God-level Punishment System

Chapter 896: There are some things that can't be said

The ground cracked.

Everyone only felt that their eyes were red, as if there was a strong killing intent, rushing out of Lexus.

This is majestic, domineering, full of wanton and crazy killing intent.

This was a killing intent that had been hidden in Lexus for a long time.

The Bahuang Liuhelong practicing Dafa was created by the ancient power to observe the real dragon. The essence of it is not the individual movements of the real dragon, but the spirit of the real dragon! A true dragon that only appears once in one era, or even several eras, will fight the same kind all the way to take the life of the only true dragon.

What kind of horror is its killing intent, domineering? The dragon soul is just an insignificant soul of the real dragon, and it has stayed in the dragon tablet for an unknown amount of time, even to the point where it needs to wipe out the memory to survive, but when it appears, it is still so overbearing.

When it said those things that shouldn't be said, the ground dropped lightning, but with a body that was about to dissipate, it frightened the lightning alive.

Ling Zhi first obtained the Peerless Body Refining Technique of the Eight Desolation Liuhe Dragon Refining Dafa, and he also obtained the inheritance of the dragon soul, both of which were domineering to the extreme.

When these two things are brought together, his xinxing will naturally be affected, but he has not been ignited and exploded.

A sense of trembling from the depths of the soul appeared in the depths of all Rao's souls. They didn't know where this superior coercion came from, but this coercion gave them a kind of fear of the grade of life. .

"Fantasy, no matter how strong you are, what if you have not reached the ninth level, even if you have arrived, so many of us, how can you resist."

The leader waved his hand, and everyone behind him took out their weapons and stared at Lexus viciously.

"You all help Zhang Yi back, feast season, and use all your strength to save him."

Ling Zhi said, Mo Jian was taken out by him again after so long.

As if sensing the Lord's emotions, as soon as the ink sword appeared in Lexus's hands, it vibrated actively, making a buzzing sound, and felt like he was about to get out of his hands and kill the enemy by himself.


The three nine-level martial artists headed by them, one holding a long sword, one holding a long spear, and one holding a broadsword, are all good items among high-grade soldiers, forming a triangle, instantly surrounding Ling Zhi in the middle.

Ling Zhi has been standing quietly on the spot, watching them surround himself, until then he shouted,

"Zhang Yi, you are optimistic, isn't you your favorite direct collision of power, today I will use your favorite method to avenge you and make you feel happy!"

His voice is lofty and wanton.

This is the arrogance that has never appeared on Lexus, the arrogance caused by the strong killing intent, the arrogance caused by looking down on the enemy.

In the eyes of Ling Zhi, these people are all dead.

"You think you can kill all of us by killing us in a seventh-level realm. You are so arrogant that you will not be able to pick up one back and forth after a while. You, a disciple of the Heart Sect, will lose your head.

Haha! "

There was a roar of laughter from the people in black.

"Which force did you send, so they don't care about your fate?"

Ling Zhi sneered.

"Which force we are from, how can you be qualified to know? As for our fate, you should think carefully about how you will beg us for mercy."

"Yes, that woman over there is probably your concubine. If you are behaved, we won't be allowed to start, and I will let my brothers take good care of her."

The other man held a big knife and spoke obscenely.

These people laughed and didn't look at Lexus at all. On the contrary, there were a few gazes quietly looking at Qin Binglan, making a move.

Ling Zhi didn't say a word, and suddenly shot.

The ink sword in his hand was like a dragon, and under the moonlight slowly emerging, it was like a dragon walking in mid-air, wandering in the moonlight with Zheng Boom.

Mo Jian first collided with the man holding the gun. Although Lexus’s power was greater than that of the opponent, the opponent was also a martial artist of the Ninth level after all. Mo Jian was slashed under the spear diagonally, and the man's palm was numb. , Back again and again, but not so fragile to be knocked back by him.

boom! boom! A number of consecutive clashes sounded, and Lexus's speed was amazing, wandering in it, and fighting with the few people headed separately.

His power seems to be endless, even if he has just used his full strength against a person, the long sword slips down, and when he confronts another person again, he does his best.

And these people would be repelled by him a few steps every time they confronted him, their arms numb, and there was no way to take a second attack.

If it wasn't because the opponent had too many people, no one could be Lexus's one-person enemy. If it wasn't because of someone obstructing, Lexus could directly attack continuously, and force the opponent without the power to fight back.

"Hehe, I don't believe how long you can hold on. As long as you are exhausted, we can smash you with one knife.

Son, don't think that it's great that you come from Xinzong. It's better to be a low-key person, otherwise you don't even know how to die. "

The man in black laughed wildly.

"Your strength is really good, damn, the foundation of the big sect is different. You can resist so many of us with one army, but you want to fight against us with your strength. It's ridiculous!"

Seeing that they couldn't attack for a long time, these people used words to provoke Lexus while they retreated, trying to make him angry, losing his moves, and being injured by them.

"Sister Bing Lan, you are here to take care of Zhang Yi and let me help Brother Ling."

Nie Kang said angrily.

Yanji reached out his hand to stop him,

"More than half of them are martial artists of the seventh-level realm. You still don't mess with Master Ling to avoid distracting him."

"But then are we just watching, even if Ling Ge is powerful, but there are so many people on the other side, there are three warriors in the 9th level, and there are six or seven in the eighth level. After all, Ling Ge is still The warrior of the physical realm!"

Nie Kang said anxiously.

Qin Binglan held Zhang Yi in one hand, turned her head and coldly watched the battle in the field, she gently opened her mouth and said firmly,

"Don't worry, since Lexus is here, he will definitely do it, and he will do it perfectly."

Zhang Yi nodded likewise, staring at the court firmly, unwilling to let go of any detail.

As if to verify their trust, Ling Zhi's body suddenly paused, and the steps under his feet suddenly changed.

He originally wanted to try the power of cutting three fingers, but the power of cutting three fingers, with his current perception, is still suitable for a single enemy. There is no problem with the eight steps of the body, but it is not strong enough.

He wanted to kill this group of people in Zhang Yi's favorite way.

Yan eight steps, eight steps superimposed.

Ling Zhi took eight steps straight to the front of the sword warrior who was disrespectful to Qin Binglan.

"Some things shouldn't, no, because you will die, do you know?"

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