"Qi Young Master, this Green Water Manor is the property under the name."

"If Qi Young Master likes it, then this Green Water Manor, Think of it as a little thank you from Mr. Gu for his life-saving grace."

Yan Lin, who was still pale, has now stepped forward beaming.

This green water manor is exactly the manor owned by Yan Lin.

It is a godsend to be able to be attracted by Qi Le at this time.

As long as you can hug Qi Le's thighs, those who want to fly to the sky, soaring into the sky, are just around the corner.

A trifling Bu Yuyan is nothing to worry about.

"Like? You just think you like it."

Qi Le squinted slightly, raised his eyebrows, and looked at Yan Lin interestingly.

Qi Le has always been very weak in the mood in his tone.

So everyone around you simply didn't hear Qi Le's unspoken implication.

Just looking at Yan Lin quite enviously, jealousy flashes in his eyes from time to time.

"It is the blessing of this manor to be liked by Qi Young Master. From today on, this Green Water Manor belongs to the Young Master. I hope Qi Young Master can accept it. " strict stand in great numbers engraved statement.

Bu Yuyan, who followed behind everyone, suddenly complexion slightly changed.

If Yan Lin also got Qi Le's blue eyes, then things would be difficult.

Qi Le will not ignore the battle between Bujia and Yan Family. When the time comes, the interior of Feiyan Chamber of Commerce is even more chaotic.


Xiaowen yelled softly beside her.

"It's okay, Xiaowen, we are not qualified to interfere with Qi Young Master's decision, just watch it."

Bu Yuyan shook the head and stopped talking Up.

After all, she and Qi Le are just a partnership relationship, and this is a collaboration that relies entirely on Qi Le.

So when facing Qi Le, Bu Yuyan simply has no right to speak.

It's just that, in the eyes of everyone's envy and jealousy.

Qi Le did not readily accept Yan Lin's manor, and the expression on his face remained unchanged.

It was a faint laughed, and said slowly: "Don't worry, I don't have to give this Green Water Manor to me. After all, I am not a person who likes to take and grab."

This sentence seems to have hidden meaning.

But without waiting for Yan Lin to savor it, Qi Le looked towards Zi Yun next to him.

"I hope you can restrain yourself a little later, because I think it would be better for Yuanshan City to be a complete city-state."

With the battle strength and destructive of the Purple Electric Spirit Jiao power, destroying a distant mountain city, that is with no difficulty.

So some things must be said first.

"I see."

Zi Yun stared at Qi Le two more times before nodded and said she agreed.

"That's good," Qi Le lightly nodded with a smile, then his complexion condensed, looked towards Gu Ke, and said, "Gu Ke, prepare to start breaking the formation."

"Okay, Young Master."

Gu Ke slightly nodded, and then walked into the gate of Green Water Manor first.

Immediately after raising his foot sharply, Fiercely stomped on the floor of the hallway entering the main house.


There was a sudden violent shaking on the ground, and the shock caused the people standing outside the Green Water Manor to almost fall to the ground.

However, the vibration did not last long, and it stopped in less than ten seconds.

But even so, everyone outside the Green Water Manor was filled with shock.

Intuitively felt the terrifying power of Guke, and it raised the awe in everyone's hearts to a level.

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