At the time of Qi Le nodded, Zi Yun had already rushed into the main house of Lvshui Manor.

Then, following the place where the breath came out, he smashed the ground directly, and found the spirit dragon egg that exuded purple brilliance from a hidden basement.

Dragon Race's fertility has always been low.

That's why Dragon Race cherishes its children and protects shortcomings.

If you can be like a rabbit and have the ability to breed for three years, it will be flooded, then it is estimated that this World is the territory of Dragon Race.

"Is this the Lingjiao Egg, it looks pretty."

Qi Le stepped forward and looked at the Lingjiao Egg held by Zi Yun.

The shell exuding purple rays of light, dazzling like amethyst, looks noble and elegant.

Apart from other things, just looking at this appearance, you can know that this is definitely a rare treasure.

Not to mention the essence of this soul egg.

And the fact is exactly the same. The shell of the Lingjiao egg is a rare forging material.

It contains majestic energy, and the material is tenacious, and it can absorb a lot of impact.

This is also to protect the yet to be born Purple Lightning Dragon.

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