The original name of Kobe Bryant, but I don’t know how many times better it is.

At least it looks like a personal name.

"As long as it doesn't go against my duty, everything depends on Young Master's orders."

There is no wave in the handsome steward's voice.

"Okay, from now on, you will be called Guke."

Qi Le had to say with emotion, it was made with a simulation robot and Puppet Talisman text." People", there really is no emotion at all.

Only know to obey orders.

"Yes, Young Master."

The handsome steward was successfully renamed.

Now, it is Gu Ke who bows to say hello to Qi Le.

And when Qi Le changed the name of this handsome steward, he already thought of another question.

That is, this is the only impossible vending point.

If system gets a few more simulation robots in the future, just follow them together, all with the surname "Gu".

Produced by the ancient rune, what a meaningful surname.

Otherwise, Qi Le can't flatter the taste of the system's name.

But when it comes to this point, Qi Le also has to admire the creativity of the system. A bunch of ancient runes that come by accident can actually be used for fun.

"By the way, only the improved version of laser light is currently on the shelves in the vending point, and half of the shelves are reserved for spare."

Qi Le is helping handsome steward to finish the change. After the name, he then ordered.

It is not convenient to release the assembled laser light.

Especially the city defense type and destruction version of the laser light emitting tube, it is really not something ordinary customers can use.

Even more how, take a step back and think about it. Good things should be released slowly.

There are waves of wool.

First put an improved version of the basic version of the laser light, let customers berserk for a while.

After the market is almost saturated, release a higher version of the laser light emitting tube, which can cause a period of popularity.

When doing business, you have to pay attention to some strategies.

"Yes, Young Master."

After Gu Ke answered, he turned around and went to the store to replenish the goods.

"It feels so good to just move your mouth."

Qi Le sat comfortably on the only sofa in the vending point, looking at Gu Ke Busy in the shop.

The simulation robot with Puppet Talisman text has this advantage.

As long as the energy is constant and the rune is not damaged, it will always be impossible to feel "tired".

So after Qi Le watched it for a while, he was not interested in watching it anymore.

After giving an order, Guke closed the shop after finishing the replenishment.

Then Qi Le put his hands on his back and Shi Shiran left.

It’s midnight. It’s better to go back to sleep than to watch a simulated robot replenish the goods here.

However, the only thing Qi Le regrets is that there is no bedroom in the vending point.

This is really uncomfortable.


The night is getting deeper and deeper.

In the Zidian Forest, a mercenary squad of about a dozen people is rushing towards the forest outside.

The speed of running in the woods is as fast as some terrifying beast is chasing after them.

Each of these mercenaries wore night clothes with a breath-suppressing effect, and also applied a special medicine that could concealed aura on their bodies.

The shadowy shadows, except for the noises made during running, seem to have melted into the dark night.

I don’t know how long it took.

One of the mercenaries couldn't help but uttered aloud, gritted their teeth and asked: "Captain..."

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