God-level Punishment System

Chapter 894: We have a house too

"That was chosen for you, not us."

"Look at you, it's not the case, yours is not mine, mine is not yours."

Ling Zhi winked at Qin Binglan's shoulder.

Qin Binglan rolled his beautiful eyes, ignored him, took the lead and walked forward.

"Brother Ling, we haven't seen this yard yet. Sister Bing Lan has to wait for you to see it before telling us."

Zhang Yi walked forward quickly and quietly leaned in Lingzhi's ear.

The pedestrians kept walking, and they had been wearing various streets and alleys for ten minutes.

"Wow, sister Binglan, can you tell me this is the place you are looking for?"

Zhang Yi exclaimed, shocked.

This street is a bit sluggish, with only a few shops scattered around, and across the street, a magnificent mahogany gate and a magnificent courtyard wall appear in front of everyone.

Qin Binglan glanced at Ling Zhi secretly, bit her lip and said,

"Because we have a lot of people, and it happens that this family has been declining over the years. By now, there are not a few people left. I plan to buy this yard. I just came out to find a place to live, and I knew about this. thing."

"You don't know, this family used to be the top family in the Leicheng Pai, so this yard has landscape gardens, complete facilities, and a particularly beautiful scenery.

Then...then they acted in a hurry, so the price they opened was particularly cheap..."

Qin Binglan kept secretly looking at Ling Zhi from the back. After all, this was something she liked very much, but she didn't know whether Ling Zhi would like it or whether she would be annoyed by it.

"Sister Qin, why do you always look at me? I'm the place for us. As long as you like it, then I certainly don't have any comments."

Ling Zhi gave her a funny look, and looked at her winged, fearful eyes, and was speechless.

"Hey, yes, sister Binglan, now that Brother Ling is rich, what are you afraid of, let alone Brother Ling is so good to you."

Zhang Yi also followed suit.

Qin Binglan glared at him, her snow-white face appeared red, and she opened the door and walked in.

This yard occupies a huge area. The entrance is a windshield wall with exquisite carvings. Two roads extend to the two sides, and go deep behind, bypassing the windshield wall, and there is a pond in the pond. Slightly depressed, apparently left unattended for a long time.

An elegant pavilion stands by the pond, and behind it is a patchwork of houses, winding roads on both sides, rockery, flowers and plants everywhere.

Except for some dust, everything is perfect.

Ling Zhi looked at all this with satisfaction, thought of the housing prices on the other side of the earth, and felt a blessing in his heart. Who would have thought that he would suddenly buy a yard in this place and become a homeowner.

"Sister Qin, I think it's pretty good, so let's make a decision like this."

Walking into the hall, Ling Zhi sighed fiercely, venting like a rainbow, stirring up the dust in the room, rushing to the side, randomly choosing a place to sit down, and smiling.

Qin Binglan nodded heartily.

If this courtyard is usually not even touchable without three to five hundred thousand spiritual stones, but now it is the seller who is eager to make a move and has no strength, so the price is very fair, only the price of two hundred thousand spiritual stones.

Yuan Pavilion's extra effort saved Lexus 900,000 spiritual stones, and also helped him rule out other people's coveting to inherit the jade pendant.

After everything was arranged, several people gathered in the hall, and Ling Zhi suddenly looked up at Nie Kang:

"Since you are still willing to stay with Sister Qin after knowing all the causes and consequences, you know that you are very clear in your heart.

Along the way, you often keep your eyes on me. If you keep twitching like this, don't blame me for not giving you the opportunity to speak. "

Ling Zhi's tone was not cold or cold, and there was no extra emotion. So it was also based on Qin Binglan and the others, and his emotions about U Yi's behavior.

He hasn’t had time to find the second level of Dragon Lian Dafa from the Dragon Character Tablet until now. Now he has inherited the memory of the Dragon Soul. He has too much knowledge and things to digest. He has too many things and needs. To do it in a hurry, there is not much time left for him to grow stronger.

"Nie Kang, Ju Yi's death has nothing to do with Brother Ling. If you blame it, blame me.

Don't chir there. "

Zhang Yisheng was afraid that Lexus was upset, so he quickly shouted.

Nie Kang glanced at Ling Zhi in a daze, then suddenly got up and knelt on Lin with a puff.

Ling Zhi gave him a cold look and let him kneel.

Nie Kang clenched his hands, his knuckles turned white, and he slammed on the ground.

"Brother Xie Ling saved Bing Lan and Zhang Yi's life! If it affects Joy because of me, causing them several casualties, I will not forgive myself when I die!"

"I will only blame me for the death of Joy. It is my incompetence. I will never blame you, Brother Ling, or anyone. If it weren't for me to be injured, nothing would happen!"

Ling Zhi glanced at him unexpectedly. He didn't expect Qin Binglan and the others to be safe. Such a character gave him some good impressions, but he still said indifferently.

"No, this matter has nothing to do with you, even thank you."

"Thank me?"

Nie Kang raised his head without understanding.

"Yes, thank you.

I can understand that she can do it for you, regardless of Qin Binglan's death. I can understand that she loves you.

But in the end Jin Xi and the others appeared, it was clear that she completely betrayed you, even betrayed you a long time ago, otherwise how could Jin Xi believe her so much? "

Lexus voice increased,

"If it weren't for you, she would be exposed sooner or later, this time with me, but next time? What is the consequence of her lurking beside her?"

After Ling Zhi finished, without giving Nie Kang a chance to react, he got up and stood up. He glanced at Qin Binglan imperceptibly. He stepped into the back room. Zheng Qin Binglan quietly nodded, and then looked at Nie Kang and joined him. stand up.

She understood what Lexus meant, the dead had passed away, so why bother to blame yourself. Nie Kang is a warrior. This kind of self-blame will only become his demon and will harm him sooner or later.

Might as well guide the other party like this and get out of it.

As for Joy, let him go over the past, no matter what Joy did to them, they were willing to put each other in the position of friends, remembering, and thinking about it.

Qin Binglan's movements are still very fast. He has money and is easy to do. Sitting in this clean and clean room, Ling Zhi is also a kind of blessing in heart.

"Ming will pick up Ning'er and Old Man Xia. The physical body is enough, and there are a lot of spirit stones in the spiritual power, and there is no problem.

I have to break through to the ninth level of the physical realm as soon as possible. By that time, with my soul power, as long as the opportunity comes, I can definitely step into the mood in one fell swoop. "

Ling Zhi calculated the plan in his heart, and suddenly patted the barren beast bag pinned to his waist, taking advantage of Qin Binglan's busy time with them, he also went to pick up Gulu.

Satisfied to feel the stability and stability of Gulu in the waste beast bag, the things that had been pressing on his heart finally let go.

When Ling Zhi was about to sink his mind and delve into the Dragon Tablet, a strong sense of anxiety suddenly grew from his heart.

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