"Now the nightmare Demon Race has escaped from below the abyss . This kind of canthus will avenge the race, it is impossible not to avenge."

"Old Patriarch, I am afraid It was because of the revenge of Nightmare Demon Race."

Sairatel concluded by saying.

There are evidences of motivation, ability, and breath.

That is basically certain.

"But, how can we find the Nightmare Demon Race?"

Tiana asked quickly.

According to the analysis of Ranchi and Sailater, the nightmare who attacked Dwarf Race Old Patriarch must be at the powerhouse level this realm.

So the ordinary clansman is useless when looking for the Nightmare Demon Race.

The strength is too weak, that is what's gone can never come back, won but never returned.

On the contrary, he sent prey to Nightmare Demon Race.

So it is almost certain to find a candidate for that nightmare.

The current patriarch of Dwarf Race, although he only entered the powerhouse-class realm, but in order to avenge Old Patriarch, he naturally did his part.

Then it is for the sake of racial friendship.

And the ethnic hatred between the races from Ancient Era to today.

The beast spirit lord of the beast ear tribe, Serratl.

The Elf Queen of Elf Race, Tiana.

There is also Lanci, who represents Dragon Race.

A total of four powerhouse-level powerhouses.

But only these four people.

In Ancient Era, Heaven and Earth has strong luck. It is indeed a contention of a hundred races. Every race can find a few people who can carry it.

However, up to now, except for the Three Great Races and the Human Race that wanders on the edge of the northern mountain range, the other races are basically in a state of decay.

Hard-cooking may be able to cobble together a few powerhouse-level powers.

But when even his own race is about to die, who has the mind to find some nightmare.

Maybe the inheritance of those races is gone.

simply don't know about the nightmare Demon Race.

Therefore, the four powerhouse-level abilities want to find the traces of the Nightmare Demon Race in the entire northern mountain range.

That is like finding a needle with seabed.

"We took the initiative to find it. It is really difficult to find. The ability of Nightmare Demon Race to hide breath is also not weak."

"But, Nightmare Demon Race wants revenge, then Will definitely come to us, so we just have to go back to the clan and wait for them to walk right into a trap."

"As long as they dare to show up, I can let them have nowhere to escape."


Sairatel spoke, and smoothly held the hunting goggles on his face.

In the hunting state, the marked target will always be visible to the hunter.

No matter who the target is, as long as it is marked by the hunting goggles, it will be regarded as fleeing to the ends of the earth, and don't try to get out of the range of the hunter's perception.

This is also where Serater's confidence lies.

"Sairater is right, as long as you return to the clan and wait for you."

Lanqi agreed with nodded very much.

The character of Demon Race that will be retributable to the canthus is impossible to endure.

Otherwise, I would not go directly to the Dwarf Race King City and attack the Old Patriarch of Dwarf Race.

"Qi Store Manager, bring me two pairs of hunting goggles."

After making a decision, we must be prepared.

Lanci had no interest in hunting before, so he didn't buy hunting goggles, but now he has to buy them.

"Qi Store Manager, I want a pair too."

Tiana said afterwards.

" Go and get it by yourself ."

Qi Le listened to him for a long time. At the end of hearing, he realized that he had returned to him.

I immediately sat back on the chair next to the small round table.

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