God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2187: Buddha Lu Chuan

This golden light not only blocked his attack, it even forced He An Bai to retreat half a step.

He Anbai glanced at the golden light, frowned and looked into the distance, with some inexplicable light flowing in his eyes.

After this golden light, a figure appeared, but Ling Zhi was both surprised and pleasantly surprised.

It was Lu Chuan who suddenly disappeared.

As early as when He Anbai came to the planet of reincarnation, Lu Chuan had already sensed it, but before he came out, he had tossed and turned back to his own small yard. No one can understand what is being done.

After all, he is probably the only one who cultivates both Buddhism and Taoism.

What's more, Lu Chuan's identity in Buddhism, but the son of Buddhism, was cultivated as one of the heirs of the next generation of Buddhism.

At this moment, Lu Chuan appeared, and a golden light blocked an attack by He An Bai, which gave Lexus a surprise, and also made Lexus's eyes bright and bright.

He knew what that golden light was.

It is the power of causality in Florida.

The vastness of the power of cause and effect, even Lexus can't estimate, in short, it is definitely far from him, and An Bai and others can compare.

At this moment, Lu Chuan confronted An Bai with causal power, but there was a glimmer of hope.

Hope to survive from desperation.

But when this golden light appeared, Beast Ancestor's expression was slightly ugly.

He didn't want to see that someone could solve He An Bai.

So the beast ancestor was decisive and shot.

Under his control, Wuyahuo suddenly trembled and revealed a hole.

At the moment this hole appeared, the Spirit Devouring Fire followed Wu Ya Huo, and Ling Zhi quickly sensed the change here.

In his perception, a tyrannical breath rushed in fiercely.

"He An Bai?" Ling Zhi yelled, and at the same time he turned his head to look at the beast ancestor, the perplexity in his eyes quickly became sober.

"So this is your purpose." Ling Zhi looked at the Beast Ancestor, suddenly reacted, and sneered.

The beast ancestor led Lexus to fight with An Bai. The best result was that Lexus threatened He An Bai. He An Bai was forced to recall. The Fallen Leaf Sect was in danger, and Lexus killed He An Bai miraculously.

Even if it was a little bit weak, when he sensed that He An Bai’s power was weak and the power of his soul was scattered, the Beast Ancestor felt that with the power of Lexus, he could shake He An Bai to some extent, and let He An Bai leave here, and lose the right to this. The prying eyes of Ya Hai's entrance.

No matter what, the purpose of the beast ancestor will be achieved.

But the ancestor of the beast was entangled in how to let his Lexus friends, family, and also, before he achieved his goal.

The sinister intentions can be imagined.

"Although you make me angry, make me sick, make me disdain, and even despise." Ling Zhi looked at the beast ancestor and said, "However, this time, I really want to thank you."

After speaking, Ling Zhi suddenly stepped out and stood directly in the hole where You Wuya Fire and Spirit Devouring Fire had stabilized together.

There is no way for his body to get out of here directly, but his soul can.

And He An Bai, who had only 40% of his soul power, was real and didn't fear each other.

Thinking of what He Anbai had done to Luo Yezong, killing Youyi, and forcing Luo Tianya to death, until now, still threatening Luo Tianya in the Luo Yezong, the anger and killing intent in Ling Zhi's heart boiled uncontrollably.

As he said, being able to fight, fight, and fight with An Bai at this time is real, and I am very grateful to the beast ancestor.

As for whether to be used, as long as he can achieve his own purpose and what he wants, why not use the other side by being used?

His appearance also made He An Bai react quickly.

He An Bai, who was sitting in the void, suddenly cast his gaze over and looked at him.

"Why did you appear here?" When you clearly perceive that the person who appears in front of you is the Lexus who has disappeared for a long time, you can imagine the shock on He An Bai's face.

He couldn't get to know all the things that happened in the Fallen Leaf Sect through the scattered blood of himself.

Until now, he hadn't realized how his blood had been blocked by Luoye Nong.

He didn't even know that his soul had lost half of it.

So when Ling Zhi appeared in front of him, He An Bai was shocked, but there was a sneer on his face.

"Since you are here, let's join your group of friends." He An Bai smiled. Although the javelin in his hand has lost its spirit, it exudes powerful power and soars up.

Through that special hole, Ling Zhi couldn't let his body shuttle over, but his weapon could be wrapped in spirit power, here.

The blood weeping sword swish, turned into a stream of light, and appeared in his hand.

The only strange thing was that, for some reason, the Nine Nether Eighteen Prison rushed out of his body voluntarily, flying into his spirit in the eyes of the beast ancestor, and there were vague signs of protecting Ling Zhi.

After refining the ninth level of Jiuyou Eighteen Prison, Jiuyou Eighteen Prison finally had some gratifying recognition for Lexus.

At this moment, the consciousness of the protector was revealed.


Just as An Bai was about to deal with Ling Zhi, he suddenly noticed something, and stared at Ling Zhi and behind him.

"No, where did you come from?" He An Bai looked at Ling Zhi with an incomprehensible look on his face.

He has been sitting in this emptiness for thousands of years, just to wait for the Wuya flower to bloom and the Wuya fruit to go in and plunder, or to lie in wait.

He didn't understand, he hadn't noticed any breath of Wuyaguo, why Lingzhi suddenly came in from Wuyahai.

He didn't even know, couldn't figure out how Lexus went in the endless sea.

This gave him a very bad premonition and made him a little uneasy.

"Why, you probably don't know who you are fighting for?" Ling Zhi raised his brows and suddenly laughed like this.

He said this, and the beast ancestor standing behind him suddenly turned gloomy, and almost instantly took a step forward.

"Why? Want to shoot at me?" Ling Zhi looked at him, "Guess, you helped me open this channel. With my control of the power of space, can my body follow my soul and soul? leave here?"

Ling Zhi sneered. The next moment, his body turned out to be real and tough, and he took a step forward.

In this space, a series of explosive reactions appeared instantly!

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