God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2186: Animalistic

When seeing this soul, He An Bai's face was surprised and shocked.

"You can actually let an ancestor's soul reside in the half ancestor's divine courtyard." Standing behind Ling Zhi, the beast ancestor frowned slightly.

He is one of the four ancestors of the Upper Realm, and he was naturally one of the masterminds of the Upper Realm in the First World War.

He felt most clearly about the achievements and even miracles created by the people of the lower realms, especially those on the earth.

Only Beast Ancestor knows that even now, Huangdi Xuanyuan, Fuxixi Emperor, Dao Ancestor Laozi, Lord of Heavenly Pagoda, those people still left a deep impression on them, making them even as the fourth ancestors, There is also a little jealousy in my heart.

The battle between the upper and lower realms should have been a one-sided massacre.

But in the end, it required the upper realm to use so many tricks, even arranging spies around, sowing discord, and the final success was because of the success of a huge conspiracy, rather than the crushing of absolute combat power.

The combat power of the lower realm cannot be simply compared by the strength of the two sides.

At that time, there were too many geniuses rising from the lower realms!

Relying on the Ancestral Holy Spirit in the Shenting Cave, Luo Tianya successfully stood in front of He An Bai.

At the moment when a surprise appeared in He An Bai's eyes, Luo Tianya's eyes were decisive, but decisive, but determined.

He blew himself up.

He used all his remaining soul power as a primer to ignite dozens of half-ancestral war souls, already that unknown ancestral holy war soul.

It was just a moment, almost no one was able to react, this powerful self-destructive force burst out in front of He An Bai.

In He An Bai's eyes, for the first time, there was a look of fear and panic.

He still has four drops of essence and blood. Even if all of these drops are lost, he would just waste a lot of energy. He has wasted a hundred years of hard cultivation, sitting for hundreds of years, and he can only recover.

But if he drags in as much as 60% of his soul, it will cause a fatal blow to him.

Divine soul, must not be damaged.

The divine soul of the ancestor is stronger and stronger enough.

But no matter who it is, no matter what level of warrior, the soul is injured, it is difficult to repair, it is difficult to repair.

Even Lexus had the magical magical medicine of Chaos Qinglian. When the soul was seriously injured, he was drifting and silent for nearly ten years in the boundless sea before he recovered.

The stronger the soul and the injured, the harder it will be to recover and recuperate.

At this moment, He Anbai desperately used his own energy.

To be safe, he directly used two drops of blood.

The explosion of the power of essence and blood almost destroyed the entire Xuanzhou, more than half of Xuanzhou's land was destroyed under the surviving power of his essence and blood.

Even if most of the power collided with Luo Tianya's self-destructive power, it was only the remaining power that sank most of Xuanzhou.

Later, if it were not in the direction of Xuanzhou's Reincarnation Pool, a strange force came and shook the entire continent, I am afraid Xuanzhou would disappear completely, into a sea area of ​​the boundless sea, and completely disappear on the reincarnation star.

With this blow, there were more than tens of millions of dead and injured creatures in Xuanzhou?

The ancestor's blow, the soul was disgraced.

He An Bai clearly had the leeway to guide those Yuwei to bombard the sky, in the starry sky, but he did not do so.

Ling Zhi's hand squeezed tightly.

This blow almost killed more than 90% of the creatures in Xuanzhou!

How many innocent people who were happy at the moment before, who still had dreams and longing for the future, disappeared and died.

Two drops of the power of the essence and blood exploded, making He An Bai's essence and blood appear to be extremely powerful.

But this still caused him to suffer a certain amount of damage. Sixty percent of the power of the soul, at least in this blow, was wiped out by as much as half, leaving only five and a half.

This is not the consumption of soul power, but the complete elimination of the soul.

It is almost irreparable loss, injury.

In serious terms, it can almost affect the progress of He'an Bai's future strength. If it is not handled properly, it will cause him to stay in this state.

But at the moment when he saw Ling Zhi clenching his fist, Beast Ancestor's eyes were contemptuous.

"This is the person of the lower realm." He sighed.

For him, for so many ancestors in his upper realm, what counts the death of ordinary civilians? What's so exciting.

If necessary, the lives of hundreds of millions of creatures can also be plundered. As long as it is useful, it can be used.

Ling Zhi's reaction made him disdain, and it was also his contempt for the original group of powerhouses in the lower realm.

By threatening the lives of these creatures, their upper realm was able to kill a lot of powerhouses in the lower realm. It really made them very happy and despised.

In other words, these powerhouses in the lower realm can clearly negotiate with them, extradite themselves to the upper realm and enjoy a life span of hundreds of thousands or even millions of years, but they have to fight the upper realm for the so-called entire lower realm. , And finally ended in a dead end.

These things and these spirits, although they aroused the pity and admiration of some people in the upper realm, at least in the eyes of the beast ancestors, they were stupid practices like stupidity.

Luo Tianya is dead.

In the entire Fallen Leaf Sect, all the people left, Ouyang Haotian, Li Bai, Xia Ning'er, Pei Ningrui, Shu Feiyao, and even the little beast Gulu, all red eyes with anger.

He An Bai's soul was traumatized, but he was still injured by a half-ancestor, and his eyes were also red.

Since his eyes were red, of course he would take revenge.

The remaining power that the two drops of blood exploded, under his guidance, all rushed out of his body and went straight to Ouyang Haotian and the others.

"I've decided, so be it, let all of you disappear and die completely. The Fallen Leaf Sect will disappear and become the dust of history!"

He An Bai's voice sounded coldly.

At this moment, it was almost time for the end of the battlefield, and the last-minute struggle appeared in the heart of the beast ancestor.

Is it necessary to let Lexus meet with He An Bai now, and perhaps save his friends, or let He An Bai kill a few more people, make Lexus even more angry, and let Lexus friends who contradict him?

The beast ancestor struggled and hesitated in his heart, but it was these inhuman things.

And just during the moment when the beast ancestor hesitated, a golden light appeared in the picture, and the power that was enough to cause a devastating blow to the Fallen Leaf Sect was actually blocked.

This golden light crossed the entire boundless sea, appeared from an unknown place, and appeared in front of He An Bai at an unpredictable speed.

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