God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2146: Revenge today

The magic lines that appeared this time not only didn't increase, but gradually decreased and faded.

The very mysterious and complicated magic pattern gradually became only a few lines, vaguely formed into a circle, hidden deep in the eyes.

If it weren't for the blood red eyes without variegated colors, this magic pattern would hardly be seen.

"The power of the magic lines has become more concentrated." Ling Zhi noticed this change for the first time. At first he thought it was the reason for the magic lines to dissipate, but he was still worried that the disappearance of the magic lines would make him unable to purify the martial artist. Divine Soul, came to supply Chaos Qinglian.

Now it seems that it is a good thing. After the power of the magic pattern is more concentrated, although it has not been used, Lexus also feels a sense of easy control.

Soon, Ling Zhi's spirit took control of the boneless body again, and his body also stood up from the sea level.

It's just being blocked by the wild beast bones, no one outside can find it.

The divine soul recondensed, the feeling that the divine soul suddenly became several times stronger, and even made Lexus unable to control his body. The movement and reaction of the divine soul were much faster than the body.

It takes a while for the body to adapt.

This is caused by the rapid increase of the spirits.

Just like when he was in his physical form, his strength suddenly increased by leaps and bounds, and he couldn't even control his own strength. He stepped out one step, ran out more than ten feet, and almost threw himself out.

Feeling the soul attached to his eyes and perceiving the existence of Nine Nether Eighteen Prisons, Ling Zhi was full of expectations.

Every time he stepped on a layer of hell, he could feel that he was getting closer to the core secret of Jiuyou Eighteen Hell.

So far, his understanding of the Nine Nether Eighteen Prisons has remained limited to only knowing the name and the role of tempering the soul that he has explored, but he does not know anything else.

The ghost fire was also immersed all the way to the ninth floor of the Nine Nether Eighteen Prison, where it fell, and it has never taken a further step in these years.

On the contrary, when Ling Zhi was sitting on the eighth floor, he occasionally saw some vague scenes on the ghost fire, which he had not seen before.

But too far apart, he couldn't see clearly and couldn't see.

This is also like a hundred claws scratching his heart, making him eager to reach the ninth floor, observe the ghost fire up close, and look forward to seeing more things and more secrets about the boundless sea from the ghost fire.

Shi Huang accepted the attack of the seven from the outside world, and Ling Zhi would naturally not delay time here. After a little adaptation, he walked forward.

When Ling Zhi took a step, he was about to cross the bones of the barren beast, and when he rushed to the outside, he suddenly felt an itching sensation on his body.

That feeling is like the flesh and blood after it is broken, the flesh and blood begin to heal, grow, and then bring about itching.

It's like scratching the skin when playing in childhood. After the scar is formed, the area around the scar will be particularly itchy, which is actually a sign of healing.

After one breath, Ling Zhi stepped on the bones of the wild beast, and after another breath, he could come to Shi Huang.

And since this feeling appeared, it took just a breath time, and some red bloodshots gradually appeared on Lexus's white body.

These bloodshots spread all over his bones, attached to them, while penetrating into the bones, while spreading to Lingzhi's whole body.

The itchiness suddenly expanded a hundredfold.

This is a sign of flesh and blood regeneration.

However, the current Lexus can't manage that much.

The Weeping Blood Sword flew from his back and fell between his five snow-white hand bones. In the next breathing room, Ling Zhi entered the battlefield.

"Shihuang, next, leave it to me."

With a shout, Ling Zhi came with Thunder.

Shi Huang moved as fast as a gust of wind. He just glanced at Ling Zhi faintly, didn't ask any more words, didn't hesitate any more, and walked out.

"Where to go!"

The seven people were startled by Ling Zhi's sudden appearance for a moment, causing Shi Huang to draw a distance, and after reacting, they all rushed towards Shi Huang.

It was just a short moment when Lexus arrived, Shi Huang suffered a lot of injuries, and his aura was even more depressed. If Lexus didn't come, his life might be really in danger.

This is the master showdown, life and death, all on the front line.

"You guys get me back!" Seeing the seven of them still pushing towards Shi Huang, the force of the fight made Shi Huang cough up blood again and again, the pupils in Ling Zhi's eyes shrank, and the anger was completely aroused.

The people standing here today coveted his body at first, including the one-legged man who escaped, all his mortal enemies.

Since it is a mortal enemy, it must die.

Ling Zhi completely let go of his killing intent, no longer paying attention to the itchiness on his body, paying attention to the changes in his body, he took the initiative to let go of all control, let the fighting spirit flood his soul.

At this moment, he had the instinct to fight on the one hand, but on the other hand he actively released this instinct.

Instinct is sometimes beneficial and sometimes harmful, but this does not mean that you have to completely abandon instinct, abandon instinct, be able to use one thing, use what you control, and only benefit yourself, that is the true ability.

Under the fighting intent, under the killing intent, the Weeping Blood Sword in Lexus's hand rushed straight to the sky, and the sword light of thousands of feet in vertical and horizontal directions, slashed towards the seven together.

And from the front of Lexus's five finger bones, a large number of vines suddenly rushed out, it was the dead wood spring technique that had not been used for a long time.

A large number of vines flew out and quickly entangled the Seven People. Compared with the mighty Weeping Blood Sword, these vines made the Seven People's creeps and pay more attention.

They are almost avoiding the vines with their most extreme abilities, avoiding contact with them.

Ling Zhi was flabbergasted for a moment, and then he suddenly reacted and let out a sneer.

The vine as a whole grows by relying on the enemy’s energy and blood. As long as the vine has the slightest touch of the enemy’s body, there will be countless seeds, etc., penetrate into the enemy’s body, draw the enemy’s energy, and renew New vines, and even new trees grow.

If this is in the outside world, these people will naturally not worry too much. With the powerful strength of the martial artist, as long as it supports a period of time, the person who performs the operation can be killed, or the other party can be interrupted.

But here, the flesh and blood of these seven people is not much. Over the years, all kinds of savings, all kinds of anxiety, all kinds of worries, are working hard to maintain the integrity of the body and retain more flesh and blood.

Qi and blood have long been weakened to the extreme. Now that Ling Zhi wants to absorb the power of their Qi and blood, isn't it the same as killing them?

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