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Chapter 1343: Everyone was shocked by the appearance of Qinglong!

At this time, Nahan Duxiu was lying on the ground, looking at Gu Daoliu's unwilling head, but he was completely stupid.

"This... how is it possible? Senior Brother Gu... actually died?"

Han Duxiu muttered to himself stupidly, unable to believe it.

How dare he believe it.

Gu Daoliu is a high-tech genius from the top cosmic big family. How could he die in the hands of a man in the middle cosmos who is less than the realm of a demigod? !

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible."

Shi Tian turned his head to look at the desperate Han Duxiu, and smiled lightly, "I used to think that there were not so many possibilities in this world, but until I met someone, I watched him turn the impossible into possible one by one, creating One by one incredible miracles.

Since then, the little monk has understood that for some people, things that ordinary people can't do in the eyes of ordinary people are not a problem at all for those people.

People, always have to be in awe of everything, arrogance, after all, is a road to destruction. "


Handu shaved his face like ashes, and he didn't hear what Shi Tian was saying later.

Gu Daoliu is dead.

His support is gone.

Now, in front of the powerhouses at the late peak of the two supreme realms, what does he run? Take the head?

It can be said.

Before coming here, Han Duxiu was so fascinating, how lonely and miserable he is now.


Shi Tian ordered the people at the school to rebuild the statue of Su Ba, and then exchanged gazes with Feng Xuejian.

Next moment!

Shi Tian stretched out his hand and hooked. He and Han Duxiu on the ground had already disappeared in the square, and the Fengxue Sword also disappeared.

The sky is spinning around.

When Han Duxiu regained his consciousness, he found that he had come to a magnificent palace.

In front of him, two people stood Shi Tian and Feng Xuejian.

"Let's say, what is your purpose in coming to my Xianwu Universe? Why do you want to destroy Su Ba's statue?!"

Shi Tian asked, but the Han Duxiu in front of him was in a trance, as if he was not listening, and the Fengxuejian expression suddenly slammed!


A terrifying killing intent directly enveloped Han Duxiu.


Han Duxiu shuddered violently, screaming that he had recovered his spirit!

"Don't... don't kill me!"

"Let's say, what is your purpose in coming to my Xianwu Universe? Why do you want to destroy Su Ba's statue?!"

Shi Tianjiang repeated what he said before.

"Purpose? Destroy the statue of Su Ba?"

Listening to this, a spiteful color flashed in Han Duxiu's eyes!

"Su Ba, he used to ruin my good deeds in the Holy Ruins Realm, and he blew me up again, leaving me in the shadow of boundless pain for months, even walking is very strange!

This hatred will not avenge the non-gentleman!

However, Su Ba's **** is dead now, which is really pleasing!

Hahaha, what about his outstanding talent, how about his graceful appearance, is he still going to heaven? !

And you guys! "

In vain, Han Duxiu looked at Shi Tianhe Fengxue Sword, his eyes were blood-red, and he cursed in a hoarse voice, "You can't run! Killed the top genius of my Han family, the future quasi-shenzhen powerhouse, and took me Makes this miserable look.


You are all going to die! "

"Are you afraid that you still don't know the situation?!"

Fengxuejian's eyes were sharp, and the sharp sword gas turned into a substantive murderous intent to lock Han Duxiu instantly!

A blood-red sword of killing intent energy just hits Han Duxiu's forehead. With just one thought, Han Duxiu will separate his head and die on the spot!

"No! You can't kill me!"

Han Duxiu trembled all over, and quickly yelled in horror!

"If you kill me, the entire Xianwu Universe will be buried for you! You are sinners of the ages!"

Feng Xuejian smiled and said coldly.

"Do you think I will believe this despicable excuse?

Not to mention that now your whole person is under the control and monitoring of our wait, that is, what you call the universe of light is probably a very far away from our Xianwu universe, even if we kill you, who will know that it is? We killed it.

Furthermore, you have said before that, in the name of experience, I came to my Xianwu Universe with the ancient Daoliu.

So even if he died, he would be regarded as the unfortunate death of experience! "

Fengxuejian sneered, "The road to the warrior is constantly crises, death is always accompanied, and always faces the risk of falling. Everyone is prepared accordingly. If you die, it is your bad luck, so it should be your fate!"

Seeing that the murderous intent on the Fengxuejian became more and more serious, and the blood sword approaching his forehead was about to tear Han Duxiu's soul, his figure was shocked, and he shouted frantically.

"No! You are wrong! What if you can monitor my actions, but don't forget, my X-Star Origin Flying Boat is still in the void, and it has not been taken back by me!

Now, it has delivered the message to my family!

Although the Universe of Light is separated from the Xianwu Universe by dozens of light years, with the performance of the X-Star Origin Flying Boat, even if the message transmission is not as fast as the flight speed, it is much faster than the flight speed of the so-called Supreme Realm!

It won’t be long before my family will know what’s going on here, and then!

My father must be furious, and he is bound to lead an army to crush him! "

What? !

When Shi Tian followed Feng Xuejian, his expression changed slightly!

Looking at each other, his face is a bit ugly.

They have neglected this point.

Do not.

No wonder they are.

Because the concealment of the X-Star Origin Flying Boat is too good, hiding in the void, I am afraid that many demigods cannot sense it.

This thing can be regarded as one of the precious treasures of the Han family, that is, the future heirs of the family like Han Duxiu, have received such a reward.

"Haha, be scared!"

When Han Duxiu saw the gradual expressions of the two of Shi Tian, ​​there was also a trace of sorrow on his face, and his heart was full of confidence, and he opened his mouth and threatened.

"I'll tell you the truth. Although my Han family is not the ten most famous forces in the universe of light, but it also controls one side, it is a powerful existence!

For our family, the demigod is just an intermediate force, and the number is no less than a hundred people!

As for the various elders, they exist at the level of quasi-god, and my father and a few family leaders, the cultivation base has reached the level of spirit-god above the quasi-god! "

Han Duxiu sneered, "Do you know what strength the quasi-god is? What strength is the spirit god? Ha ha, the spirit **** will appear on the scene and destroy your plane, it's a matter of minutes!"

Seeing that Shi Tian followed Feng Xuejian's increasingly ugly face, Han Duxiu was so happy, haha ​​said grimly.

"Quick! Get acquainted and heal Lao Tzu quickly, and then arrange ten beautiful women for Lao Tzu. Anything delicious and delicious will come up.

If you serve me well, I might be angry, and the consequences will not be so serious! "

"Serious? Humph! Die to the emperor!"

With a cold snort, Fengxuejian's eyes bloomed with blazing blood!

A touch of blood flashed by!


Han Duxiu's smile froze, only to feel that his gaze began to turn around, and then the ground was getting closer and closer to his gaze.

Bump to the ground.

He was horrified to see that his body was actually behind him, unconsciously stretching his arms, as if to grasp something.

The last moment when consciousness disappears.

The thought in Han Duxiu's mind was...my head...flew?

The headless corpse struggled on the ground for a few seconds, and then crashed to the ground.

"Amituofu, good and good."

Shi Tian raised his brows, and he was expected to see Fengxuejian's behavior. This guy is cold-blooded, ruthless, and decisive master.

If you dare to threaten him, he doesn't care whether your backstage is hard or not.

not to mention.

Han Duxiu hated them a long time ago.

Shi Tian didn't believe it. They treated Han Duxiu with courtesy. When the Han family appeared, the initiative would still be in their hands.

"Brother Feng, I'm afraid the trouble will be big this time!"

Disposing of Han Duxiu's body casually, Shi Tian turned to look at Fengxuejian, frowning.

According to Han Duxiu, there are more than a hundred strong demigods in his family, and there are no fewer than ten quasi-gods above demigods!

There are several spirit gods above quasi gods!

Such a force is definitely not something Xianwu Universe can contend!

Among other things, just come to a demigod in the mid-to-late stage, and you will be able to sweep the entire Xianwu universe!

The talents of Shi Tian and Feng Xuejian are indeed superior, far surpassing Tongji, and their future achievements are limitless, but after all, it is the future, and they need time to develop now.

"It's really troublesome."

Fengxuejian's face was cold, "Even if they don't send out the top powerhouses, a few demi-god early powerhouses will be enough for us to eat a pot!

Now, I at most make sure to save my life in front of the mid-level demi-god powerhouse. It is difficult to kill if I want to kill! Unless the strength of this demigod mid-term powerhouse is at the bottom of the same batch.

In the face of the demigod in the early days, it took me a lot of effort to kill that Gu Daoliu.

It would be great if a demigod early powerhouse who was more talented than Gu Daoliu could remain undefeated. "


Shi Tian nodded.

Although he hadn't tested his extreme combat power, he shouldn't be much different from following the wind and blood sword.

"Now what?"

Even if Shi Tian usually sees everything plainly, his brain is a little numb at this moment.

As a Buddhist master of Buddhism, he certainly can't let the many children of Buddhism ignore it.

Coupled with Buddhism's compassion, taking the common people of the world as his own responsibility, Shi Tian could not leave Wu Hundreds behind and escape danger without authorization.

But with his strength, even if you add all the people in Xianwu Universe, it would be a dish in front of the behemoth of the Han family.

how to spell?

Can't fight at all!

"I don't know how fast the X-Xingyuan Feizhou sends messages, nor can I calculate when the Han family will bring people to the Xianwu Universe!

As long as they arrive, we can't compete, but we can't just sit still. "

Fengxuejian's complexion was condensed.

Shi Tian frowned, "Semi-holy or above strong people can survive in the universe for a long time, but other people don't have this ability.

Ordinary people can't insist on more than a stick of incense in the starry sky of the universe!

What's more, we need to break the barriers of the Xianwu universe and go to the stars of the universe to escape disaster!

But wandering with the countless people in the entire Xianwu universe is obviously too ridiculous, we don't have this kind of ability.

After all, we are the emperor in Xianwu Universe, no one can beat it, but outside, it’s Xiaoyou. It’s hard to take care of yourself, so why don’t you talk about taking care of other people! "

"After all, it is a matter of strength!"

Fengxuejian hated, "If you have a strong strength, you have enough confidence, whoever comes, you can solve it with one sword!

Damn it, just give me some more time!

I don’t know when the enemy will arrive, it feels too bad!

If you give me another thirty years, no! Twenty years will be fine!

I can completely absorb the essence of the heavenly emperor and the master's energy source, coupled with hard practice, soaring strength, when facing the gods, it may not be without the power to fight!

Security will be a lot more or less. "


Shi Tian nodded and said in deep thought, "Now it seems that we can't be complacent and go out of the Xianwu universe and go to a bigger place is the key.

Otherwise, Xianwu Universe would not be able to stimulate us to grow faster. After all, the speed of cultivation will become slower and slower, and the improvement of strength will become less and less. "

Fengxuejian raised his eyebrows, "But even if we can break through the barriers of the Xianwu universe and enter the universe, where will we go after we go out? It's just headless flies.

The distance between each universe is probably the lowest calculated in light years. At our current speed, I am afraid that we will spend half of our life on the road.

With bad luck, he lost his way directly in the starry sky of the universe and wandered to death. "

"It would be great if you could find the X-Star Origin Flying Boat that Han Duxiu said."

Shi Tian touched his chin and sighed.

"Will you drive if you find it? I'm afraid that things are not the same as the flying boats here."

"I have to give it a try."

Shi Tian said with a smile, "If you don't try it, how can you know if you can use it."

"Wait until you find the X-Star Origin Flying Boat."

Fengxuejian curled his lips and said coldly.

Shi Tian stopped talking.

Fengxuejian also fell silent coldly.

Both of them are a bit big heads.

To run, the two of them would definitely be able to run away, and how much they could take some people out.

But more than 99.9% of the people in the entire Xianwu Universe can only fend for themselves.

"Anyway, the past ten years must be safe, after all, it took that guy several years to come here, plus the message transmission is much slower than that X-Star Origin Flying Boat."

Fengxuejian condensed, "Take advantage of this time period, let's practice desperately to see where we can go. To be on the safe side, we will set it for five years. After five years, we will make detailed plans!"

"Okay, let's do that first."

Shi Tian nodded.


Soon, three years passed.

The collapsed statue of Su Ba in the main hall square of Buddhism had already been restored.

Because of the secrecy of Shi Tian and Feng Xuejian, everyone in the Three Realms is not clear about the upcoming crisis, so everyone is living the same life as usual.

And this step-by-step life suddenly broke at the beginning of the fourth year!

this day.

People are similar to the past, and there are still a large number of powerful men from all over the Three Realms who come to worship at the main square of the main hall of Buddhism.

Seven or eight years have passed since the death of Su Ba and others, but the piety and admiration in everyone's hearts have not been wiped out.

One by one, strong men lined up to worship, and when it was the turn of the middle-aged strong man Hu to pay homage to Su Ba, he was just about to bow.



A slight popping sound appeared in his ears.

However, he saw that the blood-stained black cloth strip that had been sealed again in front of him broke through the seal and floated in the air!

"Fuck. Groove!"

Suddenly, the shocked Bazi Hu of the middle-aged strong man turned up, and he blurted out!

The vision here also instantly attracted the attention of others on the scene.

Everyone opened their eyes wide and exclaimed.

"Huh?! What's the situation?! Why did the relic of the mad emperor suddenly break through the seal?!"

"I don't know! My God! This energy intensity is amazing! You must know that although the blood is sealed, the blood retains a certain amount of liquid and does not dry up, but after all, there is only a very small part of the blood!"

"Here, look! The light of blood stains is even more dazzling!"

Everyone exclaimed.

A touch of blood and golden light on the corners of the black clothes suddenly flourished!


At this moment, a vaguely high and majestic dragon roar came from the depths of the distant void.


An illusory cyan dragon loomed out of the void, cruising around the blood on the corners of the black clothes.

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