God Level Recovery System Instantly Upgrades to 999

Chapter 1341: My urine is yellow, let me come!

"What do you...want to do? Haha, I would advise you to treat yourself well, and I will show compassion later if you don't know how to let Senior Brother Gu let you go!"

Han Duxiu was calm on the surface and panicked inwardly.

Me. Fuck it!

Gu Daoliu, your sister!

Han Duxiu didn't expect the old way to flow in anger, so he just left him and went outside to fight.

He is a super arrogant and true talent, and his aptitude and talent dominate the crowd!

Under the same realm, he can be called the first person below the supreme realm with his current cultivation in the late saint realm!

Coupled with his family's unique ability to escape, Han Duxiu is confident that he has fallen into the hands of a group of sage-level peak experts in Xianwu Universe, and will have the opportunity to escape from birth!

but now--

Others can leave it alone, but a bald head not far in front of him looked at him with a smile, which made Han Duxiu feel a chill in his back for no reason!

This Nima!

Not to mention that this bald head is a late-stage cultivation base of the Supreme Realm, and even half of his foot has reached the peak of the Supreme Realm. It was just this bald head that hit the palm of the hand and shattered the black giant mountain of Gu Daoliu!

This level of strength far surpasses Han Duxiu.

Wanting to slip away under the eyelids of such a strong man is simply idiotic dreams!

Therefore, Han Duxiu can only force himself to be calm, showing a fearless appearance.

Make sense.

He is not without confidence.

With the strength of Gu Daoliu, it was a matter of minutes to get rid of the man with facial paralysis. Although the strength of the man with facial paralysis seemed to be too much to be underestimated, it was still not enough in front of Gu Daoliu.

Soon, Gu Daoliu will kill Fengxuejian back.

At that time, he will still be able to control the audience. Whoever doesn't pleasing to the eye, kill whoever, who can resist? !

"Oh, is that so? So it seems we need to treat you well?"

Shi Tian said with a smile.

"That's a must."

Seeing the kind and affectionate look of Shi Tian facing, unlike the indifferent and ruthless man with facial paralysis before, Han Duxiu relaxed a lot and smiled lightly.

"As long as you respect me, I don't have too much murderous intentions, and it's easy to save your life.

I won't say who I am, I will scare you to death when I say it! As long as you know that I am the young master from the top universe family! "

While talking, Han Duxiu was full of pride.

Although their Han family is not the top ten superpower in the Universe of Light, they are also a stunner, calling for the wind and the rain.

It is absolutely impossible for any force at any level in the middle of the universe to be compared with their Han family!

In fact, the same is true!

Gu Daoliu in the early days of the demigod could already sweep this Xianwu universe, and Gu Daoliu was just a young and cutting-edge powerhouse of the Han family.

"Well, it turned out to be the Han young master from the top universe, disrespectful and disrespectful."

With a smile, Shi Tian arched his hands at Han Duxiu, with a gentle expression, and he was confused by the three realms in the square below.

This... Lord Shitian seemed to be a little too kind to the foreign invader, Han Duxiu.

Before thinking about it, everyone listened to Shi Tian's smile and continued.

"Since the young master of the Han family has come from afar, if the young monk doesn't entertain you, I am afraid that he is a little rude. There is a special enhanced version of the refreshing water made by the young monk here. I guarantee that the young master of the Han family will drink more energy than you can stop!"

While talking, Shi Tian juggled a large white jade porcelain bowl out of the storage space. Inside the large bowl, it was already filled with crystal clear refreshing water, and he enthusiastically handed it to Han Duxiu.


All the three realms on the square became weird.

Damn it!

Buddha Lord Shitian is too black!

This... The smile is deceptive, it's definitely the essence!

Although the previous Shuang Shuang Shui works well, the taste... is hard to describe. Almost no one can finish a bowl, even if one sip is taken, they are all heroes.

The special refreshing water was recently researched by Shi Tian, ​​although they had not tasted it, and did not want to taste it.

However, according to Shi Tian himself, the effect is more than ten times that of Shuang Shuang Shui!

Needless to say!

That is definitely... the king of the dark cooking world!

This Nima, now I am afraid that no one except the Sword Emperor Fengxue Sword can drink a whole bowl of enhanced refreshing water.

"Special enhanced version of refreshing water?"

Han Duxiu glanced at Shi Tian suspiciously, thinking that this bald head wouldn't put poison in it.

But seeing this guy is friendly, kind-minded, good-looking, and enthusiastic. If you think about Shi Tian’s strength, if you really want to plot against him, you don’t need to spend so much time and effort in front of everyone. 'with him.


It seems that his own identity has played an absolute deterrent effect!

Han Duxiu thought contentedly in his heart, very satisfied with Shaotian's attitude.

"Haha, since your Excellency is so kind, it is not polite for Ben Shao to decline. As a child of the top universe family, I still understand this."

Han Duxiu laughed, and reached out his hand to take the white porcelain bowl in Shi Tian's hand, and took a look at the liquid in the white porcelain bowl.

Crystal clear, gurgling and flowing like jade, instantly beautiful.

Oh, yes, this aspect makes people very appetizing at first glance.

Han Duxiu's eyes lit up, without hesitation, he opened his big mouth and took a sip.

At this moment!

The air let the Buddha stand still!

Han Duxiu's face was already dark enough, but now, a deep red color is visible to the naked eye!

Next moment!


Han Duxiu spit out the refreshing water in his mouth, blushing and screaming!

"I rub! What the **** is this riding a horse?! Lao Tzu has never drunk such a horrible thing!

Made! This is murder! Murder!

Ah ah ah ah ah! so spicy! So sweet! So sour again! Ah ah ah ah ah! "

Handu's trimmed face was a little distorted, and immediately slammed down the white porcelain bowl in his hand on the spot!

"What dog stuff, spicy chicken stuff!"

The crystal liquid was floating in the air, falling sparsely to the ground. As for the white porcelain bowl suddenly falling from the sky, it was not that the porcelain bowl made of high-quality materials shattered when it touched the ground.

That's it!

This guy is done!

Seeing this scene, a group of powerful people from the Three Realms on the square mourned Han Duxiu's heart deeply.

Although Shi Tian didn't like fighting, he had a good temper and was almost non-killing.

That's just without touching his taboo.

If he touches the taboo in Shi Tian's heart, Shi Tian will let everyone know what it means to kill Buddha!

From the beginning to the end, from the past to the present, no one has seen Shi Tian who has gone all out. It is estimated that even the former Buddha is not clear about how terrifying Shi Tian's ultimate potential and strength will burst.

Even if it is the Fengxue Sword, it is estimated that he has not really experienced the killing intent, and the suffocating, full of firepower!

The love, perseverance and loyalty to food are what Shi Tian cares about most.

You don’t need to like the food he made, just spit it out, but throw away the remaining refreshing water and the white porcelain bowl containing the refreshing water. Disrespect the food so disrespectfully touches the scales in Shi Tian’s heart. !

"Your Excellency, food is a very precious resource. Throughout the ages, people have relied on food as their heaven. Without food, people cannot survive. Without food, as a warrior, there is no strength for cultivation.

Don’t you feel ashamed of you doing this? "

The smile on Shi Tian's face slowly diminished, and his expression calmly looked at Han Duxiu.

"Bah! You bald head, you can drink this spicy chicken thing, and your urine is a hundred times better than it, do you believe it?"

Han Duxiu took out the water from the storage ring and screamed at Shi Tian while drinking water frantically.

"Oh, it seems that you have drunk pee, admire it."

"I admire you..."

Han Duxiu's desperate curse hadn't been spoken yet, but in vain he felt that a black shadow was rushing in front of him!

Too late to react!


A slap fell from the sky and accurately slammed Han Duxiu's right face.


Han Duxiu let out a scream, several of his teeth flew off on the spot, and the whole person flew down from the sky like a meteor, and then slammed to the ground!

"You...you hit me..."

Han Duxiu got up from the ground tremblingly, clutching his mouth full of blood teeth, and pointed to Shitian's trembling voice in mid-air.

What's wrong with this bald head? !

He was obviously kind, and he was very enthusiastic in the first second, but in the next second he was fanned by a big mouth? !

"Oh, I'm sorry. Generally speaking, I don't hit people much, but because I want to hit you so much, I can only let you drink refreshing water to irritate the little monk, Amituofu."

Shi Tian read the Buddha's name, and said awe-inspiringly, "Otherwise, it's really hard for the little monk to find a reason to beat you."

Everyone: "..."

Buddha Lord Shi Tian is really too black.

This method is simply simple.

Can't afford to provoke.


But Han Duxiu only felt that his eyes were dark, and he vomited out with a mouthful of blood on the spot!

Shi Tiandu's fingers kept shaking with anger.

I rub!

What kind of person is this? !

I've seen something weird, never seen something so weird!

"You...you're done! Bald! And...you all here must be done!"

Han Duxiu screamed out of embarrassment.

"I don't know the end, but what the little monk knows is that now you are over."

Shi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed to Han Duxiu, and directly fixed it where he couldn't move.

"Everyone, do you want to vent your anger? Just do it, just keep a breath."

"Ha ha!"

Everyone's eyes lit up and shouted in excitement!

"Everyone, go on, beat him up!"

"Chong! Let him arrogantly make him crazy, I've long wanted to irritate him when I had a pee!"

"I have yellow urine, I want to come too!"

"Don't come if you have blood sugar in your urine, so as not to let him taste the sweetness..."


Everyone wanted to beat Han Duxiu a long time ago. There was no chance before, but now, the opportunity comes at the right time, haha!

at once!

A group of people rushed up, everyone with a sorrowful smile on their faces, so scared that Han Duxiu almost urinated, how can he maintain a calm state of mind now.

"Ah! You guys! Don't come here! Come again, I'll make you look good later!"

"Made! This guy is still arrogant and beat him to death!"


"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

for the rest of the time.

A brutal violent beating officially kicked off at this moment...


at the same time.

In a cosmic starry sky far away from Xianwu Universe.

There is a very bright spot of light.

The line of sight quickly narrowed, and the volume of the light spot also quickly increased. It was a dazzling brilliance from a golden object like a heart!

Around this golden object, not only the thunder flickering, but also the faint sound of blood rushing, accompanied by a mysterious drumbeat.

"Bang Bang~" "Bang Bang~" "Bang Bang~"

It's really like the beating of the heart.

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