However, the eggshells of Lingjiao eggs that can be collected are extremely rare.

Because the majestic energy contained in the eggshell is the treasure that lays a good foundation for the small purple electric spirit dragon after the purple electric spirit dragon came out of the shell.

So basically impossible is left.

"Of course."

Zi Yun seemed to show off a bit, but didn't let Qi Le look at it, so he put away the Lingjiao egg.

For Lingjiao eggs, Purple Electric Lingjiao has its own unique storage method.

You can’t use that's all when you are moulting.

When everyone waiting outside the Green Water Manor saw this, they all realized that Qi Le brought the Purple Lightning Spirit Jiao to Green Water Manor's real purpose.

Everyone is not stupid.

Through these few words that can be regarded as explicit, it is natural to deduce the course of the whole thing.

So looking towards Yan Lin's gaze, immediately changed from envy and jealousy to anger and pity.

The anger was naturally because Yan Lin stole the spirit dragon egg, so the purple lightning spirit dragon called the demonic beast tide to attack the distant mountain city.

If it hadn't been for Gu Ke's timely action, Yan Lin would be unavoidable even if he died ten thousand times.

And pity, naturally, because of this kind of thing, in front of the Zidian Lingjiao, Yan Lin is probably dead soon.

Yan Lin, who also wanted to understand the whole thing, knelt on the ground with his legs weakened on the spot, loudly shouted, "It's not me! I didn't do this thing!"

"I know who did it, don't kill me, I will tell you who did it!"

Facing the threat of death, Yan Lin's desire to survive broke out more than expected It's even stronger.

Fortunately, Qi Le retreats fast, otherwise Yan Lin hugged his calf, snot and tears, it's really not the same thing.

"hmph, the Lingjiao egg was found here, didn't you do it, who else?"

"You guy, I have long seen you are not a good thing Now, didn't expect you to be able to do this kind of thing."

At this time, Jin Dacai jumped out immediately and pointed at Yan Lin and shouted.

Not only to please Qi Le and Zi Yun, but also to let out a sigh of frustration for the fear and fear that I had previously felt.

Other wealthy businessmen also echoed.

To belittle Yan Lin to be worthless, as if it is a shame to know him.

Bu Yuyan and Xiaowen looked at each other, and both saw the surprise and joy in each other's eyes.

It really didn't expect that the reverse of things happened so quickly.

"Yan Lin, you don't need to say any more. The battle of Yuanshan City shouldn't have happened."

"But because of you, how many families are broken, how many people will never return. Go, you have to take the main responsibility for all this!"

Li Congrong also sternly yelled at him.

If it weren't for Qi Le and Zi Yun who were still watching, maybe Li calmly would draw his sword and rush forward in the next second.

"I didn't do it, it really wasn't me. That guy must do it all!"

"That bastard did it without telling me!"

Yan Lin yelled desperately, trying to argue for himself.

However, Zi Yun doesn't want to listen to these words.

In the face of the guy who dared to steal the Lingjiao egg, Zi Yun now only wants to kill and then hurry up.


A purple light suddenly appeared on Zi Yun's fingertips, and the power carried on it made everyone around him moved.

Shocked everyone back again and again.

"No, please let me go! I really didn't do this thing!"

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