Compared with the unobtrusive powerhouse like Guke, the Purple Electric Spirit Jiao is undoubtedly more than a hundred times more terrifying.

After all, Qi Le and Gu Ke can still communicate.

But in the face of the Purple Lightning Dragon, there is no way to communicate.

"What are you afraid of? If it weren't for your wrong first, why would someone come here?"

Qi Le sneered, and then no longer paid attention to These snobs turned and walked into the manor area.

While walking, he said aloud: "Don't stay there anymore. Come in."

"Are we wrong first?"

The wealthy businessmen were confused by Qi Le's words.

However, at this time, it is impossible not to follow up, so everyone did not hesitate.

Although Zidian Lingjiao is very terrifying.

But there are Young Master and Mr. Gu nearby, so I think the Purple Lightning Spirit Jiao wouldn't dare to mess around.

Bu Yuyan and Xiaowen who followed at the end were also shocked.

"Qi Young Master just said that the one next to him is the Zidian Lingjiao."

"Didn't expect Qi Young Master to be able to interact with Zidian Ling. Such a tyrannical Variation Beast friendship is worthy of being a person from the top powers that dominate one side. This kind of courage is really beyond my reach."



Although the environment in the manor area is elegant and beautiful, Qi Le is not here to visit this time.

So let Gu Ke lead the way and go directly to the place where the breath appears.

Following behind, the unidentified people, even if they were full of doubts, could only follow silently, not dare to ask more.

After all, the power of the Purple Electric Spirit Jiao is still there.

No one dared to disturb the woman walking beside Qi Le at this time.

Unless this person feels that it is not a meaningful thing to live, he will proactively provoke the Purple Lightning Dragon.

However, among these wealthy businessmen, there should not be such a person.

However, it doesn't take long for the wealthy businessmen to trembling with fear.

Although the manor area is not small, Qi Le has no intention of wandering in it.

Guke went straight to the destination.

In a short while, everyone came to a well-kept manor decorated with red and green leaves.

On the gate of the manor, there is also a plaque with four characters written on it.

Green Water Manor.

It was just the guard in this manor, and disappeared at this time.

I don’t know if I was scared off by the news of the demonic beast attack on the distant mountain city, or was taken away by others.

"Young Master, the place is here."

Gu Ke stood at the entrance of Lvshui Manor and ordered nodded towards Qi Le.

"Okay, thanks for your hard work."

Qi Le replied, then turned and looked towards the people behind him, a little playful said with a smile: "You Does anyone in China know who is the owner of this manor?"

This question suddenly awakened the rich businessmen of the cowering.

Upon hearing Qi Le's tone, the wealthy businessmen thought that Qi Le was in love with this green water manor.

For a while, everyone was feeling the luck of the owner of this green water manor.

It turned out to be favored by Qi Le.

Then, as long as you take the opportunity to give the Green Water Manor to Qi Le, it will probably not be far away from the time of Feihuang Tengda.

It's just the wealthy businessmen who live in the manor area, although they are quite familiar with each other.

But the location of this Green Water Manor is really a bit off.

So for a while, no one knew who this manor really belonged to.

However, among the crowd, there was one person with a smile on his face.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1693: Who is the owner of the manor)...

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