Seeing here, Qi Le has almost finished reading the layout of the vending point.

In addition, there is a warehouse door in the innermost part of the store, which should be used for replenishment.

But Qi Le did not go to see it either.

Anyway, Qi Le is not used to replenish the goods in the vending point, so it is the same whether you look at the warehouse.

And because it is only a vending point, the layout is extremely simple, and there is no bedroom where Qi Le lives, and there is even only one sofa.

Probably because the simulation robot does not need to rest.

However, for such a hard-working simulation robot, a handsome steward, the name system is too rough.

Otherwise, change his name.

Seeing this situation, Qi Le touched the chin, thinking to himself in his heart.

In fact, Qi Le had this idea when he heard the first name self-reported.

It’s just that the idea is now firmer.

Thinking like this, Qi Le's eyes began to look closely at this handsome steward.

To be honest, the simulation robot is indeed a robot.

Under Qi Le's aggressive gaze, he can be calm and calm, which is really amazing.

"en? This mark is..."

Qi Le looked at it for a while, and suddenly saw a familiar pattern on the collar of this handsome steward.

So immediately stretched out and opened the ribbon on the neckline of the simulated robot.

The pattern that Qi Le felt familiar with immediately revealed a large area, which was displayed in front of Qi Le's eyes.

"It really is an ancient rune!"

Qi Le's pupils slightly shrunk, and the look in the handsome steward's eyes immediately changed.

It is another product of the combination of technology and magic.

The style of these lines, Qi Le, after being mocked by the system several times, deliberately studied the ancient rune, so he can still recognize it.

That is the Puppet Talisman text.

Add the Puppet Talisman text from the ancient rune to the simulation robot.

After the system has produced an improved version of laser light, has it moved towards the field of robots again?

"That's really awesome, my system."

Qi Le sighed involuntarily.

system: " I'm overwhelmed, host."

"I'm not complimenting you... well, this time you are sure to be pretty good."

After Qi Le retorted subconsciously, he was silent for a while, and then said another sentence.

Because the technological content of robots and lasers is really different.

But... it's not right!

Why in a world of Battle Qi and magic, we need to discuss the technology side?

"Forget it, I don't have the energy to worry about these problems."

Qi Le gave up thinking about it for a while, but looked towards the handsome steward in front of him. .

At this time, his face is calm, and he methodically re-tie the ribbon into a bow.

Qi Le watched it for a while, and finally figured it out.

No wonder this guy has to dress so tightly, even with white gloves on his hands.

It turned out to be to cover Puppet Talisman's text.

Hmm... Since it is the product of the combination of ancient rune and technology, it might as well be called...


"Well, if I want to help you change your name, it shouldn't be your mind."

Qi Le first sighed for his ability to name the system, and then He slapped one hand on the handsome steward's shoulder and spoke seriously.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1645: Or change your name)...

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