God-level Punishment System

Chapter 893: I'm that kind of person

Ling Zhi's finger was very slow, but it seemed that he had just drawn from the top to the bottom in the blink of an eye.

Lexus's comprehension is very high, let alone learn from inheriting jade.


The tables and chairs in front of Lexus suddenly broke apart.

This finger swiped away, and the table and chairs in the front were cut apart directly in the air. The fracture was so neat that it passed directly through it and divided into two halves.

Qin Binglan and others, who had been secretly focusing on Ling Zhi, looked over in surprise.

"Well, this is what you did?"

"Brother Ling, I haven't seen you use this trick before, so handsome!"

Zhang Yi came up excitedly.

"Isn't this the magic technique you just got from the inheritance jade pendant?"

Qin Binglan asked with her mouth wide open.

Ling Zhi smiled without saying a word, feeling the power of this finger carefully, and was very satisfied.

If this finger is replaced by any martial artist of the seventh level of the physical realm, there will be no such power, but he can.

Because of his physical strength, it far surpasses a warrior of the same level.

The stronger the body's strength, the stronger the three fingers.

So in the hands of Lexus, this is not a mere yellow magic technique, but a powerful magic technique tailored for him! The people in Box No. 8 got excited, and the people in the hall became even more excited. Once this form of armor appeared, the call for the price never stopped.

All the hidden forces, on the bright side, and in the dark, all started to bid.

Many people will find that the man next to him who was dressed in ordinary clothes, just watched the excitement after an auction, or who took a few thousand pieces of spirit stone, suddenly raised his hand, shouting the number that shocked them, and joined This fight.

Yes, at this moment, those numbers are just numbers, not piles of spirit stones.

With a starting price of one million yuan, it was noisy to more than three million in less than half of the incense, and everyone's enthusiasm was not reduced at all.

"The price of the top grade form armor is probably between 3 million and 5 million, right?"

Looking at the chaos in the field, Ling Zhi frowned as he listened to the shouts one after another.

In just such a short time, the price has reached four million.

Yanji listened for a while and explained,

"Master Ling, you don’t know the relationship between the powers of this Thunder City. The City Lord’s Mansion is closely related to the Zhu family. Haixiumen and Xinfenggu are fighting separately. Yuan Pavilion is new to the master. As for the others, what is it like? Although Zhizong is not in Leicheng, he is not weaker than any other power."

"But among these forces, at least on the bright side, only the city lord Sheng Peng is a warrior of the second-tier artistic conception. With the support of the Zhu family, Leicheng, the Xiongguan that sits in the boundless sea, more than half of the profits are used by the city lord's mansion. Take it away."

"So the appearance of this form armor here will naturally cause competition among the various powers. Every power wants to grab the hands and rise up to share more of its own power and profits in this Thunder City.

So even if this piece of armor is sold at a higher price, it is not surprising. "

"Huh, just a bunch of dogs biting dogs!"

Zhang Yi disdainfully said.

Ling Zhi glanced at him with a smile, and said thoughtfully,

"So Yuange was willing to take out this form armor this time.

Want to disturb the stagnant pool of Leicheng, take the opportunity to make it bigger! "

Ling Zhi broke Yuange's purpose with a single word, but how did Sheng Peng and others know it?

"4.5 million!"

Haixiumen Bu Hong increased the price again.

"Sect Master Bu, your Haixiu family has a great cause, and you have been fighting against weak women like us, and you don't know to let us.

4.6 million. "

Dong Lianhan said bitterly,

"Brother in Box No. 8, why don't you say anything, do you want to give us a lore in the end!"

With Dong Lianhan's response, the bidding was silent for a while, everyone thought about Lexus's view, and then realized that he and others were fighting so fiercely, but forgot that there was another shot from Xinzong. Generous

"Young Master"


Ling Zhi touched his nose, Dong Lianhan was really inexplicable and pulled him in.

"Lord Dong Gu, don't be joking. How can my little spirit stone compare to you? Anyway, the abuse will be lost by me. It took three million to shoot a yellow-level technique, and I feel distressed in my heart. "

"If it weren't for Yuange's generosity, he had given me this buyer a 30% discount and saved me 900,000 spiritual stones. I'm afraid I would have to pat people away."

"Brother, this is the last item. You look down on it. This spirit stone will not increase if you stay on your body. Otherwise, please lend it to my sister first. Then come to Xinfenggu, I will not only Give your spirit stone back, and thank you very much."

Dong Lianhan seemed to be waiting for Ling Zhi's words, drew a circle, and waited for Ling Zhi to jump in.

Their strengths are balanced, and no one has much more spirit stones. If you have the help of Lexus, this confidence will naturally increase.

"Friend, our female disciple of Yunzhizong is also the most beautiful and outstanding, so what is Xuanzhou ten beautiful, there is also one in our sect, or you can help me first, then I will be the master, give Are you pulling a line in the middle with her?"

The old man of Yun Zhizong hurriedly opened his mouth and followed up.

"Hmph, you two are too far away. Who doesn't know the empty glove white wolf? Friends, my city lord mansion is here. I haven't settled in Leicheng yet. I will send someone to find a good place for you later. In the yard, I will arrange a bunch of maids to serve you!"

Sheng Peng gave a cold snort and waved his big hand.

"Friend, as long as you nod your head urgently, I will tell someone to do it."

For a time, these people were all leaning against beauty with beauty.

Young man, there is no shortage of money and power, the rest is naturally beautiful.

Looking at each of them like a big bad wolf abducting Red Riding Hood, one by one with strong artistic conceptions, Ling Zhi touched his nose, and Qin Binglan looked directly at him with fierce eyes, and shouted,

"Seniors, aren't you spoiling the younger generation? Look, the younger generation is like that."

"Friend, my granddaughter is 16 years old, at the age of Ruhua. Zisei is the one who crowns Leicheng. As long as you nod your head, my Zhu family is willing to marry him to you. At that time, my Zhu family will naturally give full support. With your qualifications as a friend, you will definitely grow faster by three points."

Zhu He spoke slowly, and even pressed his granddaughter up.

With a cold sweat on his forehead, Ling Zhi took the lead to walk out of the channel outside the Yuan Pavilion without saying a word.

"I'm still a child, and you are female disciples and maids who come to me. These are all in groups, and I haven't tasted any of them. Isn't this a human crime?

Ling Zhi complained in his heart.

Walking out of the Yuan Pavilion, with a million spiritual stones in his body, Ling Zhi suddenly felt energetic and full of confidence, and waved.

"Sister Qin, go, take me to see the house you picked for us!"

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