God-level Punishment System

Chapter 895: I must take it for you

This uneasy feeling came very suddenly, very strong, and it made Lingzhi feel uncomfortable in his heart, and his heart thumped and jumped quickly. Before he could think about it, Ling Zhi stood up from the bed and rushed outside. In the hall, Qin Binglan didn't know what he was having with Nie Kang, while Banquet Ji bowed his head and held a pill, pondering intently, Qu Tian didn't know what he was thinking, with a wicked smile on his face. Seeing this scene, Ling Zhi felt calm. "Ling Zhi, what's the matter?" Qin Binglan was startled by Ling Zhi's sudden rushing action and looked up at him suspiciously. Ling Zhi swept around the hall again, and suddenly frowned and asked, "Where is Zhang Yi, where did the others go?" After this sentence, Ling Zhi had a sense of horror in his heart, and the hair on his back stood up. Qin Binglan also stood up seriously, frowning, "Qu Tian, ​​where's Zhang Yi?" "Ah, Zhang Yi is so beautiful in this yard. He can't sleep with excitement, so he just wants to take advantage of it. Color, clean the yard again, what's the matter?" Qu Tian awakened, wondering. boom. Ling Zhi stepped on the ground and rushed out, "Follow me, don't leave me!" Ling Zhi rushed out of the hall, and a muffled hum suddenly came from a few tens of meters to the right of the hall. The fist was squeezed sharply, and Lexus' speed reached its limit, almost turning into a black shadow, rushing over. In this rockery, Zhang Yi stared angrily at the several people who suddenly appeared in front of him, holding an axe in his right hand, spitting out a **** sputum, and cursing, "Despicable, what a man is a sneak attack!" Kill you, whatever method I use. Let me see, I broke my arm, how do you block the next blow!" The one standing behind the leader laughed and rushed forward. Zhang Yi gritted his teeth and held the axe in one hand, holding it high and slashing towards the man, "You can try it." This man has reached the seventh level of the physical realm, and his strength is higher than Zhang Yi. He sneered when he heard the words, and he held a long sword in his hand. With a cold light, "Do you really think you will be my opponent?" Bang. The man's long sword was put on Zhang Yi's axe, the tip of the sword bent, and then with a fierce flick, Zhang Yi flew up, spit out a mouthful of blood, and smashed it backwards. The long sword turned for a while, and this person wanted to make another one. "Your strength is good. It's a pity that you can stop me for a few blinks. Compared with me, it's so weak." Ling Zhi just now. Following the sound, rushing to this side, when I saw this scene, my canthus was split. Zhang Yi's face was pale and hit on a rockery, and dozens of people in black stood quietly on the opposite side, and a man in black stabbed with a sword. On the ground, an arm, lying quietly on the ground! "Fuck you, on my turf, kill me!" The anger instantly rushed to Lexus's heart, his eyes were red as blood, and his anger rushed. Lexus kept under his feet, leaning over and rushing towards this person. "Hey, whoever kills you, we will not only kill your people, but also kill you." This person sneered, and his whole body strength was raised to the peak again, stabbing Lingzhi, "Stupid, actually fighting me with my body. Shape soldier." He sneered, and a strong light appeared on the long sword, with magic skills attached, and he charged. Ling Zhi ignored the other party's words, and did not even have the slightest plan to take out the ink sword. He grabbed the opponent's long sword with one hand. There was a surprise in this person's eyes, "I thought you were so great, but you were also a no-brainer. My sword has reached the pinnacle of the middle grade!" Ling Zhi placed one hand on the long sword and exceeded the 9th level. The strength of the martial artist's body was attached to the sword fiercely. The sharp long sword, almost like glass, was smashed into pieces by Lexus in an instant, and the fragments of these swords blasted at this person at an extreme speed. There was a smile on his mouth, with a hideous look, expecting a sword to cut off Lexus's hand and go back to receive the skill, but blood holes appeared in him. Four or five pieces of shards rushed to him, even if they pierced through, they still kept their energy, rushing back, blasting on the ground, on the rockery, leaving behind invisible holes! The blow from Lexus's rage was terrifying. "You, you're just a martial artist of the seventh-level realm...How could it be..." The man murmured, and fell down, staring at him. Qin Binglan and others had also arrived at this time. Seeing Zhang Yi's appearance, Qin Binglan's tears fell instantly, holding both swords, she was about to rush forward, "I will kill you." She was heartbroken. Shouted. "Sister Binglan, don't be impulsive." Zhang Yi was helped by Qu Tian and shouted feebly, "Brother Ling, they are too many people, you take Sister Binglan and them away, leave me alone." Ling Zhihao turned his head, his eyes flushed, almost dripping blood, watching Yanji give Zhang Yisai throat medicine, and quickly stop the bleeding on his arm, thinking of this straight man who usually took a mouthful of Ling brother called him, was born. Cut off an arm, and now worry about their safety. For the first time, Ling Zhi had the crazy idea of ​​wanting to kill Rao. "Go? Where to go? We are here today, do you think you can still go?" The leader in black on the opposite side smiled. "But I always thought that you were a soul power cultivator and it was not bad. The waste of the Yuan family was an underestimate. I didn't expect your strength to be quite strong. You killed my subordinates in one blow." He sneered and suddenly leaned over to take it. With Zhang Yi's broken arm up, he said grimly, "You, will I cut your right arm or your left arm first?" He looked confident that he had mastered the life and death of Lexus. "Let go." Ling Zhi looked at him and spit out these two words. Of the dozens of people on the opposite side, more than half of them were in the late physique stage, and there were three or four people standing in the front who were all nine-level martial artists. This kind of martial arts strength configuration could be called luxurious. Those with strong artistic conception are rare, because soul power takes time to accumulate, and the elixir to increase soul power is too rare, so there will be a large number of martial artists stuck in this step of the nine-layer physical state. But each of these people is likely to step into the mood, almost the back of a sect of elite power, so it was not very common in the past. "Let it down? Where do you put it? What if you don't let it go?" The person covered half of his face with a black cloth and snorted coldly. "Zhang Yi, this matter is my burden to you." Ling Zhi suddenly looked back at Zhang Yi, with a look of guilt in his eyes. There is only one possibility for the opponent's lineup, which is directed at him. "Brother Ling, what are you doing? Since I called you Brother Ling, Zhang Yi would treat you as a relative!" Zhang Yi coughed up blood, apparently injured his internal organs. "Okay, family. I must avenge this grudge for you." Ling Zhi yelled. For the first time since breaking through into the late stage, it has gathered the ultimate strength of his body.

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