"Boy Su Ba, for more than three years, the most important heart of the human body's circulatory organs has finally taken shape.

The first step is difficult, but after entering, it is much easier later.

Life energy is born from the heart. It is estimated that within a few years, you will be able to recover your human form.

His grandma's time wasted seven or eight years. Next time you pay attention and don't die!

Oh no, next time you die, the ashes of the bombing will be wiped out. No matter how powerful the system is, it is estimated that it will not be able to save you! "


Su Ba smiled casually, completely ignoring the curses of the system.

In this regard, the system is also speechless.

"However, this new life is not without gain."

Su Ba calmly said, "After years of precipitation, my understanding of martial arts has become more profound, and magical powers, law, Taoism, profound meaning, etc., have also been sublimated to a certain extent!

The most important thing is that the rebuilt body is even more perfect than the previous one! If it is reborn, the strength must far exceed the past! "

"That's true."

The system nodded and suddenly realized, "Every step uses extremely pure energy to build cells, meridians, blood vessels, organs, and bones. The legendary Innate Immaculate Spirit is probably not much better than you.

Your body may be envious of those with strong gods, this time it is a catastrophe for you, it can also be said that it is a great good fortune!

I rub!

From this point of view, these seven or eight years have not only been wasted, they have also been profitable! "

The system got excited all at once.

"I don't know what happened to Xiaoyi and the others, and the two children Su Qin and Su Xi have grown up a long time ago. If they come to the fairy world, they will know my situation..."

Su Ba frowned slightly, "As fast as possible to resurrect, otherwise, I always feel a little uneasy."

"It's up to you, but this opportunity is rare. You must take good advantage of it and don't give up shaping a perfect body for the quickest resurrection."

"This one understands, don't worry."

After Su Ba finished speaking, he stopped to say anything, and settled down and started to mobilize the energy of the heart...

On the other side, in the fairyland Buddhism.

On the main square of the main hall.


The screams that belonged to someone slaughtered a pig, which resounded through the sky one after another, and listened carefully, and there was a special melody.

You have a sense of rhythm when you hit it, but you say it's not enough.

This group of people felt painful, and lasted for a full half of the incense. Under Shi Tian's instructions, the crowd stopped their hands unfinishedly and spread out around them.

At this time, somewhere in the middle of the square, Han Duxiu was lying on the ground like a dead dog, his face was swollen like a pig's head, and there was no good place on his body. The original black skin and patches of black blood piled up. , They all seem to have tattoos.


Han Duxiu lay on the ground and groaned intermittently. He didn't dare to move, and it hurt his heart.

"Young Master Han, how do you feel?"

Shi Tian fell from the air, with five fingers of his right hand hanging together on his chest, slowly came to Han Duxiu, and said with a smile.

"It feels...you...big...ye...ahhhh!"

When Han Duxiu heard Shi Tian's voice, it was a hate. He barely raised his head, hissed and gasped, and gritted his teeth.

"Baldhead, you are completely finished! Beat me like this. When Gu Daoliu comes back, it will be the time when the sect you belong to is destroyed! I will not let Gu Daoliu kill you. I will leave you with a small life and make you. Slave Li, drink Laozi's footwash every day like a dog!"

Think of him as the three young masters of the Han family dignified. In the Han family, he is exceptionally talented and the junior is the first. He has always been valued by the family's elders, and has been respected and favored by countless family children.

It's totally unreasonable to be beaten up to this point today!

This matter was spread out on horseback, he would definitely be laughed to death, and the identity of the heir of the Han family was about to be questioned again.

Hearing Han Duxiu's threat, Shi Tian's expression remained unchanged, and he smiled.

"Amituofu, the little monk can't agree with you, the young master of the Han family. If our previous cultivation bases, we may not be able to match the powers of the early demi-god realm who already possessed divine power.

It's just that we have already reborn and go further. This step is the distance between the earth and the sky, so...

The little monk feels that your reliance, the so-called Gu Daoliu in the early stage of the demigod state, is probably not the opponent of the small facial paralysis. "

What? !

Han Duxiu was angrily laughed, and said loudly.

"Bald head, you mean, Gu Daoliu in the early stage of the Demi-God Realm will be killed by the cold-faced guy at the peak of the late Supreme Realm? What a cosmic joke!

As you know, Gu Daoliu is not an ordinary demi-god early powerhouse. In our family, they are the reputable young top masters. It depends on you..."

When Han Duxiu said this, he suddenly saw the sky far away, a faint light spot appeared, and it seemed that someone was about to come down!

Suddenly, Han Duxiu's eyes lit up, and then he glanced at the audience sternly!

"Okay! You're done, Gu Daoliu is back, and now I'm kneeling and kowtow begging for mercy, Ben Shao will give you a good time!"

In the center of the square, a group of powerful people from the Three Realms made a commotion.

If Fengxuejian loses to Gu Daoliu, then this group of people will explain here today.

Compared to the restlessness of the crowd, Shi Tian's complexion was indifferent, with a faint smile on his face, as if he was in his chest.

For Shi Tian, ​​Han Duxiu couldn't help but ridicule when seeing this guy so calm.

"Bald head, it's useless to pretend to be calm nowadays, see if you will laugh later!"

Shi Tian smiled and shook his head, looking at Han Duxiu like a fool.

"I said, Young Master Han, you have some talents, which are very good, but your mind doesn't seem to be much better.

If the old road flows down, before he can deal with us, can the little monk hold you up? If you don't want to die, our safety can be guaranteed. "

? ? ?

Han Duxiu was stunned for a moment, then startled.

Damn. Groove!

Why didn't I expect it? !

Is it... Am I really that stupid? !

Before Han Duxiu could think about anything, the original spot of light from the extreme distance quickly approached, and then turned into a bright blood in people's field of vision, shooting towards the main hall square of the Buddhist temple!

Seeing this **** light, the three world powerhouses cheered immediately!

"It's the Sword Emperor! He's okay, hahaha!"

"It's all right, it's all right!"

"Yes, even if it doesn't match that Gu Daoliu, but being able to retreat from the whole body is already very remarkable!"

"Buddha Shitian and Sword Emperor join forces, and Gu Daoliu is definitely not an opponent!"

"It's worthy of being the peerless double pride of our Xianwu Universe!"


In the excitement of everyone's discussion, the blood is getting closer and closer!

In a flash!


With a piercing sound, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

Dressed in red, with **** hair and fluttering hair, his face is cold, and his vigor is pressing.

"Brother Feng, I'm back."

Shi Tianyan smiled and greeted him, "How are the results?"


A black shadow quickly crossed a parabola in the air, and then was thrown on the square.

Everyone looked at it, and immediately took a breath!


I saw in everyone's sight, a head rolled down there, unwilling to look forward to death.

The owner of this head is indeed the arrogant and incredible Gu Daoliu before!

Damn. Groove!

Gu Daoliu is dead? !

Killed by... by the Wind and Blood Sword? !

Everyone's eyes widened, shocked!

Although they don't know how strong the Fengxue Sword is, after all, the opponent is a legendary demigod!

To know!

Among the millions of years of records in the entire Xianwu Universe, no demigod powerhouse was born!

Even the most powerful Lord of the Demon Realm before, Demon Ancestor, is just the pinnacle of the Supreme Realm!

The prestige that Gu Daoliu showed in front of everyone before was terrifying, making all the strong immortal realms on the scene fearful and unable to raise the thoughts of resistance at all.

However, such a terrifying powerhouse was still beheaded by the Fengxue Sword in the end!

On the other hand, the Fengxue Sword did not appear to be seriously injured, at most it was too exhausted.

Too... terrible!

"Sword Emperor... invincible!"

"Sword Emperor, mighty!"

The cheers came from the crowd of people who returned to God. All the Three Realms powerhouses at the scene were half-sacred and above. Now everyone looked at Fengxuejian in reverence and awe, faintly with enthusiasm and worship!

"As expected, Brother Feng, amazing."

Shi Tian also smiled and said, this kind of result was in his expectation.

The inestimable potential, the half-step Supreme Realm peak cultivation base, and the mastery of multiple high and profound meanings, if you can't leapfrog and challenge the powerhouse of the early demigod, then you will have failed the spirit of the heavenly emperor and others.

At this time, Nahan Duxiu was lying on the ground, looking at Gu Daoliu's unwilling head, but he was completely stupid.

"How is this... possible? Senior Brother Gu... actually died?"

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