"Qi Store Manager, you really don't like this."

Lan Qi said with some helplessness.

"It doesn't matter, do you want more things?"

Qi Le just sat down on the chair and had no intention of getting up.

Everyone is so familiar, do you still want to let yourself, the Store Manager, do it yourself like it was when you were in the store.



"Okay, let's sit down with Store Manager, I can get it by myself."

Lanqi replied decisively After a sentence, he stood up with a "teng" sound, and walked to the shelf area angrily.

Three pairs of hunting goggles, 18,000 Spirit Crystals.

But Spirit Crystal is not the problem, the service attitude is the big problem.

"Qi Store Manager, I think your service attitude should be changed, otherwise it is easy to lose customers."

Membership Card deducted 18,000 After the Spirit Crystal, Lan Qi came to Qi Le and made sincere suggestions.


Qi Le replied confidently.

"Can you tell me, what is it that gives Qi Store Manager this wrong perception?" Lan Qi asked curiously.

"Because the goods in my store are good enough."


Faced with Qi Le's unequivocal answer, Lan Qi momentarily In the meantime, it is really difficult to find a rebuttal.

Because in fact, Qi Le's answer is not at all questionable.

Strong strength can only ensure that customers will not make trouble.

To attract customers to the store to consume, the quality of the product-is the most important thing.

Lanqi himself is the best example.

Can't beat Qi Le, at worst, stay away and finish.

However, what attracts Ranchi to the store every day is the delicious food and drinks, as well as the incredible The New World Mode.

So much so that Ranchi has a bad temper.

No way, it's useless to lose your temper. If you can't beat it, you can't beat it.

And now Lanqi has also discovered that not only he can't beat Qi Le, but he can't even say it.

"Go away, who knows who the next target of Nightmare Demon Race will be, or don't waste time here."

Lan Qi realized in this brief moment One reason.

That is, when you can't say it, as long as you stay away, you won't find yourself in embarrassment.

So after saying this, Lanqi hurriedly walked out of the store.

"Goodbye Qi Store Manager."

Shana and Tiana are quite well-behaved with Qi Le.

"Okay, go slowly, I won't give it away."

Qi Le nodded compliments, saying that he knows.

Then after watching the three people leave, Qi Le's gaze was again placed on the Warhammer fragment on the small round table.

Lanci said earlier that although the Warhammer fragment has the function of recording breath.

But after engraving the formation mark, after using this function, the Warhammer fragment is just a piece of scrap iron of no value.

So when he left, Lanqi deliberately didn't clean up this piece of debris.

It doesn't make much sense, just to add to Qi Le.

"Little child has a temper."

System: "Host, this system has detected a breath of ancient Remnant Soul. Would you like to extract it?"

Just when Qi Le was about to take this useless Warhammer fragment and throw it away, the voice of system suddenly rang in Qi Le's mind.

Qi Le's hands were shaken.

"Ancient Remnant Soul? Where is it?" Qi Le quickly asked aloud.

Although Qi Le not quite clear, the ancient Remnant Soul is something.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1470: Ancient Remnant Soul)...

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