"Didn't you just talk about the strength of Faith of a unit before? How can you go back on one's word!"

Qi Le was taken aback for a moment, then repeated Questioned.

Fortunately, I asked this question more at this time, otherwise I will be pitted by this Erbi system again.

system: "Well, the host, in fact, the sentence is, to unlock new products, at least one unit of strength of faith is enough."

"At least?"

Qi Le was silent.

This two-stroke system is really good, and even the missing words know the most important words.

On this IQ, in a few more years, Qi Le asked himself, I am afraid that his host will not be able to fight it.

system: "Well, otherwise, this is the first time a new product is unlocked, no matter what is unlocked, it only needs one unit of strength of Faith."

It seems to be felt. Qi Le was silent suddenly, and system immediately said aloud.

Probably to compensate for my mistakes.

However, Qi Le doesn't know if these two missing words are misspellings.

"Okay, but..."

system: "However, just this once."

Just when Qi Le wanted to say something At that time, system immediately interrupted Qi Le's words, and solemnly emphasized "just this once".

"As long as you don't make a mistake next time, then just this once."

Qi Le curl one's lip hummed.

"If that's the case, let's start unlocking, new product extraction!"

After a little complaint, Qi Le took a deep breath and shouted in his head.

This World’s dedicated purchase channel, unlocking new products is similar to the previous lottery.

This reminds Qi Le inexplicably about the days of lottery.

Unfortunately, since I went to the northern mountain range, I haven't drawn a lottery anymore, all of which is done by the system.

There is no fancy interface in the extraction of new products.

Everything is waiting in darkness.

Until the sound of system sounds.

system: "Congratulations to the host, unlocked the new product, the energy storage gem set."

"What? What energy storage gem set?"

Qi Le After hearing the name of the new product, I was flabbergasted.

I always feel that this name gives people a bad premonition.

system: "The energy storage gem set is the latest accessory set of the improved laser light. It needs to be sold together with the improved laser light and the latest launch tube."

Sure enough, yes Damn bundling.

Qi Le knows what kind of routine it is as soon as he listens to system.

Qi Le has thought about the issue of bundling sales before.

However, this kind of bundling sales routine is simply not needed when the quality of the store in the store is completely passed.

However, the problem that I thought about once was actually used by the system.

"Don't worry, let me see what this energy storage gem suit is before I talk about it."

Qi Le quickly calmed down.

The biggest problem with bundling is whether the bait thrown by the system is worth Qi Le's expense to unlock new products recommended by the system.

So the function of the energy storage gem set is particularly important.

Energy storage gem set: It can be installed on the launch tube and freely combined into various types of improved laser light sets.

The set contains Fire Element energy storage gems, Water Element energy storage gems, Thunder Element energy storage gems...

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1632: Energy Storage Gem Set)...

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