God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2188: Discuss with Anbai in advance

The entry of Ling Zhi's body caused a chain reaction in this void.

Various spatial forces collide and explode together.

But even so, Lexus still made his body move forward.

He proved by his actions that he could take his body and leave together with his soul at the most cost of serious injury.

The beast ancestor wanted to persecute him from behind and threaten him. At this moment, it was obviously impossible.

The ancestor of the beast underestimated Lexus's insight and perception of the power of space, and also underestimated Lexus' madness.

What he underestimated even more wrongly is that he thinks that Lexus will be under his control and threatened by him, which is absolutely impossible.

Ling Zhi now wants to ask He An Bai, his identity.

It will undoubtedly expose him.

Although the game was at the end, even if it was exposed, Beast Ancestor didn't think it would cause him to fail.

But Beast Ancestor didn't want such uncertain factors to appear.

So he was going to shoot Lexus directly.

However, Lexus used actions to show him that the weight in his hand is not the weight that he threatened.

"Besides, when you fight with me now, you have to face him directly, don't you have to be exposed, you forgot, you are just a half-ancestor now?" Ling Zhi sneered disdainfully and looked at the beast ancestor.

After these words were uttered, the beast ancestor finally stopped angrily and did not go any further.

"You are playing with fire, you are not afraid that I will destroy you and your group of friends together?" The Beast Ancestor threatened in anger.

"You are a person from the upper realm and one of the four ancestors. I am a person from the lower realm. There must be a battle between us. If I am now threatened by your word, then I It's better to hit yourself to death, forget it."

Ling Zhi laughed loudly, and did not take the threat of the Beast Ancestor into his heart.

The beast ancestor's name is naturally easy to use, but with him, I'm sorry, it doesn't work!

The Beast Ancestor was silent, standing still, no longer talking, but he had his own cares in his heart. He was revising the plan, trying to solve it, and making various calculations.

Although he is a beast, his mentality, thinking, etc., naturally cannot be weaker than the human race at this point.

And the life span of millions of years has given him a powerful calculation ability.

"With whom?" He Anbai withdrew his gaze and looked at Lexus, "You know this, who arranged it?"

He An Bai really knew a lot of things. He stood here to look at things from the boundless world, even if he couldn't see clearly, he could find some strange things.

He himself suspected that this was a game set by someone.

It's just that he is an outsider after all, and it is impossible to notice who arranged it.

Ling Zhi sneered, "I didn't want to tell you, but you are my enemy, and he is also my enemy, so I want to say it."

"It is one of the four ancestors of the upper realm who set up the overall situation, the beast ancestor."

When Ling Zhi said these words, the soul faced He An Bai, but his body looked at the beast ancestor.

In the expression of the beast ancestor, there was a trace of suppressed anger and killing intent, and in the expression of He An Bai, there was a trace of suppressed fear and panic.

But in a place that Ling Zhi couldn't notice, after he said these words, the beast ancestor advanced all the plans.

After three breaths, the beast ancestor took a deep look at Ling Zhi, turned his head, and left here.

He is going to speed up all the planning time and the progress of things.

He wants to gather enough power of the soul at the fastest speed, see the Wuya flowers bloom, get the last Wuya fruit, and get out of here.

On the other side, he heard the name of the beast ancestor and An Bai, but he was real, and he couldn't control it, the panic in his eyes.

He knew that in this overall situation, there must be an important person involved.

It's just that he doesn't know whether this big man is still there and is still controlling the game.

When he was different from Lexus, He An Bai knew more about Beast Ancestor than Shi Huang.

After all, he was standing in the ancestral holy realm.

Beast ancestor was terrible, he knew more than Lexus and the others, he knew even more that his strength was not an enemy at all in front of Beast ancestor.

If the other party wants to kill himself and make himself disappear, he does not need to do it himself.

Who doesn't know that the nine co-lords of the Upper Realm Jiuzhongtian were sent by the Fourth Patriarch?

Even if there were barriers between the upper and lower realms, He An Bai didn't think that the Beast Ancestor really had no way to get him.

How could he not panic when he knew that he had been trying to grab opportunities from the beast ancestors for so many years.

But this panic did not last long. After Ling Zhi took advantage of his panic, He An Bai gradually woke up from it.

"Beast ancestors are good, the stronger the layout, the more the chance is against the sky." He An Bai shouted, "I have been here for thousands of years, and no one has ever shot or interfered with me. Now It was you who came out to face me. This shows that even the beast ancestors can't deal with me by themselves."

He An Bai was deriving everything quickly.

"Then as long as I get this chance against the sky, as long as I become stronger, what is terrible for me?" He An Bai laughed wildly. Did you keep me?"

"Want to scare me off, don't think about it!" He looked at Lexus, laughing presumptuously.

"Haha!" Ling Zhi suddenly laughed, interrupting He An Bai's arrogance, "Are you thinking too much, where do you see it, I'm trying to scare you away?"

Ling Zhi's spirit, controlling the Weeping Blood Sword, directly rushed towards He An Bai.

"I want to take your life!" Ling Zhi smiled sadly.

"You..." He An Bai was shocked. When he felt that Lexus was actually real and wanted to kill himself at all costs, he quickly reacted, "You know that my clone is chasing and killing your group of friends The Fallen Leaf Sect you founded?"

"But, even if you know, why do you think you can stop me, or even kill me? The strength has indeed improved, but it is only a half-ancestor." He An Bai sneered.

"Why? You try it and you won't know." Ling Zhi sneered.

Nine Nether Eighteen Prison rushed out of his soul, staying on the side of his shoulder, exuding a gloomy light, and protecting his soul.

Although he didn't regress during the conversation with Beast Ancestor, Ling Zhi did not really summon his body into this place.

Regardless of the price to be paid, he was also worried that if the Beast Ancestor removed the Wuyahuo, whether he would not be able to return to the Wuyahai and wander in the void.

And no see, no way to save the first emperor.

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