After hearing Qi Le repeat the "new product", system immediately emphasized.

"Che, it turns out that you are here to cheat on my strength of faith."

Qi Le understands as soon as he listens, the guy system is really nothing to do.

It is indeed good news that there are new products.

But it's not free, so what good news is it?

However, since system said there are new products, Qi Le is still very interested.

Because Qi Le really wants to see, in this dedicated purchase channel, in addition to the improved version of the laser, there will be those weird products appearing.

So after thinking for a while, Qi Le asked: "Then how much strength of Faith is needed to unlock a new product?"

system: "Unlock a new product Commodities only need one unit of strength of Faith."

"How much is that unit?"

Qi Le hearing this, immediately asked out loud.

The description of a unit is definitely the most pitted description.

If you don’t ask clearly, Qi Le can guarantee that the guy system can eat all the strength of Faith he has now.

system: "A unit is a unit. Don't worry about the host. This system has always been a young man and will never cheat you."

Oh, a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure.

Qi Le smiled silently: "hehe."

If system doesn’t say the last sentence, it’s okay. After saying this, I always feel that I want to cheat myself. .

"Don't give me this kind of fictitious thing, tell me first, can I first see what the new product is, and then decide whether to unlock it."

Qi Le can't do anything. , Make a living again.

Since you don’t know what a unit is, let’s take a look at the value of the new product.

system: "Host, what are you thinking about?"

"No way? Forget it, I don't want new products. The improved laser light is enough for the time being. "

Qi Le Hearing the this, apart from anything else, the system refuses the proposal.

This kind of transaction is clearly deceptive. How can such a smart person as Qi Le agree?

system: "Wait, host, this system assures you that new products will never let you down. If you are disappointed, this system will not charge you anything."

" Hey, this is a good way!"

Qi Le was immediately interested when he heard these words.

I am not disappointed, it is not my decision.

system: "However, the host, don't be whimsical, have you forgotten, this system can detect your thoughts."


This sentence seems to be correct.

However, Qi Le is also a little relieved with the sentence system.

After all, it is worth paying a little strength of Faith for a satisfactory new product.

Anyway, the strength of Faith collected is not to open the fairy and magic battlefield in exchange for those Immortal Artifact and Demonic Artifact.

This is essentially a purchase.

Can’t be the problem.

"Okay, if that's the case, then help me unlock new products."

Qi Le made a decisive decision after pondering for a while.

Then a little paused, and then asked: "By the way, how many new products can I unlock with the strength of Faith that I have now?"

system: "Host, actually According to the Quality-of unlocking new products, the strength of Faith charged is different."

"What did you say? Didn't you just say one unit before? How can you go back on one's word Yeah!"

Qi Le was taken aback for a moment, and then repeatedly questioned.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1631: One Unit)...

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