But no matter what, as long as one has a relationship with the prefix "Ancient", it is basically a good thing.

even more how the name of the ancient Remnant Soul is very tall when you hear it.

system: "It's in the fragments in front of the host."


Qi Le picked up the Warhammer fragments on the small round table. , Took a closer look.

However, except for the formation mark engraved by the dragon's breath on the fragment, which is slightly mysterious, everything else is no different from a piece of scrap iron.

And because the function of recording breath has already worked, it also caused the last bit of luster of this Warhammer fragment to disappear.

system: "Yes, because the breath of the ancient Remnant Soul is too weak, so this system has been tested several times before it is determined."

When Qi Le was observing the debris, the system began to take credit again.

"No wonder you only told me about this at this time."

Qi Le suddenly understood this when he heard this.

With the system's stingy and greedy personality, if you find this ancient Remnant Soul at first.

I'm afraid I will publish the task directly, let my host get this piece of debris.

Instead of waiting until now.

As for why Qi Le is so sure, system will issue tasks.

Of course, it is because, if it is not a particularly important thing, the system will not waste energy to check so many times, and even express it specifically.

"Then speaking of which, didn't I lose a mission reward?"

Thinking of this, Qi Le was shocked.

This can't be done!

system: "How about it, host, this system is still very difficult to deal with."

Hearing that system is still asking for credit, Qi Le immediately made a living.

"Awesome? If it is really amazing, why would it take so long for you to detect it?"

"System, do you know it, because your detection speed is so slow, If this piece of debris does not stay here, but is taken away, what is the loss?"

Qi Le pretended to be angry, slap the table and stand up, questioned in his mind.

System was suddenly speechless when asked.

After a long while, I made a weak voice.

system: "What do you think the host should count?"

When Qi Le heard this tone, he knew that system had been stunned by his own strong words.

A system with a low IQ would be very easy to fool if it is degraded.

"It's very simple, I'll sort out this thing for you first."

Qi Le cleared his throat, and then said.

In order to prevent the system from being dissatisfied, Qi Le decided to clarify the matter and engage in in-depth flicks.

"First of all, this fragment is not ours, but Tiana brought it."

"And now this fragment is left in the store, it's all because My friendship with them, that is, there is nothing about you in this."

"Now, you want the ancient Remnant Soul in this fragment, then, should you give me some Compensation."

Qi Le talks about three aspects: cause, process, and result.

The words are justified and well-founded, so that the Erbi system, which has been undermined, has to be convinced.

system: "It makes sense, host, so it seems that if the system does not give you a little compensation, it seems a bit unreasonable."

"Yes, that's it. ."

Qi Le clicked nodded with deep approval, expressing his satisfaction with his ability to fool.

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