Is it really willing?

I'm afraid I won't be convinced.

This is indeed in line with the system’s traditional violent aesthetics. For customers who are unwilling to pay, adequate education must be given.

"And Young Master's orders, as long as I don't violate my duties, I will obey them all."

Number One didn't care about the weird look on Qi Le’s face. But continue to speak seriously.

"Do not violate your duty...I understand."

Qi Le thought for a moment before he clicked nodded.

To put it simply, when the vending point is open, number one cannot leave here.

But after closing the door, it doesn't matter.

"In this case, I will introduce you to a partner tomorrow. When you are free, remember to protect her."

"Because, I don't want to change me often Partner."

Qi Le soon thought of the task that could be assigned to No.1.

As for protecting Qi Le, it is unnecessary.

Although No. 1’s battle strength, Qi Le still doesn’t know how strong it is.

But in fact, it doesn't matter how strong it is, because even if the number one is strong, it is impossible to be stronger than Qi Le himself.

"Follow your orders, Young Master."

Number One, hearing this, bowed slightly and said aloud.

"In this case, I can rest assured."

Qi Le didn't sleep in the middle of the night, and came here on purpose. It was a bit rewarding.

But after getting to know No.1, Qi Le only remembered that he didn't seem to have visited the vending point before.

"Almost turned the cart before the horse."

Qi Le patted his forehead and quickly walked into the store.

The layout of the vending point is completely different from the shops in the Eastern Wilderness and the Northern Mountain Range.

Because there is no need for counters and other areas, in the vending point, all shelves are made of colored glaze, which are fairly loosely distributed in the store.

And the size of the area in the vending point is obviously the magic of space folding.

The actual size of the interior is at least ten times the size of the exterior, and it may be more than that.

It can accommodate many customers at once.

And beside these shelves.

Basically, on one side of each shelf, there is a cash box with a large opening.

Because only Gold Coin is accepted, it’s not good to speak a little too much.

After the customer enters the store and purchases the desired product, he just walks to the cash box, and the cash box will show the amount of Gold Coin that the customer needs to pay.

Just drop the Gold Coin into the cash box.

Very convenient.

The only problem is that when there are more types of products in the future, if these customers want to buy more, I am afraid they will have to drag a box.

Otherwise, there are so many Gold Coins that you may not be able to put down.

Of course, it is also possible to install Gold Coin with storage-type artifacts.

However, although storage-type artifacts are not particularly rare, they are also very precious things.

Ordinary customers shouldn’t.

However, these problems are not what Qi Le should worry about.

Anyway, Qi Le only knows that if someone dares not pay, he wants to take the goods and walk outside the store.

The phrase "willingly" in that mouthpiece is definitely not just for fun.

There is a simulation robot with the strength of Heroic Rank High Rank staring at him, Qi Le really doesn't worry about anyone who doesn't open his eyes dare to escape the order.

If there is, Qi Le can only compliment the last sentence.

The courage is commendable.

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