God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2145: Back to ontology

The seven enemies were injured by the arrows, but they did not lose the ability to attack. They were also truly enraged and started to shoot with all their strength.

These marksmen, seemingly foreseeable, had been arranged long ago to bear the anger of these seven.

And they fell one by one, one by one, in exchange for the formation of thousands of chariots behind them.

In exchange, it was these chariots, in a complete and strongest posture, in front of the seven.

When they almost all fell, these chariots were already standing in front of the seven.

The chariot burst out with an astonishing light. Under the control of the soldiers on the chariot, all the power burst out, divided into several attacks, and went straight to the seven people.

It was also at this moment that Ling Zhi keenly noticed that Shi Huang's body shook slightly.

And his face was much paler.

Obviously, for such a move, all the power in the body of the first emperor and all the spiritual power accumulated by it were paid.

The stronger the power, the greater the contribution of the first emperor.

The only thing that hasn't changed is the look in Shi Huang's eyes. Ling Zhi can feel that the spiritual power in Shi Huang's body is almost exhausted. At this time, he is actually not much better than Ling Zhi's white body.

But Shi Huang's eyes were still so squinting, not for the enemy to show him, but from the bottom of his heart, that's how he viewed the Seven.

He is like an ancient emperor, standing in the clouds, watching his people, watching his soldiers, and fighting with the enemy.

In his eyes, in his heart, he had never thought of failure, or what if he failed?

Those who have made great things in ancient and modern times, how can there be those who are afraid of things?

Thousands of tanks, in the intense light, disintegrated after the blow.

After the disintegration broke out, the final strength was raised after their blow, and they used their lives to bet on this blow, in order to hit 100%, hit hard, and kill the enemy.

Thousands of attacks, accompanied by thousands of rays of light, were faintly divided into seven parts, clearly distinguished.

In an instant, the figures of the seven were drowned.

Lingzhi's soul, but also at this moment, felt a kind of saturation, a sense of satisfaction, comfort, and itchiness that came from the depths of the soul, which made people intoxicated.

As if ascending to heaven, one came out.

This feeling is like a primitive eruption.

To put it more vividly, it is as if from birth, from the body to the acquired breath, the soul body is hungry and empty.

And until this moment, Lexus was real. After experiencing the feeling of fullness, his soul was real, filling up from the inside out.

"The time is here." Ling Zhi knew that the time was ripe and time was already sufficient.

His spirit power began to surge towards his body from every angle of this sea area.

The strands of soul power that were originally thin as hair are now several times stronger.

Each strand is several times thicker, then the condensing of the overwhelming souls is a real grand occasion.

The emperor's brows were rarely picked up, and he looked towards the sea, and finally turned into an admiration, "Yes."

At the same time, thousands of rays of light have completely disappeared.

However, none of the seven people disappeared with these lights.

This move was Shi Huang's strongest move, but Shi Huang was not an ancestor, he couldn't kill seven people in one move.

This move was able to push the seven people to this point, and they all suffered varying degrees of damage. Among them, more than half of them were able to exert their strength, less than half of the previous ones, and almost half disabled. This is already amazing. That is enough to be proud of.

Seven people have survived this trick, and the anger in their hearts can be imagined.

As for Shi Huang's current weakness, not only Lexus could feel it, but they could also feel it clearly.

"Forcing the seven of us to this point, what can you trade for? You are looking for death by yourself, otherwise with it in your hands, how can we get you?"

The seven people spoke with a strong killing intent in their eyes, and a bigger one appeared in their souls.

This comes from the desire for Shi Huang.

Shi Huang has been in the boundless sea for so many years, and I don't know if it was for his own sake, or later had the role of sheltering the bones of the wild beast. His body did not become bones, and the flesh and blood were always condensed together.

Ling Zhi has only been here for decades, and only a few months in this sea area. What he possessed comes from the things and resources he brought from the outside world.

But Shi Huang was different. What Shi Huang brought to them was how he kept his body unchanged and kept his mind from being too much affected for so many years.

The Emperor Shi Huang conquered the bones of the wild beast, and they were afraid of words and actions.

But now, Shi Huang himself put himself in such a dangerous situation, Shi Huang himself made the characters so weak, Shi Huang himself provoked the seven of them, and was still surrounded by them.

Faced with such a favorable time and place, of course they will be moved and longing.

Just in the blink of an eye, the seven stood with Shi Huang.

The golden dragon suit shuttled between the seven white bones, with a strong visual power. It was just such a fight. After three breaths, after the first emperor was defeated by vomiting blood, it changed a little and became urgent.

After one move, Shi Huang was too weak, especially in a place like Wu Ya Hai, the arrows that the marksman condensed, in fact, more than half, they used Shi Huang's own power.

The spiritual power of heaven and earth in the boundless sea is too thin.

If in the outside world, after the first emperor uses this trick, he will have some power to protect himself, to fight back, and to recover, it will be faster and easier, but here, in this special limitlessness In the sea, it is difficult.

Even the spiritual power that can be used to make shots in his body is scarce. The First Emperor wants to use his own power to face the seven enemies who hold the ancestor-level cards. How easy is it?

When Shi Huang spit out his first mouthful of blood, Ling Zhi's spirit contracted, and the speed of condensation was accelerated and accelerated.

No matter from any angle, Lexus couldn't accept that Shi Huang had an accident.

Besides, Shi Huang is now in danger because of him.

Just a sentence of the earth, just a sentence of Huaxia, these four words made Shi Huang make such a choice, the mind of the emperor, extraordinary world.

A large number of spirits poured into the bones quickly, condensed near the blood-colored eyeballs, and the magic lines that faded in the eyes suddenly reappeared!

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