There are many types of energy storage gems in this energy storage gem set. Qi Le glanced it down and almost didn't see his head.

The large number makes Qi Le surprised.

"This Erbi system is too willing to spend money in order to allow me to unlock other new products... But..."

"Something is wrong."

Qi Le's surprise didn't last long, and then he soon woke up.

And in the next second, I saw through system's tricks.

Because just looking at the new product of the energy storage gem set is indeed a great gift.

But there is one thing to note, that is, the energy storage gem set, which is just a set of accessories.

If you want to use this accessory set, you must buy the main part.

This approach is a bit like when you buy something in a store and you win a prize with a high-end tire, especially the high-end one.

Then in order to use this high-end tire, as a last resort, I gritted my teeth and bought a supercar.

Isn’t this sick?

However, Qi Le knew that this neglect the root and pursue the tip approach, which has several points of mental disorder, had to do it.

Because of this energy storage gem set, the effect is really very good.

The brief introduction about the energy storage gem set that Qi Le saw before is indeed a brief introduction.

As for the functions of the energy storage gems included in the set, you need to click into the detailed introduction of the energy storage gem set to see.

From this look, Qi Le was even more surprised.

Fire Element Energy Storage Gem: After the assembly is completed, a Fire Element special effect can be randomly added to the condensed magic light bomb.

Random range includes but not limited to: burning, flame burst, high temperature fusing and other effects.

Needless to say burning and flame burst.

This high-temperature fuse is actually a very powerful magic effect of destructive power in Fire Element magic.

It can directly destroy the target's protective body Battle Qi or magic barrier.

Even those armors that have been enchanted, accidentally, will be melted.

It can be said to be a very terrifying magic effect.

Water Element Energy Storage Gem: After the assembly is completed, a Water Element special effect can be randomly added to the condensed magic light bomb.

Random range includes but not limited to: corrosion, deceleration, strong pressure impact and other effects.

The corrosion effect can be regarded as a very unique magic effect in Water Element magic.

It can destroy the target's physical defense and magic resistance very effectively.

The effects of high-temperature fuse and the Fire Element are similar, but they are completely different in attributes.

High temperature fusing is about instantaneous destruction, but the degree of destruction is limited.

Corrosion is a slow, silent erosion, but there is no upper limit to the extent of damage.

As long as the corrosion effect is still there, the erosion of the target will continue.

Of course, this is also the interesting part of elemental magic.

Each element has its own uniqueness.

Thunder Element Energy Storage Gem: After the assembly is completed, a Thunder Element special effect can be randomly added to the condensed magic light bomb.

Random range includes but not limited to: paralysis, thunder burst, lightning chain and other effects...

Wind Element energy storage gem...

this time, about The detailed introduction of these energy storage gems is really invisible at a glance.

Qi Le turned a dozen pages backwards before reading all the functions of these energy storage gems.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (chapter 1,633: the next blood)...

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